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Everything posted by Steeeve

  1. I’m coming into your journey upon completion but this is truly a “new lease in life” result. Your hair is SO thick and dense for a first pass. Congratulations!!
  2. Wow. Paddy, this is INCREDIBLE for 5 five months!!! It’s fantastic just in general. Congrats on your progress so far. This is only going to get better.
  3. I think this looks great for 4 months! Right on track. The progress you’ve made since your 2 month update, post shed...👌🏻 I’m excited for you @Looking for HT!
  4. This is really coming along. Congrats on your progress so far!
  5. This. Is. Incredible. 👏🏻👏🏻
  6. So yesterday I had a FaceTime meeting for a potential job later on in the summer. The call went well and I’m keeping my fingers crossed but I threw in some dermmatch and fibers and figured after the call I’d just grab some pics for the forum. I went ahead and covered my whole head wondering how my crown would fare. I personally didn’t care for how it all looked in my crown but my front to mid scalp was on point. Under the ring light: I probably won’t put anything in my crown again until I get some fluff placed in there.
  7. Your donor looks fantastic for only 3 weeks out! Congrats on the transplant. I’m looking forward to this!
  8. @det9925 Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I wish I could give you all the ‘likes’ for the compliment. I understand where you’re coming from. The area that bothers me the most is this,I just want it to match in strength to either side of it. The left side is weaker in general and I’ll hear my doctor’s assessment before making my final decision. My biggest point of concern is my crown, of course, but I’d still prefer to touch it up if I’m able to. I’m also not looking for ultra strength in there and along the hairline. Just for the density to be more uniform. Thanks again, man.
  9. I don’t know, man. It looked to me like you had a good amount of grafts thrown into that crown. If anything you’re gonna have one hell of an excellent starting point! I’m really looking forward to your growth. It’ll start before you know it and then while it’s happening it’ll feel like nothing is happening. Haha. Thank you. Stay safe, as well.
  10. Thanks Melvin! 🙂👍🏻 Now to just hold onto it for awhile!! I was always so envious of Zach Braff’s hair! 😂Thanks again. That’s really nice of you to say.
  11. Your donor already looks so much better. People always give Dr. Diep the blues when it comes to his donor management but at the end his patients never seem to notice and the thread ends up moving forward as if nothing happened. I think you’re good, man. When that hairline comes in you’re going to be sitting pretty. Happy growing and please keep us updated!
  12. Thanks for all the compliments. 🙂 It’s crazy all over, for sure. My parents live closer to Houston and they say within the city it’s a relative ghost town but in the more rural areas people just don’t seem to care. Thank you, again, for your kind words. I really do appreciate it.
  13. Two days ago, on the 16th, I hit 1 YEAR!! 1 year. It’s hard to believe. What a ridiculous year it has been. My twins turned 1 year old. I turned 40. The world continues to fight an ongoing pandemic. I lost my job. My wife and I haven’t split up due to ALL the continued time we are around one another-I mean, you know, we like each other. OH YEAH!! I had a hair transplant! Let’s talk about that. I believe these hairs are continuing to mature. I noticed a little bit of shed of the transplanted hairs last week. Just a little. They were so much thicker than the natural hairs. Those hairs are a little thinner. The interesting thing about the transplanted hairs that broke off is that they weren’t that long. When I get my hair wet and let it fall in front of my face they come down below my brow. The broken hairs were 2 and a half, maybe 3 inches long. There was a difference in what my hairline looked like last week versus this week. It’s thicker, obviously, and I believe it will continue to get thicker over the next few months. I don’t expect a lot of change during those months but I’ll still post an update every few months or so until the 18 month mark. PICTURES! Always pictures. I have a few. Different lighting, as always. Dry hair, wet hair, scar. Let’s start off with the scar and then move on the the good stuff. That right side reeeeally widened up. I can still hide it with a grade 5 on my clippers. I haven’t tried with a 4 but those hairs are so thick back there. I feel like I could but if you’ve been following along with my journey you know I typically like to keep my hair longer. It does not bother me and I plan to have one more strip. At least Moving on. Bathroom lighting really shows that the center of my hairline didn’t thicken up the way I was hoping it would and honestly I plan to readdress the whole right side of my hairline at some point. I don’t mind the asymmetrical shape of my hairline. I just want it to be stronger. It’s still great post transplant but, you know, hair greed. As always, no product is in my hair. I’m going to post a separate update with both dermmatch and hair fibers...cause holy crap...It makes a difference. Not the kind I’ll go out of my way very often for though. This isn’t how I typically have been styling my hair. It’s got some length on top and I’ve been letting it fall over to one side. All I did here was smooth it back with my hands to get it out of my face. This is how it normally falls. Either way, I won’t complain. A few months ago I went to what was once one of the 30 popular watering holes around Austin and I jumped in the water. When I came out a friend who knows I had a hair transplant said, “Holy Sh*t, dude! Your f@cking hair is like a wall!!” I didn’t believe it. They took some pics but they didn’t really turn out well so I did what I could to recreate it. What I got was a little potato-y but here you go. It looks nice. Solid. Then I run a brush through it and it’s like, “oh yeah. That’s more like it...” I mean, look at where I started from. Is it as thick as I would like? Nah. But I look at the gains compared to where I was pre surgery. It’s there. I’m happy. I’ll address it down the line. Here’s under the ring light with the over head light on and the shades open. Wet under the ring light. So, here’s the deal. I’m not happy with how my density is when my hair is wet. Will I ever be, though? I’m destined to to be a Norwood 6 one day. All I can do is chase it at this point. I can throw more grafts in there to fight it but I think my next step is to address my hairline again and fill in my crown. These next pics were taken a month ago to the day, and I believe that the weaker hairline here has really worked itself out, but my hairline is still a little weaker on my right side versus my left. This is what I would like to address along with my crown so that the density in my hairline matches a little closer to my right moving forward. I would just like to add that this is not something I blame my doctor for. I was considerably thinner on my right side than on the left. I had an idea that I would need a second pass to address this, however, the optimistic side of me did hope that it could be fixed in the first pass. I was working with 2500 grafts though. Filling in (or closing in) my crown to give it some nice bulk and another pass to my hairline are my next moves before worrying about density because at the end of the day I don’t get in water all that much. How most people will ever see me is with my hair dry. I want to save as many grafts for future hair loss as I still started with quite a bit of hair. This is my opinion. When my hair is dry and styled it is amazing and I know with time and future transplants it will only get better. I plan to get more work done in the future but as it stands who knows when that will be. I consider this to be a total success and one hundred percent recommend Dr. Arocha. I think my hair is incredible. I will go to him for another strip. I plan to utilize SMP, as well, to help further camouflage as I believe that this will help, along with further transplants. Once I feel I’m done with strip I’ll move on to FUE. Google Dr. Arocha’s website. Look at his gallery of of FUT patients. I’m patient 80. I plan to update again in three months and then again in 6 months at the 18 month mark. Unless by some miracle I’m able to have moved forward with another procedure.🤷🏼‍♂️ I hope this post finds everyone healthy and, somewhat, happy. There’s a lot going on in the world right now. I personally know 6 people who’ve contracted Covid-19. Here in Texas and in NYC. Another friend passed away two weeks ago. He was young. I’m sure that number will rise. I know that hair can be all-encompassing important to this community but don’t do anything to jeopardize your health. Your hair is not worth it. As always. I’ll be around. Be good people. ✌🏻
  14. @Guy73 Man, what are you doing? This isn’t your thread to have the last word in. I just went back over what was left here after you deleted everything and I didn’t see anybody start anything with you. I’ve been following this thread well before you commented and I was literally facepalming at your disrespectful behavior. You post videos calling out Dr Bloxham’s work knowing that this is already an extremely emotional journey for everyone who endures it. The very act of of doing this has the potential to cast doubt on one’s own procedure and choice of doctor. That is not your call to make. You feel that you’re doing it because someone called out your doctor for having some subpar results or accused you of promoting your doctor. No one said anything about your doctor that hasn’t been said about a single other doctor that works in the hair transplant industry. No one accused you of working for your doctor. You want to promote him? Great! He did right by you. Your results have turned out incredible. Every single person commenting on this thread has mentioned that. Every single one. Your results are beautiful. We have said so both here and in your own thread. Everyone has been supportive of you on this forum. Yet you come over to Tbcruz’s thread and mock his choices and his doctor. You’re welcome to dispute that but everyone here read your words before you chose to delete them. No one started anything with you. It’s not your place to play tag here with Tbcruz. This. Is. Not. Your. Thread. Good luck to you. Your bad behavior here doesn’t turn me off from believing your doctor is a good doctor but I have pretty much lost all respect for you. A few posts up you mentioned that you were making your last post. Try to follow through. @TbcruzMy apologies for continuing to derail this thread.
  15. Yeah, I’m out of Austin. It’s difficult everywhere. I don’t envy first responders, people in the medical industry... We’re just trying to wait it out. My wife is working. She’s a surgical assistant for an animal hospital and still considered essential. My job, currently, is just keeping toddlers busy. I’m looking out for other work. Lol Too bad it doesn’t come with benefits. @Cahustler, that’s the truth! 😂 apparently some people are getting stimulus checks paid by direct deposit but I told my wife if we get a paper check i’m using it to wipe these kiddos @sses after we deposit. Since we can’t find baby wipes or toilet paper I’ll find another use for this check!
  16. I absolutely am going to continue on with my hair journey! I honestly don’t know when anymore. I was laid off from my job on the 18th last month and I don’t know when I’ll go back or if I’ll even have a job to go back to. Thank you for the compliment, though. I really appreciate it.
  17. Considering that I’m about 6 and a half inches taller than the guy and probably outweigh him by roundabout 40 lbs...I feel pretty safe. 😂 I’ve been compared to other actors my whole life. I’ve been working at this since I was 14. I’ve never been compared to him so that’s a first but my whole life people have said, “oh you look like ‘this guy’”, or, “you remind me of ‘that guy’”, and the gamut runs wide. I’ve always been very slender and fit so as I got older and my hairline really started to recede I would get Michael Fassbender a lot. When I was younger and my hairline was still soft and boyish people would tell me I resembled a young Michael Douglas. None of it has ever bothered me but I have always found it interesting what people see. Im going to have get an overhaul on my hairline and not post it here! Just put a good hairpiece on my crown! Haha!! The members of this forum really are eagle eyed! We can spot something off a mile away OR you guys could potentially see me on the screen one day 🤞🏻🤞🏻and go, “hey wait a minute”. Or maybe I’ll just brave through it and post a picture. I’m not brave enough yet, though. 😬🤷🏼‍♂️
  18. 🤣 Yeah, man! You bet. It’s just an opinion. That’s all I have to offer but I do think you’re headed in a good direction. I purposefully asked my doctor to hold off on my crown but, honestly, I can’t wait to close it in!!
  19. Hey @Cahustler! I saw your question about your scar over on Tbcruz’s page. I thought I’d answer on your thread to take up less real estate on his. I don’t think you should worry about your scar just yet. I don’t think you should worry at all, really. It looks like you’re dealing with a little bit of shockloss back there and that’ll make it harder to hide right now. Once it clears up it should be a little easier. Your scar, in particular, looks great! It’s nice and thin still. At your point, during my journey, my right side had already widened up more than I would’ve liked. Some people really can hide the scar with a short haircut, there are quite a few documented on here, but most people have to leave their hair at about a grade 4 to sometimes longer. Some guys can get it down to a 2 or a 3. I feel like a grade 4, though, is still nice and tight. If you really spend some time on here you’ll come across them. Right now we’ve got a lot of time on our hands! Again, my scar is a little wider on my right side than anywhere else on my head so I can’t cut it any shorter than a 5 but I like my hair longer anyway. My shockloss really started to be less noticeable around months 4 or 5 and by month 6 it really wasn’t a problem. It’s impossible to say when your scar will fully mature but most stop worrying about it around 5 to 6 months and by a year you probably won’t even care unless you’re trying to cut your hair super short. Here’s my thread. I wouldn’t compare our journey to one another’s. They’re bound to follow different timelines but I did a fairly decent-ish job of documenting my scar up until I stopped looking for it. Maybe it’ll give you a better idea or put your mind at ease if you’re really thinking about it a lot. Looking back, my scar was already showing signs of what it was going to do at 2 weeks. My opinion is that your scar looks great and I really don’t see a reason why it would stretch out or cause any problems as long as you follow your doctors orders. I’ve been following your journey so far and look forward to more updates. 🙂👍🏻 Happy Growing!
  20. @Guy73 It really does look great but I understand where you’re coming from. At 6 months you absolutely still have more time for growth and maturity. I’ll definitely be following along. I really appreciate Dr. Nader’s work.
  21. It looks great! Care to post a pic wet?
  22. Wow. @Lennney I just went through your journey. Congratulations, man!! What a transformation! Dr. Bhatti did some work on you, man, and it turned out INCREDIBLE!!
  23. I agree with this 100%. I don’t think it can be overstated enough.
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