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Everything posted by ready4Hair

  1. I figured as much, but also thought it would be nice to be on Dr. Sethi's radar since I'm going with the Dr. Das package. Her work is stellar as well but it never hurts to have the rock star be involved.
  2. Holy crap another 4k grafts you're gonna be able to addition for a boy band My train from New York to Philly got canceled the last minute. Unfortunately so I did not get to go see the doctor Which was very disappointing
  3. The crown is looking great and the density behind the hairline as well. I have one concern with Eugenix (as they are frontrunners right now) as it seems to me (no offense intended) that the donor area in the back always seems quite thin once they are done. Is that just me?
  4. I'm unclear what about their HT limited you to slicking your hair back (actually asking not "challenging") vs brusinng to the side, ceasar cut etc?
  5. I like this Clooney hairline as reference too. When I go to my Dr. Sethi meeting next week I'll bring this among others to get an in-person assessment of how realistic my goals actually are. @Melvin- Moderator @Rafael Manelli @NegativeNorwood
  6. Well good news for me is Dr. Sethi is doing a US trip next week and I'm going to visit with him to get an actual assessment of donor/hairline from the man himself. Will report back...
  7. Wow. I think that is going to end up awe.some. Congratulations for staying the course.
  8. No doubt. But to be fair the "pushback" in the last few days wasn't that comparison but this one which is where the reaction came from, so you can't be surprised there was some negative reaction. Again, the ones you show I totally get and it works with a fade. The one you showed fade or no fade made no sense to me or some others. If you are rocking the one you showed more power to you and here's hoping the next round or two gives you everything you want.
  9. Mea culpa. "Only correct decision" was harsh, you are welcome to decide whatever you want. Personally I would be highly uncomfortable and very self-concious with those sides and/or having to wear a fade. But if you are cool on it, yes it is your choice. I do personally think the Dr. should have some imput and Drs often refuse to either take on patients, manage expectations or refuse to do cosmetic procedures and, personally, think Dr. Das should have pushed back more. She did not so yes, you can decide to do whatever you want. Yes the fade looked good. And yes I can see how at your age you'd prefer the age appropriate hairline. That said, at your age it is easy to also make decisions that don't take into account the long term or how long that term is. NOT trying to insult you here, probably just like everyone else those 'hump' pictures are concerning. I hope you figure out the correct next steps to get the outcome you hope for. Peace out.
  10. Sure, and he is free to choose which direction to go. And perhaps Dr. Das didn't realize how this was going to turn out. As much as I'd like to do it all in one shot, I have a lot more to work with so doing the hairline and leaving the crown won't be as drastic. I don't think in fact I'd feel the same way with the scenario you describe. I don't think it would look like something was *wrong*. No reason we can't acknowledge this was not an ideal approach ore result, that is what we are here for. So now, yeah, the goal is to how to support Ethan in making the right choice for his next HT. I personally am still on the fence re Dr. Das whole shebang or Dr. Dr. Freitas hairline. Judging on a couple of Dr. F's recent results here and this one by Dr. Das the needle moves a bit in Dr. F's direction. OTOH Dr. Das had some absolute home-runs. Thus, as with most of the rest of us here, I'm not just here for support of other HT patients (I am) but also to carefully dissect what is going on to make the right decision for myself.
  11. That is all well and good however the steps in that 3-4 YEAR program are critical. Maybe it is just me or some of the rest of us here but I'd take having the high hairline I already had and closing the humps which would look natural and then work on the front next. Not trying to be an a** here but now he is stuck with what looks highly noticeable and unnatural and IMHO worse than prior to the HT. It calls attention to the hairloss whereas shoring up the sides/humps as a foundation would not have. I get wanting to get to the hairline ASAP, I still think the Dr. should have managed expections first round and insisted on building forward.
  12. I'm not sure if I agree here. Yes we are here to be supportive of one another Part of that is being honest and not kombaya. There are two separate issues here; one is how to proceed with the next HT to fix what is by anyone's measure an HT that was not approached the right way by the HT Doctor.. And to give Ethan some input (which may have been sorely lacking the first time around) on how best to achieve his goals. We are also here AFAIK on a larger mission; to asses critically the work of HT Doctors so that others can choose wisely and well moving forward. And to hold those same Drs. accountable. So Melvin I don't think the issue is whether or not Ethan would have been 'happier with a high hairline'. Given the 'humps' he only had the foundation in the first HT for a higher hairline since it was 100% critical to address those sections first. Do my mock-ups give him a higher hairline than he'd want at first? For sure. But they connect the top and bottom of his head for pete's sake, in a way that he could then bring his hairline forward with a second HT. That was the only correct decision, whatever Ethan's desire was at the time, and the Dr. should have insisted on that approach. I say this in a 'larger mission' way since I too am considering Dr. Das and this decision is a major red flag for me. I think it is an absolute 'mea culpa' result that she should own and do everytihng in her and Eugenix's power to rectify. Older or younger, I would not want my hairline lowered with the cost being those sides. An HT shouldn't require good barbers and special haircuts to hide the outcome. So yes, we want to support Ethan and help him get his HT on track. But being brutally honest that it was a bad HT and bad approach by the Doctor is, again AFAIK, critical to the mission of this board no? In hindsight I'd bet that Dr. Das wishes she had done the implants more along the lines of my mock-up and if she is worth her salt will learn from this. Most of her other work is stellar and if she can (and should) pull this one out with a second and/or third procedure she will cement her place as a top HT doctor.
  13. At the risk of beating a dead horse, and I know you were involved in design/etc, I believe Dr. Das should have insisted on these alternatives for your first HT and then addressed the front IF possible:
  14. Ugh. Hadn't heard of this. Don't they have a way to titrate or estimate the amount needed so this does not happen?
  15. That's an amazing reference. Yes talent is important but even that is often mitigated by either greed or lack of real concern for the patient or work. I'm 99% there giving them green light on my 4k-4800 ht. Still not so sold on beard ht inclusion so might cap it at 4k. Can't wait to see your 12 mos update. Thanks for sharing.
  16. That is just a stunning, stunning result. I'm more and more sold on Dr. Das as the option. Also everyone who mentions Eugenix goes on about the professionalism of the entire team which is very encouraging as well.
  17. Dr. Freitas has had a couple of knock it out of the ballpark results on here recently.
  18. If I may, I'd consider the front triangle to be a preference but the large side one to be the 'must'.
  19. Ok, so if you are (convincingly) refuting the anagen desychronization theory, then is your implication that there is then some issue or loss/shock loss that occurs at 9-12 months in some patients and clinics blame it on a non-existent phenomenon?
  20. Found this regarding what (purportedly) happens to hair when transplanted: "After a hair transplant, the transplanted hair follicles enter the dormancy (telogen) phase for 3 ‐ 6 month before they start to grow (anagen phase). Full growth is usually achieved in 10 ‐ 12 months." If true, it would support the theory in that each of the hairs transplanted enters telogen immediately. I'll search for my evidence on this, as it is presented by a company with a product meant to reduce the length of telogen for ht specifically so they have a vested interest in that "fact": https://www.helphair.com.au/how-accelerated-follicular-restoration-reduces-the-length-of-the-telogen-phase-after-a-hair-transplant/#:~:text=After a hair transplant%2C the,nor to eliminate this phase.
  21. https://www.helphair.com.au/how-accelerated-follicular-restoration-reduces-the-length-of-the-telogen-phase-after-a-hair-transplant/#:~:text=After a hair transplant%2C the,nor to eliminate this phase.
  22. I don't know if I buy that. It isn't a FUT it is a FUE and I'm assuming HT doctors are handpicking the best hairs to transplant. I just found this on another HT site: How do we differentiate anagen hairs from telogen hairs? This photo shows both an anagen hair (bottom) and a telogen hair (top). Anagen hairs are darkly pigmented throughout the shaft. The characteristic feature is the massive number of cells known as “keratinocytes” that can be found in the area surrounding the bottom of the hair shaft. This is termed the root sheath. Anagen hairs have a root sheath. Telogen hairs, on the other hand, lack pigment at the base and lack a root sheath. Most hairs, if not all the hairs, from a typical collection of hairs from a patient’s scalp are telogen hairs. Which confirms that HT Surgeons can differentiate between Anagen and Telogen visually. AFAIKT if picked randomly, at least according to them, most would be in telogen i.e. in about the same phase, supporting Eugenix's claim. Then again yet another site claims: Anagen is the growth phase and approximately 85% of all hairs are in the growing phase at any one time Which supports Bhatti's claim except, again, if the HT doc can visually distinguish and is cherry picking I'd assume they'd be going for the most Anagen hairs even if not consciously, which would in fact push most, i.e. 80%-100%, of the transplanted hairs to Anagen.
  23. In an ideal world yeah I'd do Dr. F in one shot if it was available. I also agree >4k is not a great idea, they were discussing 4800, with 3k front, 400 temples, 1200-1400 crown. I'm really not so super worried about crown and hoping that the recent addition of oral minox and soon topical dut (Xyon) will make it possible to just do a small amount in the crown (e.g. 600 or so). Not so super worried if people see a thinning top and as long as I have mid-scalp built up then that will enhance the front. I'll follow you so I can see your progress, good luck.
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