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Everything posted by ready4Hair

  1. Just for your own edification, I consulted with Dr. Vories recently and he said nothing about my hair not looking natural so I'd imagine it was an honest assessment. Also he said/did nothing to influence/push me into an HT and his rep Mike Frame made clear to me too there is no rush until I am ready and want to move forward. I think HT Docs at Vories level don't need to beg/borrow/steal business so take whatever he told you at face value I believe.
  2. Right my bad on that it was in fact a call to deCoup. Still scary Agreed mostly. However a random act of violence from say a mugger is not the same as a random targeted act of violence because you are an American/European. I don't know if you read what actually happened in the concert hall in Paris but is beyond disturbing. I am still on the fence as to whether to take the chance; I LOVE Dr. E's work and his clinic seems like Star Trek vs the others so when I'm ready to finally book I'll need to both monitor and weigh carefully. I will see if some other patients have a decent experience there in the next few weeks. I'm not super sold on any US surgeons yet; Dr. Diep has some home runs without a doubt but it seems like it can be hit or miss with him AND he won't do > 2500 single-day session whereas I don't want to split my 4k session up. I'm looking at Dr. Vories and Dr. Arocha here in the US, again not sure if they get the same yields and hairlines. I def want someone who can do natural dense hairlines, temple points, etc. Last option is back to one of the two European stars, Dr. Lorenzo or Dr. Feriduni.
  3. Great write up though the part about not worrying because the coup only woke you up briefly on the night of your procedure is quite funny/ironic when you read it in context. "The coup? Briefly woke me up while my head was bleeding from post-surgery, but it was just the military inciting the citizens to take to the streets and overthrow the government so I went back to sleep since I'm just a tourist". Balls of steel my man. Dr. E is still head and shoulders at the head of my short-list but I have to say the situation is a stressful one to consider fro something ultimately as trite as a HT. I'm going to keep my eye on that situation carefully, right now they Government is using the US as a scapegoat to blame the coup on so I imagine anti-American sentiment is at an all-time high. Being in a non-tourist area should help no doubt but getting into, out of, from and to the Airport sounds stressful to me.
  4. Dr Diep, does this mean you now DO do two-day 'megaesessions'. I thought early on you only did 2500 one day sessions (if I was not mistaken) and was one reason I didn't consider you as an option, but I'm looking for a 4k-5k procedure (1 or 2 days) do you in fact provide that?
  5. Hi all, I've been absent for quite awhile for anyone that remembers me Never did the HT with Dr. E as I got slammed by my own project which had unexpected delays but back on track so gearing up again to choose and proceed with HT later this year. That said I had always had my heart set on Dr. E in Turkey but I'm not sure when or if it is going to be safe to travel to Turkey. Not sure getting FUE during a Coup is my cup of tea Hopefully Dr. E and his staff are all ok and things stabilize there for their sake too. In any event that leaves me having to find a second choice and I really really loved Dr. E's hairlines, density, willingness and ability to do megasessions and outstanding facility and patient-care. Is there ANYONE in the US who can come close (price notwithstanding)? I seem to remember Dr. Diep did some good work but was always concerned with his sort of out-patient clinic type set-up vs the polished and efficient Dr. E facility. How about Dr. Vories in North Carolina? Other than that it seems like I'd need to travel to Dr. Lorenzo? I'm looking to do a 5,000 FUE with a very natural hairline, temple points etc.
  6. I was on this board last year singing the praises of Dr. E with a scheduled HT. I had to subsequently cancel/delay due to crazy workload on a start-up business. It has come to my attention that some people think my lack of activity on this board is because I in fact went through with it and had bad results and/or decided he was not the right HT Surgeon. Neither is the case. I fully plan on doing my HT with Dr. Erdogan and in fact if things go well this January scheduling for mine ASAP. NOTHING has changed about my opinion of him as the best HT Surgeon around and I wish I'd been able to follow-through in June as I'd be sitting pretty (as pretty as the face underneath my hair can be ) under a full head of hair. I'll be sure to follow-up here as soon as I schedule and also update my ht blog here each step along the way. Sorry for any concern my absence may have caused I just got busy with business. I hope everyone's HT journey is going well meanwhile.
  7. Hey Ersko, I am sorry for the late reply on this I had to cancel due to work obligations and have not rescheduled yet as I am making sure this time no conflicts will arise. I am hoping that time frame will be late September or early October. I just wanted to update you to ally any concerns that I had had the HT and then disappeared unhappy. I am still 100% committed to getting my HT with Dr. Erdogan and still convinced he is the best out there.
  8. Hey BetterLate, amazing progress since April 9th. You can get a good idea of the 'man on the street' impression of your hair when looking at the thumbnails. Given you have a good 6 months of progress to go I'd say your result will be outstanding and if May 9th to June 9th progress is as good as the prior month I'd say they will be stellar!
  9. Great 3 week progress Betterlate! I think I can speak for everyone here when I say your posts were the farthest thing from obnoxious and have far from outlived their usefulness. As I mentioned your thread was one of the final straws that convinced me Dr. Erdogan was the right choice for me and I am sure continues to be and will continue to be very useful for others doing their HT research (whether or not they elect to have it done with Dr. E). Great continued growth!
  10. Anecdotal reports have not been overwhelmingly negative, they have just not been overwhelmingly positive and for hair *growth* at that. Anecdotal evidence for ht healing has been positive in fact, and the science behind the healing has been as well. Laser combs are a joke, high-quality laser caps are not. I'd recommend not wearing any of them in public, yet if you mean you'd just feel like a dick even when alone certainly it can't feel any dumber then sprinkling carbon fibers on your head or rubbing one after another of any number of topical solutions on your head. BTW 'anecdotal' evidence for Minox and Fin is nowwhere near as good as studies either. Why? Because everyone is expecting a new hear of hair, not the best case scenario of 10-12 hairs per sq cm or cessation of loss that is most likely. Somehow Lasers take it on the chin.
  11. I think it is to get the as you call it 'wow results'. Why would you use 1500 grafts if you can use 3000? I mean of course other than planning for future loss. That is the ONLY reason to not use as many grafts as possible since what you want is density not illusion. Also in terms of shockloss to my eye Dr. Erdogan is unparalleled when it comes to implanting around existing hair and at least one or two of his result seem to suggest that in fact just the opposite happens (increased growth in surrounding areas). I forget the exact term for that.... something something genesis. But I'm not a scientist so I may be wrong
  12. I don't know if it was 'putting off' as much as in the end preferring Dr. Feriduni and Dr.Erdogan's hairlines overall. Dr. Lorenzo was very communicative and seems as committed to his work and excellence as both the other Drs. and certainly his yield is second to none. If I were a NW5+ I might even put him on the top of the list, I'm not sure. As someone pointed out to me it is hard to go wrong with either/any of them. In the end to my eye, Dr. Erdogan's best work suited my hairline preferences the most. I also really love the scope and efficiency of his clinic. Dr. Lorenzo still made it to my top three and believe me it was a tough and close decision so if you are considering him do not let the fact that i ended up choosing Dr.Erdogan as a critique OF Dr. Lorenzo it is far from that. Both Drs. in fact respect one another highly which should tell you that choosing either one is a great choice.
  13. Got it, I didn't realize you were comparing their donor areas sorry.
  14. It isn't pluggy. It is 'perfect' which Dr.Erdogan tends towards with hairlines,in this case the fact that it is not dense makes that more apparent. I agree this is not so many grafts given his hairloss, and I'm betting with a 1500-2000 touch-up he'd look great. I do agree though that too often NW5+ tend to try to recreate hairlines vs trying to make a really good looking receding hairline (think Jude Law pre ht). That in itself should be an art form but I'm imagining the temptation and pressure from the patient to get back their old hairline is immense.
  15. Dr. Erdogan tends to go for Home Runs which I believe is the right approach. Naturally you have to take into account your age, future loss and donor area but at a certain point going for thin and illusion of density is (IMHO) a waste of time and money. If your future loss/donor support a 3800 graft procedure I think Dr. E would get you an awesome result.
  16. I have noooo idea how you would relate his loss or quality to that patient and he could in fact expect far better results from Dr. E, for some reason you picked one of his worst results.Not only has he done better work with the same NWs, that NW pattern and loss is nowhere similar to the OPs
  17. Personally BetterLate I don't think the jury is out on LLLT. It *might* be on regrowth (though there are some very compelling and in-depth studies and I don't mean hairmax laser) but for dermatological post-surgical healing there is little. I think one would be crazy to not take advantage of 3 weeks of post surgical LLLT. I do get on Turkish Airlines you can upgrade but I am quite claustrophobic (assuming/hoping the hypnotherapy will work but who knows) and given the overall cost of the surgery willing to pay the 2x cost to have great wide seat, reclinging to full sleep, top notch meal, etc on both ends. Especially now with Euro plumetting to 1.05 vs the 1.2 it was before. That alone pays for a great experience. I'm going to go for the living in a populace that doesnt know me vs hypnotherapy, then a month after week 7 with old friends in Holland and explain a bad haircut. That brings me back to the people I know after 3 months
  18. Thanks BetterLate! Currently my plan is to stay in the Clinic for 3-5 days based on your post regarding how it was easier to sleep there, then probably take advantage of the 5 night Radisson deal. I weighed heavily going to a slightly further away hotel that provided basically 1 bedroom apartments with kitchen so I'd have more room and could save not only some $ on food but also eat better. However as I started considering that I realized that trying to shop and cook after surgery in an unfamiliar city and culture not to mention produce made no sense. So my plan is to do 2-3 weeks at the Raddisson, if I can swing a junior suite I might, but in any event it will keep me near the clinic. Is the 10-day cleaning a limit on the visit/cleaning post-op? I did speak to them about bringing an LLLT to use and was told they have one for post-op healing so if they let me do that I will indeed do that there. I am still not so sure on how long to stay; basically I want to be there long enough in case of any complication, to get the best post-op treatment for the longest I/they can manage, and look presentable enough to fly and travel without scabs, scars or a weird scarf on my head. If I need to wear a normal beanie or hat I can but also want to be able to just travel baldish (can't even imagine that right now ) In terms of visa will probably do e-visa,and as mentioned I am confirming with Turkish Airlines if I indeed get expedited immigration with Business Class. I damn sure know I get a fine meal and breakfast
  19. Hi BetterLate, I had an immigration question: when they say 'purpose of visit' do you have to say 'surgery/medical' (legally) or can you just more easily say 'visiting/pleasure'? I am planning on flying Business Class on Turkish Airways (I am claustrophobic so for a 10 hour flight need more space) which apparently has expedited immigration but don't want to hold up the process saying I am coming in for surgery, what type, etc/
  20. Crap! I'm cancelling the HT I just meant really that the Radisson will have a lounge are to get me out of the room vs the efficiency unit hotel. I wieghed pros and cons of Raddison vs Flora; Raddisson is more $ especially over 3 weeks AND has no kitchen so requires cost (and health issues) of eating out each meal and is smaller which will be noticable after three weeks. On the other hand Flora with the ful apartment suite and kitchen sounds nice at first but you lose most of the benefits of the hotel (including room service) and home cooking each day might not be so pleasant and easy in an unknown city blocks away from the nearest grocery store with unknown culture/food/etc. If this were San Francisco I'd jump at Flora but think I am just going to absorb the cost of Radisson. Also aftter 3-7 days I can go to the bar
  21. I sort of have same (albeit extended) plan; ASMED Clinic say 3 days post-oip, then planning on Raddison or FIaona for three weeks. Fiona less and bigger but even though a kitchen sounds great vs eating out all the time, I wonder how easy shopping is, how the local produce is, etc. Being at Raddison means I can sequester myself and order in and do bar with a cap if I want, Fiona means I need to go out in public and unknown area/culture and shop. I am asking about and researching post surgery LLLT btw which I have read is highly beneficial. LLLT is somtimes knocked as 'quackery' or not growing hair but one thing it is proven to do is rapid wound healing. Not sure if that relates to pain but I'd think wound healing = less pain.
  22. Hi NewLook that is great to hear. I can't wait to hear back on your experience. Are you planning on starting a blog? Mine can be found in my signature below, I plan on documenting as much as possible
  23. As promised, the Blog. Right now just my journey to my decision, pics to come. Hair Restoration Websites
  24. April was, his waiting list was not bad at all though, much better than many other Drs. 6-12 months. Stay tuned for the blog...
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