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Posts posted by mlc2010

  1. I've just had an email from a Dr Reddy in London who believes i would require just over 1500 grafts and believes my action plan of staying on Finasteride and having the transplant is the best option. However he did mention what you guys have being the hair loss could get worse and i may require those grafts more urgently at a latter date, but if i am willing to take that risk it is up to me. he mentioned ive got a good amount of hair in the donor area but not to think of this as a lifeline more last resort.


    Im researching him and his results and he seems to be one of the best in the UK and possible one of the top 20 in Europe. Hes done some good frontal work and if the price is right i may choose him as ease of transport.


    If any of you know anything about him please let me know.


    Also to answer Delancey's question my father and uncle have recently become a norwood 5 (they are both 67).


    I will also look into Dr Bisanga now.


    I think dr.reddy gets more with less grafts, as he picks the chunkiest ones. His website before and after look great, with such small grafts


    I sent you a pm

  2. I'm very happy to be a new member and this is my very first post.


    Slight background: The hair on my crow started thinning at age 19. It has very gradually progressed over 11 years and I am now at a point where I want to do something about it.


    I went to my very first ever consultation with a HT surgeon today. This was in the city where I live; I have decided to check out the local scene first and will gradually widen my search. I have another consultation booked for next Tuesday.


    As this is was my first consultation, I have a few questions.


    1. After filling out the paperwork a nurse or technician used a camera and computer software to measure the hair density on different parts of my head. Is this a standard procedure?


    2. After the surgeon examined my hair, he strongly recommended I start taking finasteride and then come back in 4 or 5 months to discuss surgery because this would mean that fewer grafts would be needed. Is this common?


    3. One of the reasons I am considering a HT is because I don't want to be taking a drug for the rest of my life. Is it a common strategy to use finasteride after a HT?


    Thanks in advance.


    It's best to use finasteride before and after a transplant.. to stabilise the hairloss.. and once the transplant is done, the transplanted hair is permanent, but the hair left isn't. you could lose further hair, and it might look silly

  3. I wonder if he is on Fin or Dut? Does not seem to be imho.


    At least he has the $$$ to keep chasing. Looks a very aggressive pattern though, id say he will end up needing to go the BHT route to maintain a full head.


    I said before, he can have all the money in the world, will not buy him more donor area. I said he should of had one, and leave it at that, but someone in here did not agree


    It looks crap to be honest, and he has had two!

  4. He's already addressed his frontal third and midscalp which is the most important aspect of hair restoration, he still has donor hair left should his sides ever recede downward, the crown is something most guys will have to leave thin and or bald. He was already a norwood IV prior to getting his first surgery, the only thing left for him to lose is the crown.


    As he ages a bald crown won't look as bad. However, a bald front in your 20's looks a lot worse, and if you think being in the spotlight and being bald before your 30 doesn't matter well then I don't know what else to say.


    I'm not denying it looks good, Im just saying he could of been more conservative


    Anthony Stokes ( Celtic player ) had one and his looks excellent too





  5. Footballers follow WADA rules and finasteride is not a banned substance. If anything finasteride would mess with your performance because DHT is a key component in aggression, less DHT=less aggression. Taking a DHT compound though like Masteron on the other hand is most definitely banned because that can and will enhance your performance.


    I think Rooney is on Finasteride, at the rate he was losing hair in his early 20's his crown should be gone by now, he was definitely going to join the bald by 30 club, me and him are the same age and at the age of 23 I had way more hair then him, by 25 I still had more hair then him, then he got his transplant and his hair loss seemed to have slowed down a lot.


    This was rooney at the tender age of 23 you mean to tell me he should've carried on looking like this for the rest of his 20's just to wait until he retires and gets out of the spotlight to get a procedure done? That makes no sense



    He had his first HT in 2011? Thats nearly 5 years ago, so he was 24/25...and he had another one two years later.. would you get 2 HT by time your 30?


    I don't see what being in spotlight has to do with it, you only get so much hair, and when he needs another one in 5/10 years, or a 4th one, they may find he doesnt have enough donor hair


    then he has the rest of his life to live

  6. Bitching? what bitching ha.. I think they ban footballers from taking it because it may enhance there performance but don't hold me to that.


    haha I said it in jest


    Yeah I thought so. He has had 2 HT at age of 30 with no finasteride.. could he not have waited?


    All the money in the world wont buy you more donor hair, and he already is looking really thin at the sides and back. His crown will be next on the list and that will take a lot of grafts

  7. If the doctor sated that your donor was limited due to the nape hair, possibly what he is seeing is some amount of retro-alopecia, meaning, that there is some thinner hair at the base of your neck that has worked it's way into the donor zone?


    Possibly, he could of thought that, but I have had my hair like this for as long as I can remember, he said I have GOOD donor area, but the area is limited as I have whispy beard like hair on my nape and behind ears.. however this has not got worse, so I have no idea what it is


    I'm 31 now

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