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Posts posted by rev333

  1. since you said:


    I have just started taking Finsateride...for a month or so.


    know that FIN can cause shedding in the first 3 months of use, which might not come back for at least 6 months so this might be the reason why you are seeing results that seem "worse" from what you started.


    meaning the progress you made with REGAINE could have been shed when you started the FIN


    just keep with them both.

    you will see improvement by mid-summer

    and a huge difference this time next year

  2. studies have post-op patients starting to use minoxidil as early as DAY 3 in the recipient area, so at DAY 17 you will be fine


    plus those pics are not shed bulbs so don't worry


    at DAY 17 your recipient looks fantastic in terms of placement and density and with the density and hair quality behind the transplanted area there's an excellent chance that


    this is going to be an A+ result when it grows in


    any pre-op pics?

  3. took 10,000 mg a day for 6 months


    pissed it all out


    don't bother unless you are a vegan and need supplementation


    it was a good placebo though and got me thinking i was doing something for 6 months


    i recently heard of another supplementation by "glySODin"

    google it


    it is an "Advanced Anti-Aging Formula" supplementation but my derm says that her patients have reported "improved" hair after taking it


    i just ordered it


    at least it will keep me busy!

  4. everyone does cosmetic surgery to be/feel attractive to the rest of the world around them


    although most of us are not pressured into it and we do it by our own volition


    ultimately, we do it because we think we will be accepted more readily by those around us wether sexually, professionally or otherwise.


    if you feel pressure from anyone to do anything, especially cosmetic surgery, DUMP THEM

  5. take some pics of both temples with a history of issue and send to a doctor in your area

    there's a list on this website


    they will tell you if you are a candidate and determine if the baldness was caused by your twirling


    if you want an estimate of cost to fill a 1 inch squared area of baldness with grafts:

    1 inch squared = 6.5 cm2 (most doctors use cm2 to calculate recipient area of transplant)


    each cm2 can be filled with anywhere from 40-60 grafts


    say they do 50 grafts per cm2

    6.5 * 50 = 325 grafts


    for that small amount of grafts you'd probably want to go with a doctor that does FUE (rather than make a linear scar for such a small amount of grafts) which usually costs upwards around 8$ per graft. There may be a minimum fee as well.


    8$ * 325= 2600$


    this is possible to do


    do some consults via email

    easy fix BUT.....


    if you do start receding you will not recede on the transplanted side only the other and the center

    you can then fill those areas when the time comes, if the recession on those other areas are that noticeable


    during your consult, the doctors will tell you all of the consequences of fixing this bald area


    good luck

  6. yeah, gotta wait 12 months


    you'll be able to see areas for concern at around 8 months


    but give it tip one year


    this is fixable


    don't give up. i know these are hard days. But is not worth your life


    In six months things will look differently and you can make a plan to add some more if needed

  7. some clinics are not equipped to handle that many extractions, slit formations, and placements


    also of concern is the amount of time the grafts are kept out of the scalp


    blood supply to the grafts once placed....


    many more variables with FUE


    have you seen any patients from the Dr. you are going that have had 4,000 FUE at a year out?


    if you haven't then


    maybe it is better to split the work and wait the year

  8. my friend had a transplant at a clinic that had a new tech helping an experienced tech doing all the placements of the grafts.


    he could tell because of "corrective talk" between the two such as, "Remember no two's in the front, etc."


    funny thing is the side that the new tech did grew in denser than the side the experienced tech did which had bald spots!


    so you never can tell. you just have to go with the clinic that you feel most comfortable with and who has proven results over a period of years.


    the surgeon only came in to check the work at the end and administer numbing meds


    sometimes they have tech turnover so you get stuck with a newbie


    i think this is how most clinics work. though, I think Dr. Konior and Dr. True do the implanting themselves

    (but don't hold me to that)

  9. right before the procedure he had me sign something that said whether or not to dispose or just use the extra grafts... but for a cost. i thought it wouldn't be very much but it turned out t be a like $700 bill i think? i asked if this was normal and they said yes. i can't tell if its a little scam-ish though. i mean you pay for 2000, they just cut whatever they want off the back of your head and then charge you? but at the same time, i don't know how accurate FUT is... how hard is it to get exactly 2000 grafts out of a strip?


    they do seem pluggish, which bothers me... but they only seem that way in certain light like in the bathroom shining directly on my scalp. i don't think there is much i can do though, i mean i really have to wait 4 months right? whats a doctor going to do but tell me to wait? hmm


    yes you are right


    inquiries to YOUR doctor will probably only get a response to wait till one year and then see


    other doctors may offer a more discerning opinion but will also have you wait till the one year mark for any other work


    as for determining the amount of grafts from a given donor strip

    this is estimated through examination of the donor area and years of experience


    give it time

    tip then wear your hair the way you said that looks good


    this is an easy fix with another pass

    if you decide to go that route


    best to you

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