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Everything posted by ready4Hair

  1. @mr_peanutbutterThanks, I checked his site out, can't see results without consultation. I'll search in here. He is also very much on high end,at ~$5 per graft
  2. @NegativeNorwood Those are really good points re Hasson. Though I do know his reputation remains stellar. Perhaps given the time gap other doctors have caught up to him making the $6 a graft not necessary. Any idea what Feriduni charges? If I can do this for $15k or so it starts to look reasonable. I'll try to post some pics tomorrow. Thanks for the time and assistance.
  3. @NegativeNorwoodFrankenstein harilines are the ones that go straight across, often with no nod to softening or temples. I really am looking for hairline expert, one who does irregular hairlines, uses finer hair up front, created new temple points, etc. I'm 60, planning on being aggressive as this is my first HT and put it off for a few years now due to family issues which Covid made worse. Eugenix said I need 2700, I think that was for hairline, so likely will end up with 4k if I a) want temple points b) want some crown and c) want front to be as aggressive as possible. If I can swing a loan I might just end up with Hasson as he hits all of the above and it is just a hop up to the west coast vs around the world.
  4. @NegativeNorwoodI looked into Feriduni awhile back, I was on the fence about his results (some great some not so for me) but also that is a trip to Belgium. Which I'd love for leisure but not so different from India in terms of travel. So far don't love Mwamba, to my eye he does a lot of the 'Frankenstein' hairlines as I call them. Bansai looks very good, I'll add her to shortlist with Hasson, Vories for now. What is Rahal's rep these days? He was softa King of the FUT for awhile with great hairlines, not sure if his rep kept up with FUE.
  5. I'm speaking with Eugenix as they seem to be a good balance between quality and cost. Given my druthers I'd probably go to Dr. Hasson but given I need likely 4k grafts the cost gets out of hand ($28k+). Eugenix seems to have good results, a good reputation, a good end to end experience, and skilled at temple points which are important to me for about 1/2 the price. I'm trying to review as many posts as I can to get an idea if it makes sense to go with the highest package wtih Dr. Sethi if he is available, but wondered if anyone who has done the research already could let me know if it is worth even trying to do so and if Dr. Bansai is as skilled. I'm trying to see in fact if I can get a package where she does all the insertions, not just the 400 the package calls for.
  6. I haven't been here for awhile, this place seems new to me. Some results seem good. However I remember years back when I was on her Asmed, another Indian HT clinic, started out great and seemed to become a mill. Is Eugenix on Vorhies, Rahal, Hasson level? Close? If so does anyone know basic costs?
  7. Thanks! Glad to know they are still on the top of their game, says a lot.
  8. Hi all, hiatus due to family and Covid, ready to start/finish my HT journey. Who are the rock starts these days? I remember Erdogan in Turkey was sort of on the outs due to being a mill (if I remember correctly, otherwise pardon me). I seem to also remember leaning towards Dr. Vorhies and Dr. Hasson. Are they still in the game? Any new highly recommended FUE surgeons around? Thanks in advance!
  9. Thanks again Melvin. Also looking now into Eugenix. Again assuming price will be no consideration just hearing good things about them. And even their' "Premium Package' (which includes Nitrous Oxide which is great as I did wisdom teeth with that and don't remember a thing) would be under $3 per graft. So 5K would run $15k vs $30k+ for Rahal or Hasson. Would need to research a little more deeply re their hairlines. And yes, meeting a patient would be great. Only thing in my favor really is I get illusion of coverage with thinning hair as it is.
  10. @Portugal25 thanks for the reply. Are you not happy with your Dr. Rahal work? I am not sure which poor Rahal results you refer to. Everything I've seen so far has been nothing less than astonishing. Then again, same can be said for Dr. Hasson. Not so blown away by Dr. Bisanga really, hairline-wise at least. I'll likely plan a trip to Canada and see both Drs. in person. I did do a Skype consult with Dr. Vories once, I have seen 3 or 4 really nice results from him and do like that he does it himself. OTOH if a clinic has well-trained technicians trained under the Dr. and following his technique preicseely this seems like a viable approach. If Dr. V had more results to look at I liked I'd likely go with him, especially since 5K grafts will be 1/3 or more less. Do you have any poor Dr. R results you can point to?
  11. HI Melvin, thanks. Yeah other than Asmed which had a golden period a few years back I would never consider Turkey. Dr. Vories is a nice choice as he does the work himself and has some nice results. Then again I don't see much volume to choose from (which I guess is one downside of doing it yourself). Dr. Rahal seems likewise to have astonishing FUE results. Since cost will be no consideration I think, this leaves Dr. Rahal and Dr. Hasson. As far as I can tell they are around same price ($8 first 2000, $6 for the next) and I'd have no idea how to choose between them. Again they both have a plethora of really mind blowing hairlines. It might come down to a face to face with each to see who I'm more comfortable with and who has the most confidence they can deliver results. Since I'm hoping for 4k-5k grafts it is not a small decision
  12. Thanks for the quick reply. In looking further it seems Dr.Rahal, who was the first ever HT Doc I looked into is doing FUE. I actually had FUT scheduled with him several years back but cancelled due to fears about FUT/Scarring. I love most of the Hasson FUEs I've seen, astonishing hairlines. Rahal seems to be doing some amazing FUE harilines too. Do you know if he does 2 Day 'Mega Sessions;' (2500 per day)?
  13. Holy Crimminy. I checked out Dr. Hasson Fue he seems off the charts with FUE.
  14. I was going to go with Asmed a few years back, he said I'd have 'homerun' but last year sent in basically same pics he said I'm not a good candidate? Started reading threads here and seems perhaps his quality has slipped and possibly a lot? Or is that just my wrong take away from a couple of bad results? My other choice at the time was Dr. Vories here in the US. Cost aside, who would be the very best to look for. Probably 3V but I get good illusion of density with what I have. First goal would be lower hairline, fill in the temples, and temple restoration on the sides, good density, natural soft hairline. After that would be vertex/midscalp to support that. Assuming probably 5K grafts. Who are the rock-stars these days? Asmed still a possibility? Is Dr. Vories as good as he looks? Any new HT Docs in town (or out of it) who have excellent, consistent and natural results?
  15. I haven't seen any posts by him or patients in a long while it seems. I did like his work however. If he is not, who is among the best now? Asmed seems to have taken a step down from what I can tell due to the immense volume going through there. Hasson and Wong for FUE? Konier? I'm looking at about 4k (accoring to earlier Asmed estimate).
  16. Well that was pretty darn easy thanks So I uploaded the original pics I provided plus the new pics and videos. Personally, I don't see a difference. As mentioned I did speak with Dr. Vories who was my second choice before and believe he'll be my first choice this time. As always my concern was he had far less results to analyze but then again he does the entire procedure himself, he doesn't have a super-facility with techs running 2-3 a day every day. I have seen some spectacular work from him and though he is more expensive by the time you add in the air-fare and the two-way 13 hour flight, the differences start to disappear. I included some pics for what it is worth, could not upload the video which I think shows pretty darn good donor.
  17. What I don't get is being told in late 2015 I have home-run hair and then in early 2018 I am not a candidate. My crown is not as good as before but not immensly worse and my donor is as good as before, please see the links if you care above to the Current Donor where I have videos too.
  18. Here is a new jounral entry with current state of donor vs what I originally sent: https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/journal.asp?CopyID=11154&WebID=3054&ProcID=4748
  19. I have had several in person over the last 4-5 years. In-person with Armani and Rahal, in-person microcamera (which I posted originally to Asmed and recently), skype with Dr. Arocha, Dr. Diep and Dr. Vorhies and pics with Dr. Ferudini and Dr. Lorenzo. As you can see I picked the best and no one ever expressed donor concern. I'm scheduling either another skype or even in person with Dr. Vorhies. I think his work is on par with Dr. Erdogan though he doesn't have as large a body of work to analyze. By the time I factor in travel cost and time they are both about the same and if I had more reference HTs from Dr. Vorhies would probably just make him my choice.
  20. Hmm for some reason my last post is being moderated. In any event this was my original blog. https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/journal.asp?CopyID=10599&WebID=3054&ProcID=4748 Crown and temples worse now (not hugely) but crown is the same. I'll post newer pics when I figure out how to upload here. Bottom line is I was a 'home run' candidate in 2015 so not sure how my DONOR could regress in 3 years since it is... Donor.
  21. Hmm, I have seen him do excellent work on even mid-to-high Norwoods. What I don't get is how I was an ideal/home-run candidate 3 years ago. My situation has worsened somewhat but my donor? I did a lot of research prior and only had two docs I would work with: Dr. Erdogan and Dr. Vorhies in the US. I'm not sure how to upload pics to the thread...
  22. I was scheduled 3 years back for Asmed Clinic and had to cancel due to family issues and funds. I sent in updated pics and got the following message: After analyzing your photos Dr. Koray Erdoğan found that your DONOR AREA is not strong and thick as it should be for the hair transplantation. The density of your hair is not suitable for the procedure. You have thick hair but there is low number of hair per graft. Dr. Koray Erdogan recommends Finasteride to give strength to your hair and increase density. Not sure how in 3 years my donor area itself could be depleted when I was an ideal candidate before ("as we mentioned in your evaluation, you can achieve perfect result with 4700 grafts"). Does donor area deplete so radically? Can Finasteride help donor area if so? Do you want to transplant donor area that is subject to MPB? Has anyone else ever been turned down? This is very disappointing and confusing.
  23. Great stats thank you. I'm assuming the coverage values was on measured existing hair? If so did Dr. E provide the coverage value of the recipient area post transplant?
  24. Certainly 9 patients as evidence of his skills is more statistically relevant than the 0 patients you provides as his evidence of lack thereof...
  25. Great write up and glad to know people are still willing and able to go to Turkey safely. It has been a concern and made me almost willing to find a US Doctor instead (so far my only choice here would be Dr. Vories) but at the end of the day, Dr. E's work and facility seem to make it a no-brainer. FYI if you fly Turkish Airlines Business Class (expensive but once you factor in the savings of the FUE worth it) you get expedited security check-through at the Airport. I'm sure you'll grown in well, the density seems great. I'm glad you mentioned the temples, I wouldn't dream of doing an HT with a Doctor that was not both good at it and cognizant of it's importance to the final results.
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