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Posts posted by rev333

  1. People who point out that you're balding in a mean spirited manner are scumbags, IMO. I would never think of doing it to someone. The "friends" who pointed out my thinning are now losing their hair, and I never told them I underwent HT surgery. They also have no clue how advanced modern Ht surgery is. They must be scratching their balding heads wondering what the hell happened.


    i agree


    i remember this bartender with a full head of hair calling out my friend's husband (an older guy) on his 1990's hair transplant in front of a full bar of people.


    i don't think these people get it

  2. Matt was pretty spot on in his post. Dr. K does do in-person consults, but he does not do all of his consults in-person. There would just not be enough hours in the day. If, after photos and expectations are discussed, he feels that the pt is a candidate, I am sure that Dr. Konior could fit him in for an in-person. There would be no expectation of a suitable candidate to undergo surgery without a consult if they felt they needed one. I had an in-person consult after sending my pics and discussing my expectations with the doctor. Unlike many clinics, Dr. Konior is available through email and in my experience has always personally responded promptly to patients. I will contact Dr. Konior and either he or I will follow up on this post tomorrow.


    thanks spanker, but i wish i never posted this!


    tried to contact the administrator to delete the post


    i thought i was doing someone a favor by inquiring since i recommended him to call but he had no clue that i was doing so and probably didn't even think anything of his convo with tom and the emailing first


    i shouldn't have gotten this involved. i was interpreting a convo that i wasn't even involved in!


    please don't bother anyone with this


    this thread needs to be deleted because it started a brouhaha about nothing


    i hope david will delete this when he gets my message

  3. Dr Konior gets great results, and his work looks so clean, because he personally places all the grafts and really is in the room from the time the procedure starts, until it ends. Tom is very helpful and I'm sure if you give him a call he will address any questions you have. And Dr Konior personally will get back to you if you email him.


    not for me but recommended a friend's dad to call


    when i heard the convo, i wanted to find out more info about the consulting procedure here and if this is what other people experienced


    i shouldn't have gotten this involved in it anyway


    thanks for the response

  4. until the 12 month period most docs will address your concerns re: growth and density with:


    "Let's wait to see the density fill in over the next (fill-in) months, and then we can address your concerns at that time."


    ...and rightly so.


    Nothing really should be done in terms of adding more grafts before 12 months and

    Nothing could be done to increase density or hasten growth but adding more grafts


    but in the end, most HT are fixable if you are not satisfied


    it's a 12 month waiting game for further adjustment though

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