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Everything posted by ftbpicks

  1. Yeah I thought the same thing with my surgery but its what they do to make the work precise and blending easier that way for the future growth. Looks really good and can't wait to see you updates.
  2. I will for sure update everyone at 7 months which is the 17th. I am for sure very happy and every month seems to be getting better and better.
  3. Dr Rahal recommends this as well and its just in case some are not fully anchored. It seems to work but each dr seems to have their own advice. I waited but it got quite itchy by that day i could rinse it off in the shower
  4. Yeah i will continue with my small amount of proscar (1/8th of a pill) but probably only use the rogaine once a day to maintain after the one year mark. I would worry too much about further loss without these measures so the small amount of these drugs makes me feel a bit more safe for the future. I also think it has thickened up my midscalp over the last year and a half as that is when I first started taking proscar
  5. I went from this to this in 6 months with Dr Rahal. I would also add that I would bet you would get very similar results with Dr K as well , as from all the hundreds of posts I have read about both doctors they both are some of the bests surgeons in the world of hair transplants. I think the weak Canadian dollar will help push more to Dr Rahal right now as it is almost a 30% savings if you come from the USA or are Canadian and are thinking of having to go to Chicago.
  6. Looks a lot like what mine did at that point. Not sure what the purple marks are but I am thinking that is marker residue? Other than that looks good to me.
  7. I have never owned or used concealers in my life other than lots of hats, i use american crew forming cream which keeps my hair styled throughout the day. It works great!
  8. Thanks a lot i really appreciate the kind words and hope this can help others to give the process a chance to change their appearance. I can't get over how much different I look compared to just a half year ago. I feel like a totally different person as my confidence has changed drastically. It is remarkable how much a bit of hair can change the way you feel.
  9. Alright here are my 6 month photos 1st two are from a few days ago and the next two are from my haircut today. The last two are from the day before my surgery for comparison sake just to show the crazy difference so far at the halfway mark only.
  10. well i considered both and went with Rahal. I am only 5 months in and the amount of compliments and positive things people have been saying to me are amazing. Any questions I can answer for you let me know on my experience. I also don't work for Dr Rahal and my opinion is not influenced for personal gain like I feel a lot of posters are on this forum that post a lot.
  11. Here is my month 5 pics, things continue to progress and only thing a bit lacking is the hair in the middle needs to get thicker and more of the little hairs need to come in as there is a ton of new small hairs coming thru.
  12. i am really hoping not to but won't know my final result for at least another 10-12 months i am very happy so far:D
  13. Agreed some people on here need to relax a bit with the negativity. We are all on here to support each other and sometimes i feels like its not the case and a lot of jumping to conclusions which freaks people out. I almost cancelled my surgery because of some people on here and glad I didn't back out as it would have been a big mistake.
  14. Thanks a lot I take 1/8th of a proscar pill a day in the morning and use a small amount of rogaine twice a day, the foam 5% stuff
  15. also to add to this many of the top recommended surgeons on here don't do all of the surgery from start to finish either. i guess you just have to go with who you personally feel most comfortable there are pros and cons to every doctor and situation
  16. From what i have seen and experienced it is no less or more involvement from him as he never did the full surgery himself when he was getting much more positive reviews. He is well aware of these reviews after speaking with him and is taking measures to even make an effort to make his customers more comfortable with the whole process. We discussed this at length when i spent the week there in sept as i also had concerns because of some of the reviews on here
  17. Trust me I know as I work for probably one of the most heavily scrutinized companies in the world and about 95% of our customers are very happy its just that smaller % that makes the biggest noise. Its true what they say a happy person usually tells a few but an unhappy one tells everyone that will listen. Good luck and you re in great hands with him and his team. I already feel it has made a huge difference in my life confidence wise anyhow.
  18. Thanks man its just unfortunate all the negative things about Dr.Rahal as of late on here as a lot of people will probably make the decision to somewhere else based on a few unhappy people. Its really to bad as i personally know a bunch of people I kept in touch with from my time there that are really happy but don't make blogs or post stuff to show these are very few and far between in reality. I couldn't be happier and I have haven't had this much hair in front hairline since my early twenties. Just look at my very first pictures and look now only 4 months in, its a huge difference!!!
  19. here are my couple days before 4 months pics.....things are really growing in and my staff at work and friends are really noticing the difference. Cant wait to see the 5 month and 6 month results. the first one is under harsh bathroom lights and the other more natural light from my skylight in my other bathroom.
  20. There are quite a few restaurants and a big grocery store called Choices a 10 min cab ride way. I made the mistake of trying to walk and that took forever. There is also a Costco in the same area as Choices.
  21. I had a FUE for over 2500 grafts and 6000 hairs
  22. I am only three months in from Dr Rahal and i am super happy and would highly recommend him and his team. The guest house is also a huge bonus if this is your first time. It was such a good experience overall.
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