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Everything posted by ready4Hair

  1. Yes, I wasn't considering him for surgery. But I did write to ask if they can do a detailed assessment of donor area (microns, # of available grafts, etc.) so I can share that with Dr. Feller/Hasson/Bisanga/Eugenix which seems a much smarter way of approaching this vs scheduling surgery based on some selfies I took. Dr. Feller just in fact got back in touch with me and said they do in fact do these. He is 1/2 hour away from me vs cross-country to Vancouver or cross-world to Belguim
  2. I did in fact do an online with Dr. Bisanga, so far no reply. Of course one advantage with Dr. F is being able to spend a few days in Belguim...
  3. Yes that is exactly what I want to get from the consult, so whomever I decide to go with I have that data to share with them. I am contacting Dr. F to see what he thinks about increasing the 2800-3400 to 4,000/4,200 but of course that depends on donor. Eugenixs said they'd get part of it from beard, that just does not appeal to me, but maybe for crown makes sense. Maybe I'll ask Dr. F about beard? Right now given flight/cost I am leaning towards a consult with Dr. Hasson, so far no reply from Dr. Feller who is in my city.
  4. @Rafael Manelli @NegativeNorwood @Melvin- Moderator Ok, I got my report from Dr. Feriduni (based on pics): ******** Reconstruction of zone 1 + 2 + 3 + 5v Technique(s): FUE Number of follicular units: 2800 — 3400 FU in a single day session (FUE) Dr. Feriduni always takes facial proportions into account when he creates a hairline so the new hairline will harmonize with the facial features of the patient and will be well positioned in the face. (see information 'rule of thirds') Dr. Feriduni creates micro- and macro irregularities in the hairline to attain a natural aspect. He also follows the natural angle and implantation of the hair. The importance of frontal hair volume is essential in order to achieve a natural aspect and to reframe the patient's face. The density zone requires the highest amount of FU/cm². Due to the dilution of your crown area it is recommended to opt for a conservative hairline design. We would need too many follicular units to create an aggressive hairline design. Follicular units that we might need to restore your crown area. ********* Using 3,400 as the baseline, his cost is ~$15k USD with the VAT. Dr. Hasson is $24k USD. Eugenixs is ~$16k with taxes/etc. So of course question 1 is Dr. Hasson worth the extra 50% ($9k, and his quoted costs don't include taxes/etc). As for Eugenixs, since I can get a top European Dr. for the same price, the question becomes a) is there a reason to choose them over Dr. Feriduni b) do I trust their hairline since now Lorenzo, Feriduni and Hasson all agree the hairline they drew is too aggressive. And I agree with Dr. Feriduni that density is more important then height. Dr. F suggests an in person so now to me the choice seems to be to fly NY>Vancouver to see Hasson or NY>Belgium to see Feriduni and use the in-person evaluation for either. But Eugenix seems out since there doesn't seem to be a benefit, and at the end of the day I don't know them or Dr. Bansal well, but in fact had Dr. F on my shortlist 8 years back or so. And not so sure I can make a good case for close to $10k extra for Dr. Hasson/Wong. Time to research Dr. Feriduni a little more it looks like
  5. Took a closer look at Bisanga, hairlines and density look great so submitted on his site too. $4-$5 Fue seems workable too.
  6. Contacted them but Holy F $10 a graft for FUE???
  7. Alvi Armani, there's a blast from the past. I first got interested in HTs (which I always thought prior were pluggy jokes) when Armani took an ad out in the NY Times and showed some exceptional work. No idea what happened to him. Yes it is nice. I really think my Hasson visit idea the best so far. Unless anyone can suggest a good HT doc in NY who might be willing to meet me, do in depth donor assessment and hairline assessment, even for a fee?
  8. That works too I'm betting my old hairline was right where my current one ends. Which again puts a lot of stock in temple/side construction and front density vs lowering it. Never had a straight across convex one anyway
  9. I'm betting the density of red line would generate a better result than a less dense blue hairline.
  10. Well no one here would reject this hair But it would still look amazing even it it were a little concave no? Why? Because a) temples and be the midline and crown are full too.
  11. I'm perfectly happy with red hairlines and blue temples. Red is just about where it ends now.
  12. What downey has maintained are the side/temples. I've seen lots of hts with perfect/amazing straight across density but the temples are receded and they look bad. The convo sort of degenerated to straight vs convex/concave, something I hadn't really been considering or locked into. Higher convex/irregular is fine with me as lone as I can bring the side/temples in which is really what drives me craziest. Either of the higher concave/convex which sit significantly above eugenix are fine as long as they maintain the temple/side additions.
  13. I don't think Cowell's hairline is the issue as much as the cut, the weirder thing is the glass smooth skin.
  14. Yes that is fine. Not looking for a 'straight across' or razor line. Honestly most of what I want is the side/temple. I get pretty decent visually with what I've got so I'm sure the line you drew would be great too. Mostly it is bringing the side/temples forward and I could just do the hairline where the bottom most of my existing/thinning one is And it is this temple/side vs this. Which I guess is more about density then height. At this point funny enough I'd go back to 4 years ago (Covid was tough) when I was considering HT.
  15. @Rafael Manelli Replied thusly to Lorenzo's rep "I'm not really clear on the relevance of my being 60 and wanting a younger hairline. The only considerations should be my donor area vs potential future loss and perhaps bone/facial structure. Thank you anyway."
  16. Totally agree. Why should they care if my hairline is a teen one if it can be done? Morally outraged? I mean are they petitioning against James's Brolin's natural hairline. And, yeah, Hasson's reply is the reasonable one; IF your donor allows AND it makes sense for your face/bone-structure. Which beats either Eugenixs (as low as possible) or Lorenzo (it is not age-appropriate) I think the dude in the video started out with a good hairline too.
  17. FUT, not if my life depended on it. I must say the fact two well regarded (ok with Dr. L at least previously well regarded) HT Docs rejected the Eugenics hairline gives me some Eugenixs pause. In any event yeah, investing a single day and a few hundred dollars to get an in person consult and evaluation sounds like a/the plan.
  18. He used to be a rockstar when I was previously considering HT. But yeah that reply itself tells me all I need to know.
  19. @Rafael Manelli @NegativeNorwood @Melvin- Moderator Wow, got this back from Dr. Lorenzo's office "The line you have shown us in the photo attached is a hairline of a 16 year old and with 60 years old we do not do that kind of hairline I’m afraid." Yikes. Dr. Hasson was more diplomatic "The hairline you have proposed may be a little too aggressive. Something close may be possible if all factors are favorable. It is likely something between your existing hairline and the proposed hairline that might be best. In some cases a more conservative hairline with the right density and design will actually make you look more handsome than a more aggressive one." My plan in fact is to plan a trip to Dr. Hasson's office in Vancouver in the next 2-3 months and do an in-person assessment of my donor area and have him draw some realistic hairlines based on that. Really don't want to just fly to India or Turkey or Europe or even anywhere in US with a HT planned and a doctor who never even saw me.
  20. So I also sent in my pictures along with the mock UPS and proposed hairline from Eugenics to Hassan and Wong who Have a reputation among the best especially when it comes to hairlines. Below is their answer "The doctors have reviewed your case and feel you are a good candidate for a hair restoration procedure at our clinic. They recommend rebuilding of the hairline and frontal zone requiring something in the 3,000 to 4,000 graft range. The exact number will depend on hairline placement, amount of temple reconstruction and how far into your existing hair they'll need to go. If we can do some work in the crown as well, this may increase the number of grafts required closer to 4,000 or slightly more. How conservative or aggressive we can be and what might be the best approach as far as hairline design can be further discussed at the time of the procedure. They feel that even if the total number of grafts does not exceed 3,000, a substantial cosmetic impact can be achieved. If in the future you continue to lose hair behind the transplanted area, you may need further procedures to reconstruct those areas. The hairline you have proposed may be a little too aggressive. Something close may be possible if all factors are favorable. It is likely something between your existing hairline and the proposed hairline that might be best. Among other factors, the doctor will evaluate your donor area, final hair loss pattern, facial features and bone structure along with your input when designing a proper hairline that would best suit you. He may give you 3 options and you can together decide which one you like or make slight alterations to one of the options. He will try and deliver on a hairline you would like but at the same time he will not create a hairline you desire that he feels will look unnatural. Some patients are well versed on the details that are necessary to design a proper hairline. Others not so much but they understand once explained what should and shouldn’t be done. As long as you are reasonable and understand the doctor has the knowledge and experience in this arena and you will be happy to defer to the doctor’s advice on design, we can proceed. In the end we will give you the hairline you want if it is possible and safe but we’ll also have to protect you from yourself if the design you desire will not look natural. Hairline design can have a dramatic effect on appearance and final result. The idea is to make you look as appealing as possible. In some cases a more conservative hairline with the right density and design will actually make you look more handsome than a more aggressive one. In the end you’ll need to be happy with what the doctor advises is the most aggressive hairline placement possible even if it may not be as low as your proposed hairline." Not so adverse to bringing hairline up if temples are reconstructed and density is there. Interesting to me they propose 3,000 to 4,000 for the front vs 2500-3000 from Eugenics. But I'm all for density and I'7ve seen amazing results with 4,000 on NW 7 so I'd think 4k to restore front would be dynamite. They are def more expensive, as in close to 2x as much so that is definitely a consideration...
  21. Likewise on the hairline it is not even the height from the front but the side that covers that curve that I think makes all the difference too.
  22. Oh. I'm saying it is not the distance from the forehead per say it is the angle that makes the temples work so well and frame so nicely.
  23. Sure, I guess in person will tell. Clearly if the line has to go up it is fine and if it had to be concave as well (as my original hairline was). I'd go higher in exchange for temples without a doubt.
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