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Posts posted by rev333

  1. It should be an easier time since you won't need as much and he did the last HT so he will take extra special care to make sure he does all he can to plant successful grafts.


    When you email him be positive but direct about the gaps and then show the pics to explain where this occurred. If anyone can get grafts to grow in tough or scarred areas or in areas that just don't seem to take, it is Lorenzo. I'd give him one more shot at it. Hey update. Sending the hair gods your name!

  2. Could be. If grafts were planted there the first time and didn't take then there could be some scarring that made the next round not take as well.


    If grafts were planted where their are gaps now it's is totally possible that they still may sprout

    If it was me, I'd start planning for the next HT PASS after 12 months, if the gaps fill by then great, if not, this next pass will be very obvious where to plant.


    I know it's not the ideal situation and a pain in the neck, but what is the alternative.

    What is done is done and the only thing you can do is try another pass or live with the way it looks for now



  3. Density can DEFINITELY be better.


    Looks like an easy fix but yes another pass


    Could you compare pics from right after post op to see if any grafts were planted into those areas that have gaps now? You would have needed to take close up pics of these areas when you got home post op or a few days into your recovery before the grafts started to shed.


    This will tell you if the grafts were placed and just didn't grow OR that no grafts were placed in those missing gaps


    If you can tell that no grafts were placed then you know the doctor missed those areas

    If you you see grafts there then either they didn't take or still waiting to come out


    To do this you would have had to have taken very close up pics (even with phone) though.


    This way you can find out if the doctor at least tried placing grafts there and didn't just leave such gaps as they show now

  4. Really standard time is 8 months? That hurts.


    No standard time


    it is not like you will have to wait 8 full months looking as it is now and then POW! They're back!


    Growth is gradual, just like the recipient area


    As the hair around the shock loss area grows, in 3-4 months like John Casper wrote, the shock should be less noticeable of not totally unnoticeable


    But some if not all of the Hair lost to shock MAY go into resting a few months then start to grow...by 8 months those should all be back


    Looks good though overall


    Also most people have shed most of their grafts by now, you haven't

    If you don't shed by 3 months,consider yourself not standard (aka lucky) re: recipient area


    Are you washing regularly and as aggressive as you did pre-HT?

    Not saying you should aggressively shampoo you head, but this might be contribute to the grafts staying put.


    Have you noticed growth?

    In any case, nothing can be done now but rogaine and fin and waiting it out a year


    Looks good though


  5. Thanks a lot Spanker, i really appreciate your advice :)

    I am on Fin for almost a month and so far i didn't notice any side effects or any change in my hair loss condition so i will wait for another 4 to 6 months and then reassess my situation.

    Meanwhile, i am still searching for a qualified surgeon in my region and checking what could be the appropriate method to go for FUT or FUE?

    Some Doctors recommended a combination of both while others suggested FUE in 2 sessions


    What's your opinion in this regard and do you recommend anyone in the Middle East?


    Note: please see below Dr. Konior's recommendation


    "2000 grafts placed at the front should make a good density improvement. Placing more would certainly increase the risk of shock as your preexisting hair population is significant. You could consider about 1000 for some coverage in the crown. It makes sense to use a much lower density in the crown so as to create a thinning look. Attempting full, high density coverage will surely deplete your donor area.

    Rogaine is the only good alternative to finasteride, but it is not as effective. There is no way to predict how many surgeries you will need since I can’t fully predict how much more thinning you will have over the years and I can’t predict exactly what will make you happy in terms of final density. Some men are content with a relatively thin look while others demand high density. What you can do over the years is totally dependent on your donor supply, which unfortunately is limited. The more you keep your goals conservative, the more likely you are to achieve those goals."


    Ya can't get better advice than Konior

    Fin, Rogaine, conservative goals


    ...wait a year + on fin and Rogaine

    Not 6 months

  6. i dont understand, do you mean that there wont be any more growth after 6 month?


    There will be definite growth and maturing after 6 months


    It is just my experience that if you are unhappy at around 6 months in terms of progress/design you will likely want to have another HT pass


    Regardless of my past experience, this is a great improvement even at 6 months and will improve even further; hopefully, to the patient's satisfaction. If not there is always, rogaine, fin, and FUE.

  7. Hi ,

    I received 4000 grafts from Dr Gillespie in Calgary and wasn't happy with density , so I had another surgery with Dr Wong to increase the density ( 2500 grafts in the front/middle and 400 in the crown). Total 6900 grafts with two different surgeons. Dr Wong assessed my baldness as class 6.

    I'm 6 months post surgery and still not happy with density , it still looks thin. Not sure if all the grafts grew.

    I will post before and after picctures


    Yes improvement


    you'll probably need another pass or 2 if you are not satisfied with current density

    I agree with you re: the 6 month mark comment

    Not that the grafts won't thicken and continue to grow in the future, THEY WILL.

    It just seems that if your not satisfied at around the 6 month point, you (the patients) more than not, would Iike to have another pass, regardless if you (they) do or not


    As you have experienced, sometimes it requires many passes to achieve the density we envision, regardless of the growth


    Looking good


  8. Thank you.

    I do pray. I have been praying for the last 5 years.

    But things is not getting better.

    Alot of my thin native hairs are lost and replaced by the HT hairs. The problem is that the HT hairs are not placed close enough together and they are much thicker than my natives wich makes it look unnatural.

    I Think i need quite alot of single hairs all around my hairline and in the "gaps"


    I would Like to grow my hair longer but it just doesn't look so good with these gaps.


    Check your PM

  9. Well i do sometimes buzz it all the Way with no guard but not on the lowest setting on the machine. But when there is these gaps it doesnt look good with a buzzed head.

    I hear what your saying about its only 6 Month but have you seen Any examples of people getting alot of new growth after 6 Month? Mostly it is just the hairs that has allready grown that mature more.


    But i need more growth to get these gaps all around filled out


    Hey J2000


    If you are going to buzz that low, you are going to need another pass.


    HT will never match native density no matter how many passes you do

    only the ILLUSION of it. This is not some marketing line given out by clinics.

    They tell us this to prepare us for the gaps, especially seen at buzz length.


    That said, you can definitely use another pass to fill in some of the gaps that you see to help with the ILLUSION of DENSITY. It might take two or more passes to fill in the gaps that you see but still not fill them in completely as close as your native hairs lay.


    I don't think we as patients appreciate this fact. We see a huge gap and think why not just place more grafts there? How could the clinic have missed such huge gaps? But the relationship among blood supply, placement and graft survival is difficult to determine and one that is best dealt with conservatively and with multiple passes.


    So don't fret and just know that it may take another pass or so to get the illusion of density better than it is now.


    Also at six months (even if you have no new growth post this time) these are new hairs that have not even reached maturity so they do look very strange at this stage but will look more like your native texture as the months and years pass. This of course will NOT fill in the gaps that you have if there is no new growth but it will BLEND much better than you see now.


    For now even with the gaps, it is looking very good at BUZZ LENGTH.


    I totally agree with you about the 5-6 month range and lack of new growth post that.

    buzzed at 6-8 months is probably what buzzed growth with be post that. But not many people are able to buzz a HT like we can. Buzzed head pics post HT are rare.


    Long post but wanted to commiserate with you and hope you do get NEW GROWTH post six months. But less stress to just say as of now, I'm going to need another pass or two to get the look I want. Only speaking from my experience so I hope this helps.


    Also put a prayer out to the hair gods for new growth post 6 months for J2000!

    Ya never know....


    Best to you

  10. 5 days in, one thousand fue grafts to lower naturally high hairline. 27 years old no real hair loss to speak of. Wondering what you guys think of the thickness.


    Think it looks great.


    If your hairline was naturally high and not due to hairloss at 27 like me, then you will be good to go.


    Even if you need another HT in years to come (which most of us do) it looks like you have read donor supply, so don't worry.


    Congratulations and happy growing!

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