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Everything posted by Steeeve

  1. Thanks Melvin! I really appreciate the compliment! Man, I Cannot Wait!!! I started a new job in May and now I’m just trying to accumulate paid time off and hope that this pandemic will cool off a bit by the time I go in.
  2. Thanks @Mycroft! The length on it definitely helps to mask the barrenness of the crown. Even when the front falls to the side the hair towards the mid scalp tends to fall back over the crown. In lower light environments it’s very effective. Too bad I can’t go to any bars with the pandemic raging on...
  3. I think it looks great now that the scabs are gone. Very clean. I hope you keep updating. I’ll be following along. Happy growing!
  4. Thanks man!! Having a full head of hair will be something I haven’t seen in more than 20 years so I’m really looking forward to it!
  5. Thanks @Cahustler! It’s true. I cannot wait!!😁 I’m in a bit of a holding pattern but as soon as I’m able to I’m going back under that knife!
  6. Thanks @transplantedphil! I appreciate you stopping by! I’m kind of amazed by it myself and I cannot wait to get back in that chair!! Lol
  7. I’ll be 15 months post op in about 5 days or less and I just wanted to post some pics of how I’ve been playing with my hair. I’ve mostly been letting it grow because I don’t want to go out and get a haircut. I’ve trimmed it myself here and there but mostly it’s just been getting longer. Just to give everyone reminder or what I was looking at preop: This is just after 13 months: These next few pics were all taken about two weeks later in early June. I took them in the span of one day but a few hours apart from one another. I had run a relaxer through my hair so it’s much straighter and a lot easier to manage. I just really liked the body of my hair in the next pic. It was taken the next week, still in early June.This next set of pics was taken in the latter part of June. This was taken 2 days later.These next couple of pics were taken on July 1st. They’re kind of potato-y but I’m just showing off the length.So these last two are to show how much work is realistically left. They were taken last Friday, the 10th.I have spoken to my doctor and we devised a plan to move forward. I’ll go into that closer to my 15 month mark. I’m so happy about my hair so far but I’m really looking forward to continuing my restoration. I hope this finds everyone well. I’ll be back here in a few days to talk more about my progress. Stay safe.✌🏻
  8. Yeah, patience is the hardest part of this journey. My doctor was really patient with me. Ha! You’re about to turn a corner, though. The next few months are going to be really exciting for you!
  9. To be honest, I’m completely unfamiliar with your clinic. It’s hard to judge if anyone would like it at this point as it’s only two weeks out. How is it looking now? Have you been able to remove the scabs? Also, are you on any preventative medication to help slow the progression of further loss?
  10. I think this has turned out incredible! I appreciate that you share your recipient’s weaknesses and don’t just just sugar coat it by only sharing it styled under perfect conditions. The use of the word “weakness” is extremely relative here. Your result really looks great! I have some questions for you. With this technically being a repair is your personal plan to wait until 18 months to expect a final result? I’ve been told by several elite doctors that sometimes repairs can take 18 months to mature after already having had work done in those areas, depending on the amount of scar tissue. When you had grafts placed in your scar were they placed directly into the scar or were they placed in a manner to make the scar appear thinner? I don’t know how wide your scar was after 2 FUT’s but mine got fairly wide after 1 and I’ve heard of doctors placing grafts at the top and bottom of wider scars while leaving the middle exposed in order to conserve grafts while giving off the appearance of a razor thin scar. Your scar looks 👌🏻👌🏻 after two FUT’s so I was just wondering. Congrats on your progress so far. I can’t imagine that you’re not completely over the moon. Dr Cinik is a beast!! He did right by you, for sure.
  11. Thanks Melvin! I don’t have any questions but I’m eager to read Dr. Arocha’s responses!
  12. This looks really good! Your doctor did a great job. What’s interesting is that your new hairline is so subtly similar to your original native hairline that no one is ever going to think you’ve had anything done unless you throw a before and after picture in their face. The results from before are night and day, though. Congrats! It’s only going to get better from here.
  13. Abhinay, this is incredible. Eugenix is truly knocking it out of the park case after case. This has taken YEARS off of your appearance for what I am sure will be years to come. The work is so natural. You look like a man who hasn’t even started dealing with hair loss yet. I know I say it in every single post I make in your thread but congratulations!!
  14. You are turning the corner, my friend. 👌🏻👌🏻
  15. This is already a dream result at only 6 months. You still have SO MUCH time left for further improvement, Abhinay! Congrats!!
  16. Thanks Melvin! I have dermmatch and Caboki in my crown in the last picture of the set I posted above. If I use it I typically just put it in the transplanted area to help give it a little more bulk and leave the crown be. It just doesn’t look quite as natural as I would like to the naked eye. A little powdery. The color is off a bit. Knowing that I’ll eventually get my crown covered it doesn’t really bother me all that much having it exposed. I’m really looking forward to getting it covered, though! LOL
  17. Thanks man! I appreciate it!! I’m, honestly, still not sure when I’ll proceed. I still haven’t been able to reach out to Dr Arocha. I had the idea that I would wait until the pandemic started to slow a bit but now it’s looking like that’s pretty far off. I was also dealing with not having a job but I just started one yesterday working for a call center in a hospital. That almost threw a wrench into things. When I figure it out I’ll let the forum know. I’m looking forward to it.
  18. 4!? Months!?!? Thats insane for 4 months!! Congrats on your results so far! Looking forward to the moths to come!!
  19. I’m coming into your journey upon completion but this is truly a “new lease in life” result. Your hair is SO thick and dense for a first pass. Congratulations!!
  20. Wow. Paddy, this is INCREDIBLE for 5 five months!!! It’s fantastic just in general. Congrats on your progress so far. This is only going to get better.
  21. I think this looks great for 4 months! Right on track. The progress you’ve made since your 2 month update, post shed...👌🏻 I’m excited for you @Looking for HT!
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