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Everything posted by ready4Hair

  1. To be clear I'm not saying you are making this up. And I believe it is possible in 4-5 months to experience side effects, and the fact you never heard of it before would substantiate it not being psychomatic at that point. However. I do believe given that negative experience you had, you were hypersensitive to it when you started topical dut, the 2 hour time frame just seems highly improbable. The study you quote was over an 18 MONTH period. Also there seems to be a huge flaw in the study; The 5ar group had a BMI of 24.6 which is 'healthy weight' for men. The control group was over 30% which is obese. The testosterone levels for the 5ar group was 450, which puts them at the upper end of the 352-478 expected for men in their late 30s/early 40s. The testosterone levels for the control group was 315 which puts them below then normal levels for men their age. So I'm unclear how that was a relevant study. The control group was already overweight and had low testosterone and likely all the conditions associated with it. The 5ar group was healthy/high-end. In other words, far further to 'fall from grace'. Edit: In other words, I don't just think the study was flawed, I think it was intentionally so. No one could put together a study like this to measure the effects of 5ar on testosterone with such a disparate control group in terms of both obesity and baseline testosterone. Still, I take your/ their warnings seriously so am planning on doing blood work prior to and a month later. In honor of your post i might do one 2 hours after as well.
  2. Found a picture of 30 yo temples. Looks like perhaps already started to receded at top of temples but perhaps a good guide for HT doc.
  3. I don't mean this to be disrespectful and sorry if it comes off that way but are you sure this is not psychosomatic? I just find it impossible to believe that A) a single topical application of dutasteride could cause an almost immediate massive drop in testosterone and/or related hormones and B) even is such a thing were possible those would have an immediate cascade effect on penis vascularization and sensitivity. I think your urologist is closer to the truth. I'd consider doing blood work before you start and I'm guessing that while after a month you may see changes in sex hormones they won't be a) catastrophic and b) if you tested 2 hours afterwards you would not see a change at all. Again none of this meant to be critical, but I think something else is going on here.
  4. I've seen at least one really bad result and experience which puts him out of contention right now. I know I know not a home run with every doc but the way it was handled seems piss-poor.
  5. Oh this appears to be Dr. Lupanzula not Eugenix
  6. Looks amazing, though he does look like a Lorenzo/Couta 'wet dream' type of patient.
  7. Thank you, followed. Looks great so far. I'm awaiting feedback from him on my submission last week. Right now def down to him or Dr. Basal from Eugenix (or Dr. Sethi if things improve this year and I can swing the extra $$$).
  8. Here is a fairly relevant hairline/temple wise from Dr. Bansal I really like Dr. Freitas but have yet to find a real temple job to reference. He reminds me of Lorenzo from a few years back with those straight hairlines w/o temples coming in to balance them. No knock on him but damn temples give you a lot of bang for the buck.
  9. Ooooh excellent point! Don't want to transplant drug dependent donor...
  10. I assume having the healthiest scalp possible is a good idea is all.
  11. When the docs (like upcoming Feller apt) do donor analysis, can they tell then (prior to extraction) what the per graft average is? I might push my appt out 2-3 months. Just started oral minox, likely adding Xyon (topical dutasteride) and then Nutrafol.
  12. Amazing videos and hairlines. I think like Dr. Lorenzo and other Drs in spain he ends up working with a population with great hair quality too. Just not waiting until mid 2025 for an HT.
  13. That is impressive. No way I'm waiting for 2 years for a consult, 3 years for HT, 4 years for results. If I had the bucks to spare I'd see about 'special pricing' to jump the list but I don't so... looks like short list is still Eugenix/Bansal, Bisanga, Freitas.
  14. @Rafael Manelli @Melvin- Moderator Man, any thoughts on Dr. Juan Couto? His results are out. of. this. world. Best I've ever seen even taking into account the bests from Feriduni, Hasson, Asmed, Lorenzo, Freitas, etc. Not much on him on this board I can find other than a discussion on why he is not a listed Dr. His site says 'coming soon' is there some way to get a consultation with him?
  15. @Rafael Manelli I even have this pic from Xmas 2020 so 2 years ago. Damn my hair took a hit and I'd stablized by then so think a lot was stress loss. Anyway hairline on that which is not too aggressive could be nice too.
  16. I love it BUT that is my hairline at 30 or so. It is way higher now and temples receded. That looks great but is prob way to low from current hairline. The one I did side by side seems more realistic as it starts right where I currently end. Interested to see what Dr. Freitas says. I am liking his work and reviews AND price. So far I think Dr. Hasson off the radar, a couple not so good results/experiences and at his rate seems not worth the risk. I'll report back on what Dr. Freitas says about my pics, mock-up and donor video.
  17. That is probably That is probably my 31 yo hairline.
  18. twenties, the last one however is only 4 years ago so looks like either MPB or insane stress has taken its toll. Hoping bodes well for the oral minox and possible xyon additions.
  19. Does anyone know Dr. Freitas' rates? Waiting time? I can't get quote from Dr. Bisanga for my HT unless/until I visit him (might do so in the summer). Dr. Freitas now has my pics for virtual consultation. He looks really good so far but if he is also in the $6 range and/or 18 month waiting list probably are deal killers regardless.
  20. Point taken, however since we are NOT privy to all the information, we can only go on what we can find and other patient experiences.
  21. @Rafael Manelli @Melvin- Moderator @NegativeNorwood Did another mock-up on full on face pic (from last November). This hairline literally starts at the bottom of the current existing one w/o going lower.
  22. Wowzers, looked into Dr. Sethi, that goes up to like $6 per graft, so with tax/vat etc total cost for him is $34,000. Dr. Bansal about $11k less. I think they are both great, just wondering if at that price makes sense to stay in US and got to Dr. Hasson who would be about the same cost as Dr. Sethi (he also recommended 3,400 vs 4,800 but even at 4,800 his cost would not be more than Dr. Sethi).
  23. @Rafael Manelli @Melvin- Moderator Ok, scratch Dr. Feriduni. Love his work but the wait time for just a *consultation* is Feb 2024.
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