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Posts posted by rev333

  1. Expect both: more growth and maturing


    Hair standing up under direct light, though, without "some" see through is a tall order with only one HT pass especially if hair is fine to normal caliber at 5.5 months


    That said, the illusion of density even at 50-60 grafts/cm2 works best when hair is styled in a layering way or flat.


    This is not to say you will not be able to style other than this way. You will know much more in the summer.


    5.5 months is just the beginning

    Looking good so far


    Happy growing

  2. Hi all! I used to have long hair for the past few years and have recently had it cut, i have then realized that theres a spot which looks like a bald spot which i have nvr noticed before, was hoping i could get some opinion here. Currently 19 so i am pretty concerned about going bald in my early-mid 20s. Heres the imgur album hair - Album on Imgur


    Looks like a cowlick

    I have one at the top back of my head and the hairs stand up at a certain length

    When flattened they provide the same full coverage as the surrounding hairs not in the cowlick pattern


    You have a great head of hair


  3. Interested in hearing from anyone who is taking 1mg of Finasteride daily but has 0.5mg of Dutasteride weekly or twice weekly.


    I've been taking 1mg of Fin for 12 years and thinking that it's losing some of its effect on me. I know there are people following above regime as I searched but many of those conversations are years old. Are people experiencing success with the above regime?


    Thinking I may follow suit if this is the case.


    My derm prescribes both 5 days Propecia / 2 days Avodart.


    BUT and a BIG BUT: Gillenator is correct about the effects of these meds on the prostate. Finesteride or Dutasteride, if taken separately, may lower PSA scores by up to 300%. Although taken together, these drugs may have a synergistic effect on hair growth, they may also have this increased effect on reducing PSA levels even lower than if taken individually.


    Make sure you get PSA BLOOD WORK prior to starting either of these meds (whether taken individually or together) for a benchmark reading, as well as yearly prostate exams and yearly PSA BLOOD work.


    This is not to scare you but only to inform you. If you are interested going down this path just find a doctor that has been monitoring patients on this regimen for a while.

  4. Looks like these can be a bit "keloid-type" scars.


    Treatments are MANY so DO NOT FRET!


    Go on a few consults with high profile dermatology groups (probably big city)


    Take your time and see which one has the best plan to treat these.


    The plan will probably include a series of micro injections of kenalog and/or lasers


    Don't rush and try to find a quick fix. Remind yourself: THIS WILL BE RESOLVED

  5. Hey milo


    Not sure the technical part but I asked a doc about it and he said grafts for women are placed at a different angle than they are for men. This is when I commented on how pics of his women patients showed lowered hairlines 2cm with the same amount of grafts he suggested to use for my lowering of only 1cm.


    His explanation of grafts placed at a "flatter" angle (lying flatter on the scalp than a man's ) for women made sense.


    Maybe a doc that does women HT will chime in with his opinion.

  6. Where to begin.


    In my research I have noticed women with better hair restoration than men. Could it be hormonal? Perhaps a doctor here may give answers. Or someone else a good explanation about that?


    One doctor told me that grafts for a woman are placed differently than in men.

    Like this / \ for women

    Like this \ / for men


    He said that you would not be happy with a woman's placement due to styling limitations,

    That is, it would look like a woman's hair style on a man's head.


    I do admire how temple angle closure look so complete with such a small amount of grafts


    But it's all in the angle

  7. l in those pics. I see where I would want more grafts. Another pass or two (yes two) is all you need. Rarely is someone a ,,"one and done" case usually temple work that is not lowering hairline and those with great forelocks. Most others wind up having 2 or 3 passes over the years (some successive) to fill in here and there.


    In any case, I think it looks great for 8 months but don't think you are out of the norm if you want more density/design adj even at 12 months. It's most typical with HT but IMO not really pointedly wfocused on during the consults. It is usually mentioned as "well, you may need another one in a few years, etc... So many first HT patients are under the impression that this is it


    Give it 12-18 mons like people have recommended then have anther pass if you feel like. It is a great design. Congratulations

  8. Pretty GREAT results!




    Of course you can add another 2000 for more density (WE ALL COULD)

    ....then after that addition add another 2000....then another....then.... You see where I am going with this. It all depends on your donor density, your satisfaction level with current and future densities and doctor's willingness. In other words, SHOULD YOU is a personal choice with some limiting factors.


    But I'd say HT 1 was a complete SUCCESS


    Congrats again!

  9. I do have that problem as i have some density issues due to small "gaps". I need maybe 300-500 grafts to perfect it, but i definately recommend touch ups if you want the perfect result. I had an entirely new hairline drawn and it's hard to get the perfect result from 1 session only.


    Can't get a better answer than this


    But yeah shock loss and transection of surrounding hair follicles are a risk

  10. Most HTs require a styling product (mousse, gel, putty, etc) of some sort for optimal visual presentation. Your pic of "hydra" hair looks dry. It is with a try until you get this fixed.


    If Lorenzo agrees to a surgery then he WILL fix this. It may take a few passes though. Maybe even some (not necessarily all) removal and re-designing the hairline.


    Worth a consult.

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