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Posts posted by rev333

  1. On 4/25/2020 at 8:21 AM, UK39 said:

    Hey guys,

    I'm 3.5 months in now so thought i would share photos of each side.

    I'm still apprehensive about the gaps i highlighted previously but I am just forgetting about it until further down the line.

    Not sure how this holds up with other HT's at the 3.5 month mark.

     We'll see how it pans out.




    Did not see your pre-ops but looking at this post op pic above, Dr. Rahal has many successful HT with this type of restoration, that is, ones with thick dense hair especially in the central “poof,” as you have. Can tell from your 3.5 mo pics that this will be a winner. Congratulations.

  2. On 4/17/2020 at 1:33 PM, TortoiseHair said:

    I had a surgery in Michigan (terrible decision), which now requires a corrective surgery.  I‘ve been debating between Dr. Hasson and Dr. Rahal for a corrective FUT surgery of 3500 grafts.

    I had a great consultation with his team but I‘ve read some mixed reviews of Rahal‘s results lately which makes me feel a little uneasy about moving forward with him.

    I‘ve searched the forums and other places thoroughly and I mostly see very impressive results, but I’m wondering if I should be concerned about moving forward with him as my choice.

    Have many of his patients required second surgeries to correct the first or are patients of his generally satisfied with one procedure of his?

    How is he when it comes to correcting other surgeons work?




    Hair transplants are rarely if ever one and done. My first was with Rahal got great density but design was off so didn’t go back. Everyone was personable and even Rahal drove me to the guesthouse. That said either of your choices are top clinics so you can’t go wrong. Will it come out perfect to your desires? Maybe. Might you need a further touch-up no matter with whom you go? Possibly. Why? This is the nature of hair transplants. Get it done some or most hair grows well. But You then want to tweak it with another in areas that didn’t grow well then do another procedure to adjust the design, too etc. That is a common course of action with patients, which is normal. Going to either one of these guys gives you the best chance of your grafts growing. But it doesn’t mean you may not need a third round. There is only so much density that can be achieved during one operation. Hope this helps. You will be fine with your choice. 

  3. Don’t worry John 

    Rahal will tweak anything that needs it. He is not one to deny when things things don’t go as well as they could have. So you are safe on that end. Let it grow out though to get the full effect. The area you are concerned about is a small area and an easy fix to add some density. He will probably do it for free as well. He is that kind of guy. Don’t think about it for now but let it grow out. Take pics of the area monthly like you have been and it will show the area did not reject the grafts but that none were placed. It won’t take much to fill and he will fill others areas that were transplanted but didn’t grow too. So it’s a win win. Oh and he will probably do this one himself since it os in their design. Good luck. 

  4. Whatever you do: do not touch the recipient area for 7-14 days. If you feel you can't apply the ice pack to the donor area without touching the new grafts then don't do it.


    Maybe use a small, narrower ice pack

  5. The potency of many drugs remains stable for many years/decade post expiration date.


    Storage conditions play a role in its stability but that goes for drugs not "expired" as well so...


    "Used by" variable re: potency of a drug is just a guide.


    I think you made a good deal.

  6. Stay on the Rogaine and get on Propecia for at least a year. Vertex (crown) probably won't be an issue anymore and you will even see improvement in mid-scalp as well. Then you can how you want to address the hairline. You may not need to. Don't rush this. A hair transplant, for most, is a tool in the box of hair loss solutions. A one and done HT approach is not for most. A multi-therapy approach will best way to maintain what you have and prepare your scalp for future surgery.

  7. I agree with what you have noticed and

    with what people have commented on in person without provocation.


    Good news is that you have great density and an easy fix with a "FUE" singles to soften it a bit, especially if you want to style your hair as you do with an exposed hairline


    Go on a few consults with some hairline docs that you like, such as Matt J's.


    Looking good

  8. Hey benny

    Not sure if overseas means Europe or North America but if Europe you can plan some consults into your travels. Some of the best FUE surgeons are located in London and the continent. You may have to wait a bit to get an actual surgerical date as well. On the consults you will find out if there is a consensus upon examination if your vision for your hair is possible and if it is appropriate given your age etc. Have a great trip and have fun with the consults.

  9. Hey Folks,


    I've really been quite dissatisfied with the results of my 3,000 graft FUE hair transplant. Albeit, I'm only six months post-op but to be completely honest, I haven't really noticed ANY new hair growth (which is a bit concerning).


    I'm a 28 year old guy who spent $14K on this procedure with hopes that it would produce a decent result and give me some good coverage...


    I'm not comfortable sharing the name of the recommended surgeon who did my procedure (at this stage) and don't think it would be fair to give his name at this point. Everyone says that you must wait to see final results at 12-18 months, I just figured I would have seen something by this point.


    I'm pretty depressed about my current situation and the fact that I likely threw out $14K (still continuing to make payments on it). I could have put that money towards a down payment on a house but I guess that's the gamble we make when doing something like this.


    First thumbnail attachment is 6 months post-op and the second and third are pre-op. Honestly, I notice zero regrowth at this point.


    Do you have any photos of graft placement immediately post op


    It does look fuller in some sections but hard to compare photos since hair is parted/matted in different areas.


    Overall I can see how you would think the 6 month post op looks the same as the pre-ops but that is probably not the case on a closer look

  10. looking good even at 5+ months

    great design


    yes any change in regimen, including increase strength of minoxidil, can cause a bit of a shed. this will return. Plus could be a little shock from the surgery that put some follicles into sleep mode.(yes this is possible even though the HT was at the front). This will return as well


    Congrats on your results so far

  11. Here are a few pics styled by hand with Hanz de Fuko pomade (stuff is really good and washes off like a shamoo not leaving hair gunky)


    I am so grateful for this forum who has led me to the hands of such an amazing surgeon. Dr. Konior is first class. Even if my density concern doesn't allow me to style my hair dry for the time being (hopefully temporary) I am extremely happy to have been able to ditch the hats for good and style my hair damp by hand. No more toppik or gallons of alcohol harming hair sprays. All feedback is appreciated and feel free to ask any questions. Thank you!


    Looking great!

    I hear you re: styling dry post HT. Seems it always looks better with a bit of product

    But most non-HT people use/need styling products as well.


  12. HT procedure is a process. Very few patients are one and done. Expect improvement not perfection. But realize there are no guarantees. Don't be deterred by this; just aware. You have chosen a respected doctor so and will be fine. It is worth the money to be in trusted hands. Go into it knowing that sometimes it may take a few passes to get it to where you want it. Update your progress. This site is great support.

  13. I'm mid forties and have been losing hair for 10-15 years. For any number of reasons, I'm interested in doing something now. Spoke with a Dr in Houston about FUE last month and it seemed like a good situation (until I came here and found the debates). Cost was going to be about $11,000 to cover about half of what I have missing. Big chunk of change, so I looked into outside the US. (That's how I found this site). I have tried Rogaine, store brands, even a few home remedies, but to no avail. Just checking into options.


    Looks like your hair can be saved with Propecia and Rogaine


    Rogaine 2x/day no lapses for one year

    To judge results


    Propecia 1x day no lapses for one year

    To judge results


    You will be impressed by results from these two meds only if used in this manner

    Then and only then decide on HT


    I would not consider any survey before doing this

  14. get on finesteride for a year before surgery

    this will delay any further recession

    but this will also be a lifetime commitment though


    For you a HT will most likely not be a "one and done" type of surgery. It is not for many young people seeking HT. just keep that in mind.


    it looks like you have not only deep temporal recession but also recession/thinning in the central hairline as well, so the amount of grafts depends on the design of your procedure


    this is not to say your hair doesn't look great the way it is. but if you want to go down the road of HT(s) to start filling in the front, you have to be aware, like you are, about what may happen 3-5 years down the line.

  15. This is my new account as i cannot sign in from my old...


    Here are day 17 pics of the donor area. How does it look guys ?


    It's way too early to tell anything or do anything to the area but maybe start applying minoxidil. Just be aware once you start minoxidil, it should be a lifelong commitment. Although I have heard of people using it for the first 6 months post transplant and then stopping. But this was on the recipient area.


    Minoxidil to the area, nothing to the area and waiting are the only things you can do regardless of the reason for the patchiness. Could be shockloss, could be overharvesting in a certain design. In either case, you just have to hang tight and wait to see if it grows back to give the coverage you want at the buzz cut length you want to style it.


    Sorry but waiting is something HT patients have to endure.

    It should correct itself totally by month 8 but you will see improvement way before that.


    Happy growing

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