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Everything posted by ftbpicks

  1. Thanks a lot! He put just under 50cm2 in the front and it went lower as it got to the back
  2. Here are my three month pics. It seems to be getting better almost daily with new hairs coming in. It looks better in person than pics but thats what everybody says I guess. Let me know what you think
  3. I will at month 3 which is in a few weeks I promise
  4. yeah it was all in one day but didn't take that long as it went very smooth. I had one rough night of pain but after that it was smooth sailing. I have been getting some breakouts in the recipient and donor areas and it usually goes away after a few days in each area..its to be expected for most people from what i read on here and according to the clinic
  5. honestly went back to work after only 16 days and it looked a bit red but now after two months I am already getting a ton of new hairs and not red at all. I am very excited to see what it looks like in a few months
  6. Since when do you pay $8 per graft with FUT, maybe FUE but I would still rather pay that then take a risk with a clinic that has subpar results. No offence but this is your first post and it feels a lot like you represent the clinic.
  7. Here are more of my before and afters from the clinic I received today
  8. I am almost one month in from my FUE and lots of hairs are shedding. My question is why are some of the hairs in the shape of little J's and some straight? Does this mean anything?
  9. i agree there is no way i would be able to tell you had a ht from those pics, looks very natural to me
  10. Wow that looks fantastic!! looks like a 12 month photo at the end Hope my 2500 grafts turn out like that, I am at 23 days and most of my hair has fallen out so i look horrible and that uncertainty has kicked in. i hope it even gets thicker for you
  11. honestly i think it looks pretty good and hope my current ht turns out that good as my expectations were set properly by my Dr. most people i feel would be very happy with your situation on this forum life is to short to be that sad hope you find a solution that does help you and so far i can say i highly recommend my Fue doctor which was Rahal if that helps at all as the whole experience has been top notch. i will keep everyone updated as i go
  12. Hey everyone Just wondering if there is any point to using Rogaine 5% foam once a day as my doctor recommends using it for the first year and I really don't want to use it twice a day as I already feel bad enough about using Proscar. My scalp is very sensitive and wondering if there is any benefit to using it just once a day or do I have to use it twice a day to see the new follicles kickstarted which is why he recommends it. Any advice or thoughts would be great.
  13. You don't need my permission to post just keep it useful for everyone as this board can be really helpful for hairloss suffers and pointless arguments that carry on are not productive for anyone. Wasn't meant to be insulting and I apologize for my tone:)
  14. Is it just me or is anybody else tired of California and his annoying posts with poor grammar? Your posts are useless and a waste of everyone's time so please stop. Take a hint and do us all a favour. Thanks
  15. I too just had a FUE for 2521 with Dr Rahal and was going to do the Rogaine for 1 year and then stop as per the guidelines and recommendations from Dr Rahals aftercare instructions in my folder I received after my transplant two weeks ago. Do you guys think it will be okay after a year but not within 6 months because the hair typically is not strong enough to to stop only 6 months in but will be much stronger after a 12 month period due to being more mature? This worries me as maybe I should not bother to use it if I am plan on stopping after a year. I don't want to be in the same boat after a year and lose all the hair I gained. I would be very angry after all the money I spent and effort to just go backwards
  16. Kelly did most of my cleanings and Mike did one on a Saturday when the clinic was mostly closed They were both great to deal with and very patient with all my questions. Going to pick up some regene shampoo for when i can start using regular shampoo tomorrow as its my last day in Ottawa before I head home
  17. Here is my graft count and details I got today from the clinic. I was more than happy with the amount of hairs as going in I thought I would be lucky to get 5000 and ended up with over 6000. Kris W graft details.pdf
  18. I cut them into equal 1/8th portions which is .625mg and it really thickened up my donor for my transplant I have a really nice pill cutter and have it down to a science. I also have not had any side effects which was a bonus
  19. Don't worry i will be keeping everyone updated as I really feel I can add some great insight and advice based on my research and personal experience because of the long journey I had leading up to this transplant. I feel very empowered that I made this decision to fix what has been on my mind almost daily for the last 15 or more years and would love to talk with others going thru the same internal struggle.
  20. Hey Everyone I had my FUE surgery on Wednesday and thought I would share how happy I am with my experience I had with Dr Rahal and team. From start to finish everything went smooth other than my freezing wearing off a few times during implanting. That was quickly resolved by the Dr. I went in expecting 2400 and ended up with 2521 grafts and more hairs at over 6000 due to a lot of 3's and 4's. I have fine hair but lots of density I guess which worried me before hand since I thought I would be lucky to get 5000 hairs. I also stayed in the guest house which I highly recommend since it helped ease my nerves since I am absolutely petrified of needles and still can't believe I actually went thru this procedure. I have read a lot about Dr Rahal's FUT talents but I have to say him and his team have some major skills in FUE and while I have been here I see its pretty much a half and half mix with FUT and FUE. I am a only couple days in and I have zero pain now and it already looks way better than the day before. I was pretty much bald in the front and now I look I should have a very strong hairline that is age appropriate. My thing was just to even it out in the front and try to close the temples a bit with a touch of future proofing by placing more grafts further back for when i get older. I am 37 so hoping it won't go back much further but if it does I will deal with that later. Proscar should help this a bit as I take it every day and plan on going on Rogaine as well to speed up the growth of my new frontal friends. If any one has any questions feel free to let me know. Kris
  21. i will be staying there in sept and was wondering is there any grocery stores around the area and also can you cook in the kitchen or is it off limits
  22. Wow that worries me as I am booked for Sept 17th and lately i have not seen to much positive from my doctor. I don't want a bunch of people doing my surgery I thought i was paying for him to do the majority of it. FUE is a small fortune and this really worries me.
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