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Everything posted by MrBurns

  1. I am 18 days post op today. Surprisingly I haven't shed as much as I did last time at this point.. Everything feels like it has gone very smoothly so far. t
  2. I decided to go ahead and do a second hair transplant for my crown, which I knew I would probably need even back when I did the first 7 years ago. I am now 18 days post op from a second FUT of ~2201 grafts. Everything went smoothly during the procedure and the healing process seemed way easier than last time. I only took ibuprofen the first night after the procedure. It was pretty smooth sailing this time around pain and healing wise. I know I mentioned how amazing the experience was the first time around and somehow this time it was even better. Gabel and his team are incredible -- I can't recommend him enough. Here are some before pics prior to the procedure. (I'll post better ones later)
  3. I guess this makes 10 months? wow.. time has flown by. I feel 100x better I'm really glad I did this procedure and I'm really glad I found this forum.
  4. 9 month update -- I think i'll probably have another procedure for my crown and maybe to thicken it up at some point.... The crown doesnt bother me all that much but the whole hair greed thing.. well its definitely real lol. I'm very happy with where i am, but im not sure what to do with my hair quite yet hairstyle wise.... its not quite thick enough to stick it straight up... im going in for a hair cut today.. maybe ill post more pictures afterward. just for fun the last pic is pre-op... You kind of forget how far you've come towards 6ish months... It feels like im looking at someone elses pictures now.
  5. From my own experience i was kinda feeling the same thing around month 6 and it really turned around for me within the last month (month 8ish..) It was really thin and still quite patchy for me... i had a lot less hair than you from the start so it was actually a lot more noticeable (the patchiness..) Don't let it get you down, i kept as much of a positive outlook on it as i could and the last 30 days have been the biggest improvement for me out of the entire process.. i have been using toppik the entire time, and the last month i've used less and less, only in my crown area since that wasn't really addressed much with my fut.. Keep your head up, i see progress for you and if you end up like me you'll see the most improvement in another 2ish months.
  6. i'd say i saw growth at 3.5 months, it didnt thicken up until recently (month 8ish?) it is definitely a huge difference now vs at 3.5 months though.
  7. these were taken on 1/13/2017 @ 6:00pm so ~7 months post op my hair might be slightly damp as i just got out of the shower and took these. There is improvement/thickening I'm hoping for a little more of it though ill take more tonight and try and get a pic of the scar -- honestly the scar healed so well and my barbur is pretty good at cutting my hair i can no longer find it nor do i think i'll be able to capture it very easily.
  8. better 6 month post op pics and pre op side by sides. I probably dont have to mention which are pre op.. man i didnt realize how far i've come until i compared these photos taken at Dr. Gabels office. Honestly its amazing to me that i'm only 6 months out.. i am even more hopeful now of whats to come in the next 6 months. I love that Dr. Gabel actually uses the same exact lighting, location, and angles for his post op pics because now I can really compare them without any question as to where I'm at now and where i was in the beginning. I noticed some clinics have different angles and lighting for pre / post... definitely be mindful of this as i think a good physician should be able to show it like it is without trying to make things appear better or worse than they are/were.
  9. thank you so much for your kind words! this has been quite a process for me as i've always been pretty self conscious about my hair, this community made this a lot easier for me though
  10. I had about the exact same amount of grafts and the same procedure you did... my results look a lot like yours, sir. I think we both will see some more thickening in the coming months.
  11. Your hair/results already look great man! I have been hoping mine comes out half as good as yours has! I'm surprised you're going in for another HT to be honest. Probably the "hair greed" i hear everyone talk about.. I am just hoping mine thickens up a bit more, not that I'm not pleased with the results up until this point. Dr. Gabel is awesome (so is his staff) and I feel absolutely lucky as hell to have picked him as my surgeon.
  12. I am going to take some more pics later today, but here is one taken yesterday 6 months post op (i kind of moved my hair too forward i think, he gave me a natural roundish looking hair line and i think by combing it into a tip i'm ruining that lol)
  13. Thank you! I am probably being overly paranoid.. at least there is some progress right
  14. I am officially 5 1/4 (5.25) months post op. I will be totally honest -- i would love for some feedback. I have read so many horror stories about peoples Ht's that just stopped growing around this time.. and while i am happy that it appears to be growing i am nervous as hell and i'm hoping someone can come along and tell me i look somewhat normal for where i am in the process... it seems like there has been growth but im worried about it being thin forever... i am probably being overly paranoid.... but it also seems like one side is already quite a bit thicker than the other... as you can see in picture 4 on the left side of the picture. one of the photos is less harsh light -- thus it looks messy and fuller... doesn't really look like that normally i dont think. (there is no toppik or anything in my hair -- i just got out of the shower)
  15. ok here it is with the toppik spray can stuff. it really works the best for me im sure its different for everyone. I have the toppik fibers, spray can, and a few other different concealers as i went overboard before the procedure and bought everything i could find in dark brown.
  16. Thank you @ontop *CROSSES FINGERS I hope to get results like some of the others on this forum. This whole process has been stressful, but this forum and Dr. Gabels office really made it a LOT easier on me. They checked in with me the other day in fact and I'm just shocked at how amazing they have been throughout this whole thing! None of the pics i've posted up until this point have been with Toppik. In case anyone were curious. with Toppik things are very well concealed (i think) maybe ill get around to posting a pic with concealer.
  17. 3.5 months and i feel like things are going fairly well for it being so early.
  18. WOW! This is seriously inspirational! I seriously hope my results are even close to as good as yours. This is absolutely amazing. I'm sure you are thrilled Your per-transplant loss photos look very similar to the loss i have (ok maybe you weren't as bad off as me) *CROSSES FINGERS
  19. amazing results. .. I am truly astonished. I can only imagine how it must feel!
  20. donor area 2 months. Hair is a bit long so it would likely be hard to tell even if there were a lot of shock loss or something. but it seems to be healing well from what i can tell.. which isn't much since its int he back of my head
  21. 2 month update, not much to say, things seem to be healing really well, you can hardly tell there is a scarline and very little shockloss around the donor section. I'm very happy so far, some of the hair is even growing it seems like, and some never fell out. All in all... Very happy patient here. first pic no flash, second pic flash. amazing how the thin hairs are virtually hidden by the flash lol. A little toppik spray can and it thickens them up to the point that it almost looks like a buzz cut! ill try and take a pic of that tomorrow maybe.
  22. Thank you so much for the kind words and helpful suggestions I've been doing cardio for the past 3 days and its helped a ton (mentally), I'll likely start hitting the weights again starting tomorrow.
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