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Posts posted by rev333

  1. No No, not the size of red outline lol, its just right above my donor area. Not sure if it's visible in the pic. I will have a haircut today and try posting one more pic.


    oh lol


    that is an ingrown hair / pimple


    completely normal


    wash with Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash, Redness Soothing Facial Cleanser

    with @% Salicylic Acid


    Don't pick

  2. I am seeing a lump above my donor area from the start to the end of the donor. It does not cause any pain though. Is this common? I don't feel very comfortable mentally as I am not sure why I am having this. Please let me know if any of you had a similar scenario and if it's something to worry about.


    a lump the size of the red outline in the pic?



  3. Whatever the motivation behind FC's furious back-pedaling, it's worth remembering that whatever arrangement he and Dr. Rahal come to, he's still gonna have to wait another 8-12 months for the result he should have had after this surgery.


    I know what that's like; it's horrible so I wish him all the best


    He's backpedaling because sometimes young guys like FC post on forums under emotionally heightened stressful times without realizing that what is posted on the internet is there forever, and is not similar to an in person venting that one does just to get a release in the moment....been there myself.


    the situation is still horrible, like you said, but hopefully fixable to his satisfaction

  4. Hey,


    I am a Rahal patient and I did soooo much research and ultimately selected him based on results. I wouldn't worry about traveling further or money in that this is your head and your life. Convenience unfortunately never is ideal as I too traveled over 10 hours to get my procedure. It was not easy at all but if you want results you will go to the end of the earth to get them.


    With that said, Dr. Rahal is a wonderful choice. I would however meet with both of them in person and see whom you feel most comfortable with. I met Dr. Rahal in person and even had some of his former patients come in so I can check out their results in person which really sold me vs. seeing pictures on a computer so I recommend that approach as well.


    If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!



    any recent pics?


    i see your page only has up to 9 months


    email or pm if better for you


    congrats on your great result

  5. if you are noticing hairloss at 22 then it doesn't look good

    will you go completely bald?

    and by what age?

    no one knows for sure


    my friend has a full head of thick hair at 40

    his brother diffuse balding at 35

    their dad was a cue ball growing up

    their grand dad died at 90 with hair that resembled a shag rug atop of his head


    so you just never know.....


    if your really want an educated guess, you can go to one of the recommended surgeons here for an evaluation and possibly get on finesteride and regaine to halt the process and most likely grow some back and more


    if you are noticing loss get on the meds sooner rather than later


    good luck

  6. It has been awhile since I have posted on this forum.. I hope everyone is doing well.. Has anyone experienced severe itching in there donor area a few years after having a hair transplant with strip surgery? I am getting severe itching right around my donor area scar several times a day.. Sometimes it goes away. But when it gets itchy it is really annoying. I try to get used to it.. When I had my surgery acell was used in the donor scar.. Also I did have temporary SMP on the scar.. I tried putting hydrocortisone cream on the scar area but that dosen't seem to do anything for the itching. I am thinking about getting fue but am very cautious about doing this due to the fact of the itching that I am getting in my donor area from the strip surgery.. Has anyone encountered this problem with fue in there donor area as well after a few years of having surgery? The last surgery I had was January of 2011. I had the temporary SMP about 1 year ago.


    it's just the scar tissue contracting and remodeling

    yes this process occurs years after a wound


    there are nerve endings all around scars, itching comes from stimulation of those endings.


    In early healing, such stimulation can come from the processes of healing itself.

    But later, the mechanical stretching of scar tissue next to normal tissues can stimulate nerve endings and cause an itching sensation. since you had tattoo-ing into the scar this definitely added to the stimulation




    too much HC can thin the skin

    it's the nerve endings so quit the HC

    maybe some numbing cream if it is really that bad or internal nerve sedative if you can't function.


    nothing to worry about though


    get the fue

    you'll be fine

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