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Everything posted by ftbpicks

  1. I think i am pretty much done as i really just wanted to reform my hairline as it fell out in a weird pattern. It will thin more over time which is natural but i think I will be okay with that as I age. Who knows maybe in ten years i might do a touch up but the way I feel right now I kind of doubt it. I went in with way lower expectations than most people and it exceeded what I expected to ever look like again so I most likely won't be going back for additional work
  2. Thanks a lot! Dr Rahal told me i was a mid to fine caliber and he was strategic in the placement of mutilples to create the illusion of thicker density. He is very good at what he does and its no fluke why most of his clients are very happy. There are no guarantees in surgery but it is a lot higher chance of high success with a reputable doctor thats for sure. I had tons of doubts going in but once i was there i felt at ease very quickly after my pre op meeting. It was a scary experience but I actually look back at the whole thing and remember it is a very positive time in Ottawa. Met lots of great people who I still keep in touch with through social media and had really liked his whole setup as it made it more comfortable than just being somewhere by myself in a hotel Good luck
  3. I thought I would add some pics of my hair after 4 years to show how it has held up after quite a few years of time. First two are with no product after a shower and blow dry and the last 2 are with just a small bit of clay for styling purposes. I never have to use any enhancers for fill. Very happy that it has not gone backwards in terms of more hairloss or thinning What is everyones thoughts?
  4. Hey Everyone Just wanted to give a quick update on my surgery as its been just over 4 years. With my continued use of 1/8th of a Proscar pill my hair is maintaining its thickness and original look of my 2 year progress pics. I cannot express in words how this surgery has changed my outlook on my appearance and self confidence. Now that I look back how I felt previous to my surgery I 100% would recommend not only my doctor but taking the plunge into hair restoration. Its been life changing and If I can be help to anyone out there please let me know. Thanks everyone
  5. What are you talking about, he has tons of great results. Including me Here is my mine, night and day difference. Changed my life and people can never tell I had surgery. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176810-dr-rahal-2512-fue.html
  6. He is good at both and pretty much has been doing equal amounts daily for the last few years. I had FUE and it turned out awesome from him and his clinic. Most important for me was the whole experience you get as it was top notch for what you pay all that money for. Got to meet a bunch of great people and still keep in touch with them as we all stayed at the guest house during our recoveries. His aftercare was a big reason i went to Ottawa instead of a couple others I researched. There a few great NA surgeons but few have the same complete package he does.
  7. well i go down to a 1.5 and 1 guard and nobody including my barber can see it so not sure where you get this info from other than maybe your own experience which many factors including punch size and skill of doctor. You seem to have a had a bad experience but posting stuff like this is not exactly very useful other than to try scare people for some reason. Yeah buzzing a zero guard is going to show something but most guys that do this know that without be super aggressive on this forum.
  8. Yeah I pretty much just told everyone about my surgery as not showing you care most people won't either. People will notice for sure but it passes quickly and then you will have it grow in. You should be able to as the grafts are set by then and the shed starts to happen
  9. I was off for two weeks and then went back to work. It will be a bit red in the both areas but nothing crazy. I can shave my sides and back down to a 1.5 guard and nobody can see any scaring but i would imagine if i shaved my head down to nothing you would see very small white dots from the extractions. I did my 2500 in one siting Hope this helps and good luck
  10. Hey everyone just wanted to follow up now that it has almost been 2 years. Things are still going strong and so glad i did this surgery. I only use the rogaine 5% once a day and cut a proscar 12 ways which seems to be keeping the result strong. Even gave Dr Rahals info to someone yesterday as they were so impressed by my result as they are wanting to regain a bit if their youth Hope everyone is well
  11. I didn't even bother wearing a hat, I wore the black cap all the way home and honestly didn't care about what people thought as I was protecting my investment and didn't want to risk damaging the new grafts. Like someone said like you will ever see those people again.
  12. Thanks a lot I just hope this helps others like me who are going thru the same anxiety and not sure what to do. I really relied on this forum to make the jump and glad to help others if they need it in the future with info and other support.
  13. this was my head after 1.5 months after my Dr Rahal transplant. Pretty red and kinda ugly but it heals quick. A barley remember those first few months and never hid it from anyone. I work with over 150 people and nobody made a big deal of it all. I was open about it and everyone was very supportive.
  14. Thanks a lot yeah 1/8 of a Proscar pill a day and I use Rogaine foam once a day. My hairloss is almost non existent compared to before i went on Proscar and Rogaine. My hair got way thicker from the meds too plus with the surgery it looks so different. Here is my final results from after todays haircut. I had my surgery Sept 17th 2014. I couldn't be happier with my results. Looks so natural and nobody can tell I had surgery that just meets me now. Of course anybody that does know me from the past does but other than that not one negative comment other than recovery time for the first few months. I would recommend Dr Rahal 100% to anyone looking to get their hair back and has the means to do so. Here are some pics of before and some today from my haircut. One is in bright light from the front and one from the back which is not best as its from the lower res cam on my phone. And one in lower light. I also can't see any scaring from the surgery in the back and that is a 1.5 guard on the sides and back. The light is a bit harsh and isn't as detailed as i would like so i will get another one soon when someone can take it for me from the back.
  15. Go see my thread I got FUE from Dr Rahal and I can cut my hair to a one guard and my barber is a friend who I trust and he told me he can't tell at all i had surgery. He is top notch and with the dollar difference you will get a great price even after flying there and staying for the recovery.
  16. I get a haircut tomorrow and will post my 15 almost 16 month update. Its true what they say once you get it done if you are happy you just move on and don't pay much attention to hairloss. Its so great not worrying about it anymore. Funny thing is yesterday one of my new staff that never saw me before my surgery or during the recovery heard thru the grapevine that i was very much missing my hair in the past and couldn't believe it as she said my hair looked so full and natural to another coworker of hers. That is the true testament to a great surgery! Dr Rahal gave me back my confidence for sure Here is a pic of me and my wife at around 13 months
  17. Almost one year!! I will post pictures in two weeks just letting my hair grow out a it more as I cut it short for summer. Nice to know I can cut it super short again but no scarring at all showed. Did it as an experiment and I couldn't see a thing with a one guard even.
  18. Or Doctor Rahal, I am from Calgary and Ottawa was not that far for the great results I had. I didn't see any great results from Gillispie and he was pretty much the only option in Calgary. Glad I travelled as every one I have seen up close looks mediocre at best.....sorry to be a downer but that looks fake to me and usually pictures look better than in person from my experience. Hasson and Wong I also can vouch for as a friend of mine got great results from them.
  19. looks great, he was my other choice to get my surgery for sure and this shows how great of results he gets
  20. here is before my surgery the day of and now at 10 months
  21. sorry i disappeared just been really busy, i will post new pictures tomorrow as i am at 10 months now.
  22. I had Rahal FUE and I think for the most part my density and hairline design are pretty great if you are asking for real pics these are my before and after 7 months.
  23. Happend to me for the first 4-5 months then it just all grows in and you will slowly stop obsessing over your hair. I am at over 8 months and I already barley pay attention to my hair other than putting rogaine in it twice a day and taking my morning slice of proscar
  24. Nope my 8 month photos will be coming soon
  25. Well another month has past and it seems to be still growing in more new hair and the thickening is continuing. I am really happy that others are also reaching out to me thru this series of posts and thru private message. I am just happy to help others thru this experience that has really changed my life in a such positive manner. Here a couple of pics showing not just the front but a couple different angles.
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