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Everything posted by Wwiizzkkiidd24

  1. dr chaudhry are you a hair transplant surgeon? if so why not post some of your patients you have done work on so we can judge your work..
  2. you're noticing it to huh haha look at all of hes posts they make absolutely no sense at all. and when you ask to explain he's posts you get ignored lol.
  3. that doesn't even make sense. get off my thread with your meaningless crap!
  4. ok the 1st one the patient complained about communication which there was a reason for. and ended up being happy about the reason. the 2nd one admittedly has poorish growth but is only at 9 months.things could take off upto 15 months stage and the 3rd is from last year whuch i admit wasn't a success(you get those). I'm seeing more good results then bad. look I'm not sticking up for dr bhatti that's not my job but 2 in a year,one of which hasn't fully grown yet is not bad in my books. Let's not forget that this posters hair grew and was going along nicely until something bad happened which leads me to believe there's an underlying issue we are not aware of.
  5. Yeah i wonder how many replies on threads ypi have to do to get to the message someone stage. I bet that's he's aim. then he can bombard people with links to he's practice in private.
  6. what on earth is this? are they making slits?
  7. I don't blame you to be honest. he's work is definitely not up to standard these days and the way he treated you wasn't fair along with the patients that went to him. it's sad that some "doctors" get like this. I just hope asmed keep the way they do things because he is undoubtedly the best in Turkey he's results are good so I'm not surprised you want to work for him. hope everything gets sorted.
  8. that's unfortunate. the numbers looks so good though How are they still in business
  9. fair enough. I'm not knocking it I just don't get it. I guess you could always go back to address the areas that wasn't filled in.
  10. waiting for cloning.. and I bet I'll still be waiting in ten years ha..
  11. I thought you quit because you didn't get paid or at least that's how it seemed when you made a thread about it.
  12. why do you think that? I bet I don't get an answer haha
  13. 3 months isn't a long time. most medications take up to 6 months to even notice some degree of change.
  14. yeah exactly what I was thinking but the numbers look good imo. 5k people with 80% noticing a difference that's better then minox which makes me question why hardly anyone has ever heard of it..
  15. here's the quote he said to me a while back.. You can absolutely still sport a "Caesar" hair style after a hair transplant procedure. In fact, it would make us hair restoration guys look like heroes because the style lends itself to a very filled, covered appearance! Haha. I'll tell you why you don't see it though: it's a style guys use to generally camouflage their thinning or non-existent frontal scalp. We see guys with a Caesar pre-hair transplant during consultations all the time. One of the most common things they say is: "I want more style options than just combing all the hair forward to cover up the thinning in the front." However, you absolutely can still chose this style if you want to. BUT, you don't have to if you don't want to. You should have a number of realistic style options post transplant.
  16. anyone else feel like mania1's posts don't make sense at all? anyway going back to the thread I think when he mentioned about rolls for movies and about how he would be classed as an old man with a bald head and young with hair. I think that goes for life in general people automatically think you're older then you actually are if you have a bald head and the opposite if you have hair.
  17. I have to say I don't get the plan why not address the frontal third and then come back to do the crown. because now it looks thin in the middle and not in the front and the crown unless it was a personal choice of yours.
  18. I actually had this question answered a while ago by Dr Bloxham and your hair combed forward creates more of an illusion of density then it would combed backwards because of the natural layering affect the hair takes sort of over lapping each other which makes it look fuller. so in short yes you can.
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