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Everything posted by ready4Hair

  1. I think it is good advice but in moderation. Like most people I cannot disregard money (e.g. Dr. Bansal would have cost over $24k vs the $11-$13k for Dr. Das or Dr. Freitas). Likewise I'd love to go to Dr. Cotas (if I remember his name correctly) but has has a two year waiting period for a *consult*. Which puts an HT out 3-4 years and results 5 years. Just not worth it to me even if I was 30. Dr. Das seems to have very positive results here and not just that, the narratives about the care her and her team bring to the surgery are very encouraging. Dr. Freitas also does superb work, though I've seen less temple work from him. So at the end of the day the costs are almost identical, the results seem almost identical, so the ability to do it all in one shot is very appealing. I have time to make a decision so I'll continue researching Dr. Das.
  2. I think you documented things really well. She seems like she takes great interesting great care. Truly if she can do nearly as good a airliner as him and the temples and the Crown in the same Surgery she seems like the better choice.
  3. The temple points are killer. I'm leaning towards Dr. Das myself, it comes down to her or Dr. Freitas but he won't do front and crown same HT, only a year apart. Good growing!
  4. Ok so it seems the pricing for Dr. Das at Eugenix and Dr. Freitas is nearly identical. Dr. Bansal was out of reach. The difference is Eugenix will do front/temples/crown in one pass and Dr. Freitas requires two separate a year apart. So the question/decision becomes is Dr. Freitas superior enough to Dr Das/Eugenix to 'suffer' through two years of this and two HTs are just get a one and done.
  5. Cool thank you. Since I'd be doing Crown later on too. Many suggestions for low cost but good crown works since it does not seem to be as difficult or critical as airlines and maybe I can keep that in budget
  6. Yes, agreed. Just didn't want to do the front in one session and temples later. So for now it would be 3,400 with 400 for temples and 3000 for hairline/density. Crown later. I'm hoping in a couple months to assess the Oral Minox and once I get around to the blood panel 3 months of Xyon. Hoping the combo gives me decent enough crown improvement to make it a choice moving forward. Speaking of which, not sure if this exactly apples to apples but this is pre-minox and about 7 weeks in:
  7. @Rafael Manelli @Melvin- Moderator Well, good news. Dr. F wrote back and said they could add 200 grafts per temple with commensurate increase in price. Great news since otherwise I was looking at "downgrading" to Dr. Das with Eugenix which doesn't fill me with great hope (I mean vs Dr. F at least) and is still more expensive. Is 200 sufficient for temples?
  8. Yeah that worked. He ordered the complete panel from Quest, I just have to stop in this week and get tested.
  9. I spoke to the Eugenia team And voice might concern about the price. The three thousand grafts which doctor freitas Quotes under ten k for is almost fifteen k with doctor basal. Going for the fall forty five hundred is almost twenty five k. They suggest I go with doctor das which put the cost right around doctor freitas. I will take a further look at her work and simultaneously reach out to doctor freitas and see if he can reconsider doing the temples otherwise I will have to be writing him off.
  10. Hmm, how would that address the issue (Dr. F not doing temples).
  11. Not a big pool really. Dr. Ferudini is a possibility but requires a trip to him. Dr. Freitas seems out of contention as I don't want to do front, temples, crown over 3 years. Eugenix is best bet but the full on HT is super expensive with Dr. Basal. The $10k was sounding perfect with Freitas.
  12. I think when he goes to 3,100 or so it is just that it presented itself. The larger ones are all two interventions. In other words I don't think he plans more than 3,000 for single sessions so likely won't promise it either. Really disappointing, no way I want to wait two years for grow in.
  13. Maybe he draws a hard line at 3,000 grafts as I have never seen one posted with more (3,027 is clearly a 3,000 graft procedure).
  14. Well it is really too bad as I love his work and he is way less expensive than Eugenix somehow. Yeah and while getting the crown added after makes sense visually, doing the temples a year later seems just... weird.
  15. Right, I got the part about doing the crown a year later. But the temples? That is what, 200-300 grafts per side.
  16. Weird: "I have consulted with the Doctor and it is not possible to perform the temporal peaks in this first surgery, only the frontal, central and the receding hairline areas can be performed.If you wish to do the temporal peaks and the crown, you will be able to do them in a second surgery to be done after the first year of the first one."
  17. Here is an interesting thread on another forum from a patient with the exact concern of mine from Dr. F (who told him he can and will do temples). https://www.recuperarelpelo.com/foro/viewtopic.php?p=836881 Summary is people on the thread mainly suggest a) he not do temples as they almost never look natural (?) or b) go to Coutas. And yes on the crown, IF I go to Dr. F and just do front I'd likely go somewhere else for the crown. He is talking about doing mid-scalp however so I might end up just passing and being a young 60 yo with an amazing hairline and a thinning crown. Someone took pics of me out last night so took the opportunity to do a mock-up of hairline which basically starts at the very bottom of my existing one.
  18. Not a bad idea but he is not a super responsive guy. I did send him some of my mock-ups and temple lines asking if he was willing/able to do that, we'll see. But I'll follow-up with him with your suggested query. So far the vids I see are all really good but very 'Lorenzo'. Still, getting a top hairline doc for $10k-$15k vs $24k Eugenics is appealing.
  19. Hey, hope all is coming along well. I just got a 3k recommendation from Dr. Freitas, but he didn't mention temples (front, receding, midscalp) with crown later. Do you mind pointing me to the spanish forums so I can dig into his temple results too? It is key/non-negotiable for me.
  20. The price differential is really blowing me away. Even if I asked/insisted on say another 1,500 grafts for density and crown I'd be looking at $10k less for Dr. F. That makes the premium for Dr. B seem really insupportable. Maybe for Dr. Coutas, which is not to say I don't like her work, but $24k vs $14k for everything or <$10k for the front/mid-scalp it just doesn't seem to me worth the significant increase. As mentioned I'll keep trying to find Dr. Freitas results here and on other forums (I've heard he is on spanish forums but not sure which) and hopefully can find some temple point work.
  21. Don't worry, I'm taking you to whatever surgeon I choose to draw it for them I am really astonished at the price, honestly almost 1/2 Dr. Bansal. I need to dig a little deeper into him...
  22. Well that is my old 'mature' hairline I'd be happy with
  23. @Rafael Manelli @Melvin- Moderator @NegativeNorwood Ok Dr. Freitas got back to me. He recommends 3k but not for crown (second operation a year later)? He says for "he frontal area, the mid scalp and the receding hairline, with an extraction of 3.000 follicles". Not sure difference between frontal area and the receding hairline. Price super reasonable. I need to follow up and see if he has ideas about the actual hairline or my mock-ups.
  24. I'd agree, 25 tops worldwide. Imagine all the things you need going for you. Amazing surgical skills to extract specific donor hair and in ways that don't ruin donor area. Amazing team/clinic/processes/lab to keep those donor hairs healthy prior to implant. Amazing surgical AND esthetic skills to make incisions in the exact right position and angle that will ensure density, survival rate and natural hairline integrated with any existing one. Ability to select and utilize groupings in such a way that mimics reality (fine hairs up front etc) Ability to understand and frame hairlines in such a way that is natural and pleasing to the eye Ability to plan all this with potential future loss taken into account which requires knowledge of miniturization patterns as it relates to age and individual patient, etc. Desire to produce the best not the most transplants i.e. commitment to work not just money/profits.
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