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Posts posted by rev333

  1. when you split a pill that is not "scored" remember that the active ingredients maybe not be equally distributed throughout the pill

    and might also deteriorate the effectiveness of the drug, so cut one pill till you need another


    that said the splitting of Proscar into quarters seems to be working for many on this site


    proscar is the brand name from which merck developed the brand propecia clinically tested specifically for


  2. check out a thread by screen name SPANKER. his condition pre-HT reminds me of yours

    although, he is in his early 30's and seems to have much thicker hair than you, he did have HT to temples and front, areas that you are concerned with, even though most of us would kill to have his pre-HT head of hair. but everyone has different goals for their lifestyle.


    in the end, you just might be too young to risk having these areas treated now. maybe not.


    best to get a consult with a COALITION doc in your area or via Skype/email, just to have get an opinion on what is really going on and to put your concerns at rest. he might advise fin or minoxidil. totally worth it, just to keep ahead of things.

  3. Are you sure because I counted 4000 slits while he was doing it and he told me I have 5300 grafts..hmmm


    that is interesting, jotronic


    i wonder if the slit needs to be made larger to fit more than one graft




    are you saying while numb and under some sort of sedation

    you actually counted as the doctor made each of 4,000 slits?


    WOW, you're good!

  4. your head/hair reminds me of BOBMAN on hasson and wong website


    but if you don't want a strip, well maybe you can have a FEW FUE procedures to get that many grafts for coverage depending on your donor, which you really can't tell from the pics.


    it will be interesting to know what Dr. PATH says.


    get on propecia and minoxidil NOW for a year

    you'd be surprised at what propecia will do to your mid and crown especially since you are not totally bald but still miniaturizing


    and see where you are at


    the best is that you like the way a shaved head looks on you

    which you can always do if PATH and medications don't work out


    but at least you tried

  5. great scar HT1


    do you know the size of recipient area (approx cm2) for both HT


    you got great coverage with the amount of grafts transplanted

    could be due to your hair quality, which looks thick


    how long was your surgery?


    looks like a winner



  6. This combination can cause respiratory depression or breathing problems in some patients.


    The biggest risk is central nervous system depression and respiratory depression which can be lethal sometimes.


    As long as your doctor knows about it then I'm sure you'll be fine.


    Yeah sounds good to try without one and see how it goes


    The donor pain part WILL subside in the coming weeks



    stop the AMBIEN


    mixing opiates and cns depressants is dangerous


    take as many perx as prescribed by your doctor

    this donor pain is normal

    (i couldn't rest the back of my head on a pillow till WEEK 5)


    some only need advil or OTC anti-inflammatories for this

    but if you need something stronger like the percocet then TAKE THEM as directed

    i'm sure your doc gave you enough to cover the amount of time you might need them


    everyone is different so don't be concerned about having pain that needs percocet at under 14 DAYS

    and don't NOT TAKE the pain medicine because you think you should not be in pain

    (i think my doc gave me enough for two weeks use)


    as GILL said an anti-inflammatory (advil) will help with the swelling and this CAN BE taken with the percocet



    i'm sure your doctor doesn't know that you are using both

  8. since you are on FIN and REGANIE and your goals and expectations are clear:


    to lower hairline and filled in temples

    taking your hair down to a 1 and SMP, if you continue to have hair loss


    i think a FUE surgeon would definitely take your case, even at your age, if your a good candidate


    we can all speculate what we would do if we had your hairline

    but you know you don't like your forehead height and the truth is HT is a possible solution for you



    ....knowing that nothing is guaranteed with any cosmetic surgery: growth nor scarring

    and that HT like any cosmetic surgery might need upkeep over time...meaning more surgery

    or like you've said taking your hair down to a Grade 1, SMP, etc. (which you might or might not be happy with...) But as long as you are cool with things not going according to plan....


    there's a very good chance that you will be fine if one of the top FUE docs decide to take your case


    great FUE docs like FERIDUNI in Belgium will not take your case if you are not a candidate


    i think it's worth a consult

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