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Everything posted by ready4Hair

  1. It isn't the vertical per se it is the angle that works so nicely.
  2. One reason Dr. Das seems like a good alternative if their results warrant it. That puts me back at reasonable/expected cost for the full 4800 aggressive/temples/crown.
  3. I definitely want temples, 'age' aside. I look young for my age and live a very young lifestyle (starting a new business I've worked on for years, hiring people, travel, enjoying NYC nightlife and theater and such with dynamic active friends, fit and getting fitter in fact most gyms outperform 30somethings) so not looking for a white picket fence retiring anytime soon look I think temples are key. But Dr. Das huh? Dr. Das allows me to get the entire 4800 shebang tax and fees for under $15k which becomes immenintley doable. I'll have to look up his (her?) work. Any examples you care to share? Thanks for the heads up.
  4. Totally agree, I always was 100% on temples, I hate most HTs I see without them. Heree is @Melvin- Moderator front hairline with temples. Man too bad can't use photoshop to do hair transplants.
  5. Hmm, mocked that up too. Don't like as much, I guess the benefit is denser. FYI not doing it for the younger girl per se, she doesn't care one way or another. In fact sine she is taller she said if anything do the crown since it is what i se most often (she is a hoot that one). Here are side by side mock-ups, I MUCH prefer the more aggressive side one at least. But since I touched up mid and crown on that...
  6. Yeah I saw the button, didn't realize it added a Quote box to select on the bottom right. So question for you and @NegativeNorwood and I guess @Melvin- Moderator and anyone else: Since $24k is getting bit rich for my blood, how bad would it be to just do the temples and front as shown and leave out the crown for now (maybe second HT a year from now). Does anyone just do front/temple in III Vertex?
  7. Hey how do you add quote to a reply? I said I'd prefer no beard, he said it is only for crown, mixed in, they have good experience doing that. Said ok but if we do it my preference is as much as possible from scalp. He said they like to preserve donor hair said this is a one-shot deal for me.
  8. @XanaduSame way the doc (and others) have indicated it to me. Anyway figured you'd know if I was a Norwood Minus 2 I wouldn't need a hair transplant
  9. Wowzers. All expenses and taxes included $24k. Getting close to USA/Hasson costs. But I do like their work and they say they are confident they can match my mock-ups (based their estimates on it).
  10. Well, got my answer back. Remember first assessment for just the front with the new hairline they recommended based on dry pics was 2700 grafts. New assessment with wet hair shots, request for top/crown as well and temple points is 4800. Which makes total sense given the addition of the crown/temple, the reassessment from NW III to IIIV and my mock-ups which make me look like a Boy Band member What concerns me is they are discussing proposed harvest of 1300 from beard which I really don't want to do. Don't know much about it but the back is luxuious/full and not so in to beard harvesting. I guess for temples? Certainly getting up there in cost for a transplant in India but still 50% more for Hasson or Vorhies. No reply from Feriduni yet. Asked Eugenix if a) we can do w/o beard and b) if in fact the mock-ups were realistic with 4800. I've seen stellar results iwth NW6 and NW7 with that many grafts...
  11. Thanks @NegativeNorwood, all pics WhatsApp'd to Eugenix including your line art and my hair wet and brushed back, let's see what they've got for me.
  12. @Rafael Manelli Does that side view look like an utterly unrealistic expectation/mock-up? Because that has me jazzed beyond belief. Sent to Dr. B as well let's see...
  13. @Rafael Manelli Thanks ;), funny enough in my 20s/30s everyone said I looked like RDJ so go figure. I also toned out the 'wrinkles' since I'd scrunched for the photo. Here is side mock-up based on @NegativeNorwood temple mock-up. Front was encouraging, if side is even 1/2 that then ... wow
  14. Yeah this would rock thank you. I'm just wondering if after seeing my wet hair they still think this aggressive is possible. I'm guessing with crown, temples they are coming back with north of 4,000 grafts.
  15. @Melvin- ModeratorI don't mind terribly if towards the back it is thinning or thinner with some real density and nice hairline. I am 60 after all. Rocking a 30 yo gf so at least need to walk in places with her looking my best
  16. @Rafael Manelli Oh yes I see. Assumed/ing it is the left side that is indicative and as far as I can tell from the profile line it is indeed that much lower.
  17. @Rafael Manelli Yes, just from pics on WhatsApp, not an in-person planning session. I think yeah with temple points mirroring nose that would be astonishing. I'm hoping in fact the 'wonky' or irregular nature of the line is because they in fact do irregular lines (versus the straight-edge razor ones). Assuming two the hairline would be more level. I'll try to post wet, you can see I get some good illusion of 'fulness' with fairly sparse hair so that is promising to me. And the back is like a mane when I let it go and that's where they pull from so...
  18. @Rafael Manelli@NegativeNorwood Wow, impressed how aggtressive the hairline they drew is. I also sent wet pics so they got an even better idea of loss, and pointed out I'd like some temple work. If they can pull this hairline off well/dense, well gahdang.
  19. @NegativeNorwoodBTW one reason I felt comfortable trying for the 'Downey' hairline is mine was not so far off at one time...
  20. @NegativeNorwood @Rafael Manelli Thank you. My dad was total NW7, apparently my mother's father died with a full-head of hair so I split the differnce. I also get naturally decent illusion of density since when wet or not styled clearly thinner. The back donor area is totally lush/full. I'm hoping to get 4,000 grafts for dense front, temple points, aread behind the front and if anything left over some crown. If I leave a small thin/bald spot in back I'm ok at 60
  21. @NegativeNorwood As promised pics including donor area. Last 3 in order are 1) my old hairline 2 and 3) desired celeb hairlines
  22. @Z-- Thank you, I get the feeling Sethi only agrees to high profile cases.
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