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Posts posted by rev333

  1. Although the doctor says the scar has stretched more than normal, the result of the stretching may not need any further cosmetic attention. You will have to wait though and see what it looks like. Just know that it may not look bad at all. A scar "stretched wider than normal" may not be noticeable depending on how much hair grows through the incision itself and the characteristics of that hair, which in your case looks thick and course (a good thing).

  2. Thanks for your reply! Is off-centered donor area a problem, Because i feel the pattern is not symmetric or does it not matter ?


    Not really. Though FUE grafts are usually spread out so there is no perceptible pattern,

    you had a small FUE procedure so it won't matter once the shock loss

    Comes back. Meaning you won't notice when hair is as short as your pic. Of course, If you

    Keep hair longer until the shock loss returns it will not be noticed at all. Give it till the fall or xmas. You'll be fine.

  3. It is too soon after the procedure to tell what will eventually happen. You may have a bit of shock loss around the donor area but this is normal and will usually come back in 5-6 months. Don't fret about it now though you have a long way to grow both recipient and donor. You may want to start some minoxidil in the area but once you start you should not stop...ever, really because you will shed what you gained. Also initially you may have a bit of a shedding as well. Although it will grow hair if you use as directed. So just be aware. You should be fine in a several months once the shock loss recovers.

  4. doctors can only give their educated at what will grow in areas that may have scar tissue based on their clinical observation and experience. Some docs are more experienced in placement into scarred areas of previous transplants/removals than others. Even though you are all set with your next HT from your previous doctor #4, maybe a few consults with docs known for transplanting into scarred areas may helped to inform you. Bottom line is no one can guarantee a graft will grow or not even in virgin scalp. So...


    I think it is worth trying again but maybe with someone who not only is a recommended doc in this network (which yours is) but also one who has done and has had success with treating scarred areas.


    Konior has a few patients on his website that he has treated. It seems he takes it very slow with multiple sessions into scar areas to get growth. A consult can't hurt

  5. I would get on BRAND NAME Propecia and Rogaine for crown for 1 year before any surgery.


    The Crown is a bottomless pit unless you can stop or at least slowdown the loss


    Proscar was not meant to be cut into quarters to combat hair loss

    Although this does work for some

    Your crown does not look like it is getting the optimum benefit it could from this regimen


    It may be but you will not know unless you try the drug actually studied for this, Propecia


    In addition the active ingredient in Proscar may not be distributed evenly throughout the pill so you may not be getting the right amount daily when you cut it into parts


    Even if it was, the active ingredient may be the same, but the effect may not be.


    You have a great natural hairline design

    Can you use a very small FUE procedure to the central frontage? Sure. But looks very good as is.


    In addition to using Propecia, you may ask your dermatologist to add Avodart (off-label) to your weekly regimen. Some dermatologists prescribe a regimen of Propecia for 5 days (M,W,TH,F, Su) and Avodart for 2 days (Tu, Sa). Go through your dermatologist for this. the doctor will want to monitor your PSA.



    if you use 2x daily (day and night) without missing a dose for one year.


    A year is not a long time and you may not even need a HT by this time next year.

    In any case, you will not be worse off than now and then you can decide if surgery is your next step


    Find a derm that is open to the propecia/avodart regimen

  6. Hi,

    I have this scar on my face (please see attached pictures) which i received when i was a baby,

    is there a way to to perform a beard transplant to it, maybe with FUE or maybe some other treatment... ?





    of course FUE can be done to this area


    it may take a few HT passes to fill to your satisfaction

    depending on graft survival with each pass


    go to FUE specialist. Many have done this procedure.

  7. Normal. Could be from stopping propecia as well. Sounds like you are taking BRAND NAME meds so you it's not a case where the meds aren't fully potent. it may be too late now but introducing the avodart slowly while eliminating the propecia might lesson the side effects, such as shedding. I do 5 days propecia (M, W, TH, SA, SU), 2 days avodart (T, F); since the half like for avodart is long. My derm recommended this usage.Dutasteride use for hairloss is off label but i think the makers are doing clinicals to get FDA approval. In any case, ya gotta ride it out at this point. should be fine.

  8. Whatever you do DO NOT STOP THE REGAINE AND FIN


    by month 12 you will be sitting pretty with a full head of hair


    Nothing to do but wait and try not to examine


    Maybe stay off these boards till then, waiting can get frustrating but maybe taking your mind off of it all till then will help. There is nothing else you can do right now anyway. You are doing all the right things.


    You'll see. Give it a full 12 months on these meds and let the HT grow in.

  9. well i use on my entire head

    liquid on back

    foam on front (the liquid causes me flaking)


    the foam can double as a styling product (liquid is greasy)

    (i find it serves as a thickening agent, must dry first then brush or comb out)


    as for amount to use, minoxidil only works on the skin where it touches, so....

    when i apply the foam to the frontal third and sides of my scalp i apply the nozzle directly to the scalp and depress the applicator very slowly and it drag along so i do not waste a hand full of foam that will mostly get onto my hair.


    ya gotta play it a bit see what works best for you


    but from the looks of your pic, with a year on fin and 2x a day minoxidil looks like you can get a full head by year' end

  10. Don't think what you have done on day 7 to the few scabs/grafts would have affected the overall outcome. Yes, there will be more new growth and maturing in the coming months. Don't fret though if what does grow does not satisfy your expectations/needs. Most people require 2 or more HT passes to be satisfied. Not a big deal. It looks great for 5.5 months.

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