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  1. I joined this site due to needing answers about my upcoming FUE. The amount and quality of information here is superb. Kudos to all who make this happen. It's amazing to me seeing the 'just after surgery' pic here on this patient. While looking at it, it appears that nearly every possible hair was taken for donating. However, even at the 5 day post-op pic, you can see the growth filling it in. Then after everything grew out, the reverse comb exam reveals the remaining density and it looks like it was never done! Absolutely fantastic results! I almost went through with a HT 15 years ago, but the rep I met with had slit-grafting done and he couldn't stop looking at himself in the mirror behind me during our conversation. I didn't hear a word he said because it looked absolutely horrible and scared me away. This is a great time to have a HT due to the advances made in the past 10 years. I'm sure that in the next decade, you'll be able to donate a single hair, have 10,000 clones made in a week and stop by to have them inserted. Until then, at least we can enjoy the successes we all are sharing! Thanks everyone
  2. Thanks. I feel like a different person too. I know everyone says "It's not how you look....". Malarkey! 1st impressions are everything. Especially in today's society. IMHO, of course.
  3. I've had two FUTs and I don't think my scalp can stretch enuf for a 3rd so I have a 3000 FUE scheduled for this Nov. I've been concerned that if I get 3000, that the donor area may look thinner than the recipient area. From this post though, I'm a little more confident hearing that with your 3000, you still have another 2000 available even though you are a 'poor donor'. Thank you for posting! I'm in California and first went to Bosley. Not knowing anything about transplants except from their commercials, I thought 1 would do it! LOL!! I got a "bargain" (their words) @ $4.50/graft. 1500 cost $6750 + $500 for the after care kit. I then came across options in Mexico and had my 2nd FUT. 2300 grafts for $2800. Kit included. $1.20/graft. It came out awesome. Plus I had them put 100 into my eyebrows. The FUE should be my last one. I didn't know how much difference hair would actually make. This was my gift to myself after my divorce 4 years ago and now that my son is off to college, I'm soooo glad I made the choice to do this as it's greatly improved my quality of life and after the FUE, it'll be time to get back 'On The Market'!.
  4. OneMoreToGo


    Before, during and after 1st & 2nd FUT.
  5. That's the question I started with. Best bet is to see one or more clinics and talk to the doctors. Doesn't cost anything to visit them!
  6. Have had 2 FUTs and I'm at the point where I'm not comfortable doing a 3rd due to tightness. I'm scheduled for a FUE in November. I'm curious if there is any Rule Of Thumb on how much hair can be taken from the donor area during FUE? I know it would depend on density, but is the limit 50% of the donor area supply or ? I just joined and created an album, but not sure if it'll show up on this post. If you're interested, I'm sure you'll know how to find it. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thx
  7. Welcome to our Hair Restoration Social Community and enhanced discussion forum. Feel free to customize your profile by sharing your story, creating blogs, sharing your treatment regimen, presenting your hair restoration photos, and uploading videos. You can also join groups and interact with other members via public chat and instant message those you add to your friends.

    Feel free to ask questions and interact with our members on our new and improved hair loss discussion forum.

    If there's anything I can do to help or make things easier for you, don't hesitate to send me a private message or post on my wall.

    All the Best,

    David (TakingThePlunge) – Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant of the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the new Hair Restoration Social Network and Discussion Forum

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