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Posts posted by bencar

  1. Need some serious feedback here. First off I want to say that i shampoo my hair everyday. But I noticed last nite some itching on my scalp. Today I shampooed my hair and some to my shock about 10 hair strands in the shower.


    I always check for hair strands in the shower every time I shampoo. I havent lost this much hair since about a month ago.


    Is this normal? Is this amount of hair strand shedding normal? Should I be worried?

  2. Ginger root? That's interesting. I may look into that. How did she suggest you use it? I suppose you would have to juice it right? I'm always game for a natural solution if possible. :)


    And if you ever have other specific questions about my own experience, just lemme know. I'm happy to help.


    I beleive you have to get an extract, will find out for sure.


    Appreciate the feedback on your transplant. Did you have to get one transplant or 2 or 3?

  3. .


    For shampoo, I use Ovation shampoo/conditioner, which really helps my scalp a lot. And when my scalp gets really dry/itchy, I apply Raw Apple Cider Vinegar to it. It burns like hell, but really does the job.


    Funny you mention that. A woman recommended that i use ginger root as a shampoo. I may do just that today!


    BTW I saw your pics of your hair. Looks like you had a transplant. May I ask with what doctor did you have that done? Any issues after the procedure?

  4. Bencar,


    Shampoo asks a very important question. Is this itching after a procedure, or itching in the scalp in general? Anything accompanying the itching -- redness, scaling, dry skin, oil skin, etc?


    When you talk about procedure youre maybe asking about a transplant. No I'm not asking for that. . What would you recommend?

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