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Everything posted by Steeeve

  1. I know this isn’t easy for everyone to do but I think we need some pictures with better clarity to give a better opinion. I can’t quite tell what your best options would be based on the pics you provided. It looks like your temple region has receded pretty far back but it could just be bad lighting or the poor quality photo. If you’re not able to do that then I think your best option is to get into a clinic for a face-to-face/hands-on consultation. Your donor region doesn’t look great based on the photos either. Are you on any medications? Finasteride? Do you feel comfortable providing the name of the doctor who turned you away?
  2. Agree with you in that it seems to work for some and not so much for others. A lot of reputable doctors really swear by it for hair regrowth. When I look at cases on clinic websites and cases posted by docs on this forum the difference seems to look so minimal, though. I’d like to have it done in conjunction with my HT to help aid in the healing process, I think. It’s supposed to help with that. Again, though, it apparently is unsubstantiated. I don’t know if if I would want to have it done to help with hairloss. Like actually regrowing dying hair the way fin does. I’ve never seen a patient review on this forum, though I’d like to, but some guys have spoken up in threads and seemed pretty underwhelmed. Com to think of it, I’m sure they’re out there, but I’ve never really seen someone speak highly of it in regard to just having it done to aid in hair regrowth. I guess I feel the same way as most everybody so far. It seems risky to spend that kinda money on something that may not work. I would love to hear some positive feedback, though.
  3. I was instructed by my doctor to take it every other day. I only chose to take it every day when I switched to a generic fin 3 years later. People in this community can only tell you what they did based on their own personal experience. That may not work for you, though. I would consult your doc on the matter. It’s your best/safest bet.
  4. If i’m being perfectly honest, I don’t really care about studies. It was being thrown out as a personal annecdote. It was something that was presented to me by a doctor and the percentage was only based on the number of men taking part in the trial. I would say the number of men who complain about the side effects of finasteride in this community is much higher than .06 percent, however, who can really say that fin is really the cause of the issues that they are dealing with? I don’t know. You can either choose to take them at their word, based on their gut feelings, or understand that there are a lot of different things that happen to people on a daily basis that affect people mentally into suffering from a lot of effects. I do believe people suffer with effects from it. I just don’t know if there’s any real way to know what’s what unless someone themself is personally involved with a trial. Again, it doesn’t really affect me, personally, either way. I chose to take a gamble on the drug and it paid off. If I had suffered from any sides then I would have stopped taking fin. Some men don’t wish to take that gamble. That’s perfectly fine. It’s their choice.
  5. What about the hairline makes you think it wouldn’t have been a success in 2006 or 2007? I see no reason for it not to have been. 12 years ago there would’ve been more hair in that area and the hairline placement looks appropriate... Drazek, I think what you’ve got going now looks like it’s on track. The work on your second procedure looks super clean. I see no evidence of an FUT scar from your first procedure. I look forward to your updates. Happy growing.
  6. Super clean. I’d also love to see the outcome of this result. Great work!
  7. The nature in which you came into this thread, aWidowsPeek, is very antagonizing. Everyone in this thread handled their business respectably. This has nothing to do with not being able to share one’s opinion. jjsrader admitted his negative attitude towards OP stemmed from a little bit of jealousy. He apologized. We should move forward from here. Not go back. Concerning your remarks on chasing one’s hairloss: that’s all anyone is ever doing once you get a hair transplant. You, yourself, had two procedures with Dr. Nader alone if I’m correct. I’m not aware of anything prior to that. You (not you specifically, the royal you) have to be aware that this is something you’re going to have to deal with for the rest of your life. Being that hair loss is progressive and the human body tends to reject medication in it’s own individual timeline anyone thinking about a hair transplant has to know that there is, by and large, a very real possibility that they will have to revisit it. That’s, like, the first thing an ethical doctor is going to tell you. It’s 101. A doctor is going to tell you that fin doesn’t stop hairloss, it merely slows it down. It may not be next year. It may not be 10 years, however it goes, one day you will look at your head and decide that it’s time to approach your doctor again.
  8. Respectful. jjsrader, I’ll be honest, I was expecting to thunderdome it out here but I appreciate your turn around. This community is supposed to be a safe place. A place where people can share their stories or reach out for help. A place to receive help from others who are able to share their wisdom. Wisdom doesn’t always come from a positive or pretty place. When people make mistakes it’s one thing to call them out but it’s another to berate them for it and it feels like there’s a lot of beratement going around lately. I take a lot of what you say to heart because you generally have a lot to offer. I appreciate that you came back to the light side. Jimmytwotimes, when I saw your hairline I was unbelievably jealous. Dude...it...it’s beautiful. I hope I can be so lucky.
  9. Nothing personal? I don’t know if it was a joke earlier when you asked OP what medication his pschyatrist has him on but, effectively, you’re calling this man crazy for dealing with his hair loss in a reasonable way. A way in which he had the means to. A way which countless other people have shared on this forum. You made it personal. OP clearly had a receding hairline. He wasn’t born with that hairline. He went to one of the most respected doctors on this forum. On this planet. A doctor who wouldn’t just throw some grafts on OP’s head in the way that a lot of these Turkish clinics would without a second thought. Having had a consultation with this doc I would think he said something along the lines of, “I don’t think you need a transplant just yet.”, as that’s a reasonable thing to say to a person with this degree of hair loss. OP said, “I don’t want to wait.” After further discussion Dr. Hasson performed the surgery. Those are literally the facts that have been presented. Who are you to say what someone should or should not do with their body? If jimmytwotimes is unhappy with his hair loss and wants to get a hair transplant then so be it. He has a story to tell not unsimilar to anyone else’s story on this forum. “I lost my hair. I got depressed. I fixed it.” jjsrader, I find great value in a lot of what you have to offer to this forum. You bring intriguing debate and wealthy information to the table. Right now, however, you are, in fact, being an a$shole. There’s no mockery in this thread. There’s valuable information from a man who caught his hair loss early and fixed it. Stop sh1tting in this man’s bed. You can attest to it being an extremely emotional decision to get the surgery let alone talk about it publicly. If you have nothing of value or intelligence to add to this thread then get lost and allow others to show their support.
  10. You need to ask your doctor. No one on this forum can give you an answer with absolute certainty unless a doctor happens by this thread and gives you an opinion and even then it’s just an opinion until a doctor can really, truly, see your head in front of them. You should really ask your doctor.
  11. Those grafts are firmly planted in place about a week after surgery. They’re pretty safe. You could potentially see some shockloss but I would put it more in the camp of it happening naturally. If it’s going to happen then it’s going to. Let nature take its course. It will more than likely grow back. The redness you’re seeing is probably caused by friction, yes, but it’s what most people see after wearing a helmet for awhile (coming from a fellow motorbike rider). If you’re really concerned about it, though, send your clinic a quick email. They’ll be able to better guide you and help to free your mind.
  12. I don’t think you’re hopeless from the pics you posted but I agree with aWidowsPeek about pics with better clarity. I would like to see some better pics if you could get a smart phone that takes pics in high definition. You’re sides do seem a little thin but I don’t think that’s something that would completely deter you from getting a transplant. There, most definitely, have been some pretty shady looking donor regions that have had hair pulled from them that amounted to decent coverage on their recipient areas. You should have a realistic expectation of what your donor could potentially look like after an FUE procedure. If you keep your hair the length it is in the pics you’ve already provided it should be fine but if you plan on cutting it shorter you may end up dealing with a thinner looking donor region. I also think that Dr. Nader, aWidowsPeek’s Doctor, while not recommended by this forum yet, is definitely a top doc AND his prices are much cheaper than Erdogan’s. I almost had a procedure done with him but he wouldn’t commit to doing a strip on me as he doesn’t do those anymore. The thing with Erdogan though is that if you do end up going with him you know you are 100% going to get what you desire. I’ve seen a few unfinished Nader threads on this forum but I’ve yet to see anyone come out and say that they are unhappy with their year end results. They are quite vocal in their happiness, actually. I couldn’t really recommend a doc in Florida.
  13. I’m very excited to follow this thread! Looking forward to your updates!!
  14. Check out Dr. Erdogan’s ASMED YouTube channel. There’s a video there that shows you exactly what it does if you need a visual representation. Just type, ‘ASMED Dr. Koray Erdogan’, in the search bar if you haven’t already. Good information there. Erdogan’s and Lorenzo’s YouTube pages are great for not just video diaries of patient results but also information regarding the use of technique, equipment used, graft management, different types of mpb, etc. Give it a look. The more you know, right?
  15. If I could smell a picture and that was the picture I was presented with my response would be that it smells fantastic for growth at four months. Exi0, you need to find something to occupy your mind during this process. you’re seriously stressing over something that, so far, is going well and you have no control over. You’ve got to figure it out because you’ve still got 8 to 14 months of growth and maturation to go. Listen to everyone. It looks great. You’re doing alright.
  16. It doesn’t really matter what doctor you get fin from. Most HT docs would prefer you have given it a shot for 6-12 months before they even consider putting you under the knife. I’ve never heard of fin causing infertility as much as erectile dysfunction. A lot of people throw out quotes and percentages about how many men it actually affects but I’ve never really seen any studies that those quotes or percentages came from except for one. Back in 2012 I had a consultation with Dr. Brad Limmer, a year before he passed away, in San Antonio and he presented me with a study (at my request) that stated that only .06 percent of men who took finasteride suffered from ED. He estimated that it REALLY only affected about .04 percent of men, though, as a lot of guys came back later and said that they were dealing other extenuating circumstances in their lives that could’ve contributed to it. The study was not amended to reflect this. I’ve been on fin since April of 2012 and I’ve never experienced any side effects other than the occasional brain fog but that has never held me back. I started with propecia every other day and stayed with that until September of 2015 when I switched to generic fin. I experienced a giant shed at that time so I started taking it once a day every day. Still no sides. My wife is currently 4 months pregnant and I didn’t get off of it while we were trying. I had significant regrowth with the fin/minoxidil combo. Fin can be your best friend if you give it a chance.
  17. My pleasure, Nick. Good luck and happy growing!
  18. Konior recommends fewer grafts because he could work his magic with fewer. Neither doctor is wrong, necessarily, but Konior is of a much higher esteem on these forums and for good reason. You won’t find a negative review for him on here. I don’t know that much about Dr. Panine except that he’s very aggressive with his hairlines. I’m not a fan of them but they can be quite bulky. The fewer grafts you use to achieve your desired goal the better, though. I agree with the majority that you’re oftly young to be taking the plunge but if you absolutely must do this then Dr. Konior’s hands are the hands you would want to put your head in. Good luck with your decision.
  19. The recipient area looks great. Nice and clean. I’ve never heard of your clinic, though. For me, it’s really hard to tell by the post-op pics you posted to tell if any grafts were pulled from an area that wasn’t safe. I just can’t tell. I’m also not sure why you’d be maxed out in your donor. Again, from your pics, there are some visible gaps in your donor but nothing that I haven’t seen after some other post-op pics from guys on here who’ve gone to top notch docs and made multi procedure plans with. In my opinion (it’s just that, though. Take it with a grain of salt) you have some more hair to pull from that donor, man. I’m not just saying that to make you feel better or because it may be what you want to hear. This is a layman’s point of view. I’m not qualified to give medical advice, however, I think you’re doing alright.
  20. Nice! How do you feel about it? How short did you go?
  21. Those grafts should be firmly rooted in place. A lot of doctors have differing opinions about when you should/could buzz it down. Some docs say a month. Some say six months. A lot of guys on the forums shave it down before the first month is through and are fine. Be aware, though, that the scar won’t, generally, fully mature for quite some time and that you still stand to lose some hair around the donor area due to shock loss. That hair will, more than likely, grow back but you could potentially be putting that scar out there for the world to see. Whatever you do show it to us! I wanna see how it turns out. You went to H&W, right? You can always shoot your doctor an email or give them a call to get their advice. The doc’s advice is always the best!
  22. I would definitely consider Dr. Arocha. There are great surgeons to travel out of state and even country for, for sure. But, hey, depending on where you are in Texas, sometimes traveling to Houston is like traveling out of state! Consult with Dr. Arocha, at least. He’s the bee’s knees.
  23. I’d really like to see your results from that first procedure, however, I can’t follow the link.
  24. Dr. Gillespie has been a doctor working in hair restoration for over 25 years. Now, I’m not new to this and can completely understand that that alone really doesn’t hold any weight as a lot of doctors who’ve been around for a long time are still using older techniques, maybe even outdated, however I think he’s a fine doctor who gets good results. I’ve never seen, by many others’ standards, an outstanding result but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have seen two patients, in person, with my very own eyes who’ve had very good surgeries performed by him. One was an older gentlemen, while his results were not very dense they were extremely natural for his age and the other was a man currently in his thirties who had two surgeries 3 years prior, at the time, and he got full coverage-again not the most dense but it was very very natural. This second guy wanted one more go-round to bulk up on some density-I don’t know the outcome of that. JeanLDD is giving you some good advice, baldeagle. To say that the doctor doesn’t know what he’s talking about is a bit of a stretch, as he’s been a doctor longer than Jean has been alive but I completely agree that you need to get out and get some more consultations under your belt. Dr. Gillespie gave you his opinion based on already having his hands on your head so there must’ve been a reason but when you’re given ANY diagnosis you should reach out to others in the same medical field for a second, third, even fourth opinion. THAT is just my opinion. Take it with a grain of salt. Again, I do wish you all the best and good luck with your decision.
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