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Everything posted by Giuseppe-HDC

  1. HDC Hair Clinic is pleased to present a successful repair case. Initially, when we reviewed the patient's photos, we recognized it as an extremely challenging case and were hesitant to proceed. The patient had undergone two strip surgeries long ago, resulting in significant scars in the donor area and big mini grafts in the recipient. Dr. Maras conducted a face-to-face consultation and decided to take on this challenging case to help the patient. When asked about his expectations, the patient simply wanted to look normal again and be able to remove the hat he always wore. The approach involved punching out some grafts in the front and extracting the maximum number of grafts from the donor scalp and beard over a three-day surgery. These grafts were then distributed from the front towards the crown as much as possible. Additionally, Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) was performed on the scars. In the end, Dr. Maras successfully extracted 4160 grafts and followed the planned approach. 2000 of those were beard grafts mainly having 1 hair /FU. The patient is now very happy with the results, as you can see. Please do your research and choose the right clinic for your case. Do not take risks with your appearance and personality! Before Immediately after 1 Week after After
  2. A 30-year-old individual presented with temple recession and frontal hairline thinning. Seeking an optimal resolution, the patient consulted with HDC Hair Clinic and Dr. Maras. The characteristic of the patient's curly, coarse hair allowed the HDC Medical Team to effectively cover the entire area of thinning using only 2400 grafts. This strategic approach resulted in a nice integration with the patient's naturally dense hair. In the process, we preserved a portion of the patient's original hair, while enhancing the hairline with finely distributed grafts to augment density and ensure a natural appearance. The transplanted hair had full growth and blended with his existing hair, due to precise angulation and pattern of placement. Just also note that the donor area had a rapid recovery within a mere four days. The overall result showcases the natural-looking density and hairline, validating the success of the procedure.
  3. We present the case of a 50-year-old individual who underwent a second FUE hair transplant. Previously, he received approximately 2800 grafts at a different clinic. Over time, as his natural hair thinned, his baldness became increasingly noticeable. The Patient was seeking to establish a denser hairline but keep the same height and improve overall density. He approached us with the goal of enhancing coverage throughout the Norwood class 5 region. The complexity of his case was heightened by his prior FUE procedure and the presence of gray hair. Despite these challenges, we successfully harvested 4000 grafts from his donor area. We meticulously utilized the entire donor region, ensuring an even distribution of extractions to maintain a natural appearance without depleting the donor site. The result is presented 10 months after. The strategic placement of the 4000 grafts over a substantial area yielded very good results. The enhanced density and, most importantly, the natural look of the transplant met our client's expectations and exemplified our commitment to excellence in hair restoration. Before Immediately after 1 Month after 10 Months after
  4. We have prepared a new video that includes the result of this patient named as: Essential Insights for Your Hair Transplant Journey – Presented by HDC Hair Clinic In this video we show to potential patients the following: • Evaluating Hair Transplant Quality: Learn to assess a successful hair transplant by examining post-operative photographs. • Maximizing Donor Area Potential: Discover how to harvest a significant number of grafts while maintaining an undisturbed appearance in the donor area. • Expectations of Density and Naturalness: Understand what a full, natural-looking hair transplant result entails. • Rapid Recovery Post-Procedure: Gain insight into what constitutes a swift healing process following a hair transplant. This is the link of this video in YouTube Essential Insights for your Hair Transplant Journey - HDC Hair Clinic
  5. This is a 31 years old patient who wanted to add hair to the front third of his head. He visited Dr Maras in Israel, during the regular consultations that we offer there, and agreed to proceed with his FUE Hair Transplantation. The patient had a decent donor, an empty area to the front and he is a prospect of NW class 4, but his top hair was still strong. HDC Medical Team proceeded with front coverage with 3300 grafts as you can see in the post op photos. In the last 8 months he has been using our Finasteride and Minoxidil Gel land IPRF Treatments that makes his existing hair stronger. We are presenting the photos of his result. I addition to that, we present the post op photo of the donor and a before and after Comparison. At HDC we believe that apart from a good natural result, the preservation of the donor is equally important. Please do your research and choose a clinic that can give you a great result both is recipient and donor area! Before Immediately after 21 Months after
  6. We have prepared some comparison photos for better presentation of this result. See them below:
  7. A patient who had lost hair at the front of his head but still had some in the middle got a hair transplant. We carefully added new hair around the area where his hair was thickest. Just 7 months later, he sent us photos showing he's really happy with how it looks. We're sharing photos from before, right after the surgery, and the final result. Here are the key points: • Our medical team, led by Dr. Christina, used 3,300 hair grafts to make sure the result looked full and natural. • The punching of the donor was equally spread over the used area with the smallest possible punch used for the type and thickness of hair of this patient, thus leaving minimal scarring and trauma to the donor area • We placed the hair at just the right angle and pattern, so it looks like the patient's own hair, and he can style it easily. • We made the new hairline at the perfect height and shape for a 31-year-old, making it look natural. Getting the best results in hair transplants requires top-notch skills and a team that pays attention to every little detail. Rushing won't get you the quality you deserve. Remember, a hair transplant is an investment for life! Before Immediately after 7 Months after
  8. The patient sought a tailored solution for his specific pattern of baldness, characterized by a presence of hair along the hairline and a pronounced thinning on the Top area, with the donor area also presenting diffused characteristics. Dr Maras as his responsible doctor strategically commenced transplantation just behind to the existing frontal hair, ensuring a density that would integrate well, and give a natural result. So, 3416 grafts were transplanted, and the result came up very nice looking very natural. Please pay attention to the recipient and donor post operation photos that shows the quality of the work done, with he use of a small punch and minimum trauma. The patient expressed profound satisfaction with the results, a sentiment further echoed by his decision to share his comprehensive experience on this forum. You can see his post on this link My experience with HDC Dr. Maras 3416 grafts from June 22 - Hair Transplant Reviews - Hair Restoration Network - Community For and By Hair Loss Patients Before Immediately post op 5 Days after 1 year after
  9. The photos posted above was at the 6 months period. Now we have an update for this patient result at 9 months. You can see the photos below. We also have a video for this patient that we will post soon.
  10. I see the conversation above. I have included 2 photos with hair combed backwards from the two temples, area that that were empty before. I hope this will give a better understanding of the good result.
  11. This patient had some hair in the front and the initial idea was to cover the temples and the top area. However, after we started the hair transplantation procedure, we decided to fill up the front area as well, because this hair could get thinner in the next 1 or 2 years and the patient would lose all the benefit of the result. Therefore, we proceeded with 4000 grafts in 2 days and covered all the area. Besides the result that you can see, we also present the post-op photo of the recipient and the donor area one week after the surgery. In the post-op recipient photos, you can notice that the grafts have been placed with the correct pattern without gaps or corridors in between. In the immediate post-op, you can see that the punching has been distributed evenly all over the donor area and one week later you can see the fast healing of the donor area. This will result in a healthy-looking donor without areas with less density or holes in the donor. And you can see this in the result photos which are 11 months after the surgery. And as we always say, the most important thing is the naturality of the result without a sign of being the outcome of a hair transplant. When you pay for a hair transplant you are not really paying for the surgery but for your appearance, image, and integrity. How much do those worth for you? Before Immediately after 7 Days after 11 Months after
  12. The patient was very happy with the result of FUE 1, and he wanted more hair. His priority was to lower the hairline and make it less pointed. You can see the design of the FUE2 hairline below and the post op photos below. We filled up the hairline and added hair in the top area behind the grafts placed in his first procedure. Please note the donor post op photos taken one week after. You can see the fast healing and that the extraction of hair was balanced in in the entire donor area. You can also see the donor 2.5 years after removing 6026 grafts. In addition to an unsuccessful FUE procedure in another clinic. The result photos were taken by the patient who has posted his experience on the forums. HDC Hair Clinic is offering state-of-the-art repair surgeries and Giga session transplants for over 5000 grafts in one visit, donor permitting. Choose wisely from the first time! Before FUE2 Immediately after FUE2 1 Week after FUE2 2.5 Years after FUE2
  13. This is a very interesting case to present to this forum. This patient had an unsuccessful FUE procedure in Israel and then he was looking for a good Clinic on Repair work. He chose HDC and Dr Maras. He had two FUE procedures: 1st one for 2325 Grafts 2nd one for 3701 Grafts Total of 6026 Grafts We will go through his 1st FUE to see the result and then see the 2nd one. Before Immediately after After You can see that we proceeded with a very conservative hairline so that we can manage his limited donor.
  14. I am giving below some comparison photos for better understanding the difference in before and after.
  15. HDC Hair Clinic is one of the few clinics that can offer Giga Sessions. We consider mega sessions to be over 4000 Grafts and giga session to be over 5000 Grafts. This can be achieved in one visit. It take 2 surgery days for Mega Session and 3 days for Giga Session. Of course these big sessions are possible provided that the donor allows. We describe how we deliver a Giga session of 5000 grafts in this video FUE Hair Transplant 5000 Grafts Giga Session HDC Hair Clinic (youtube.com)
  16. This patient is on our Minoxidil and Finasteride Gel. You can see details of this product on this link. Hair Loss Treatments - HDc Hair Transplant Clinic (hairtransplants-hdc.com)
  17. This is a case of a 35-year-old patient who wanted to cover his baldness. He had high donor hair on the sides, but his baldness extended low to the back to the NW class 6 area. His back donor was limited. Therefore, we had to divide his coverage into two surgeries: one for the front and top and another one for the crown. We transplanted 4400 grafts and covered a relatively large surface area. The design of the area to cover was such that the crown would look naturally empty and not like a half-finished job. The result is only 6 months after surgery and has some way to go. As we mentioned in other posts, we distributed the punching of the grafts over the entire useful donor area of the patient and his donor still looks very good. We can easily get the rest of about 2500 grafts needed to cover the crown. Choose your hair transplant clinic wisely. It is your personality and integrity for a lifetime at stake. Before Immediately after 6 Months after
  18. This is a 40 years old NW5 patient who wanted to fill up the front and top area. HDC Medical Team with Leading Physician being Dr Christina transplanted 4170 grafts in 2 consecutive days. We would like to outline the following points for the photos that show the result below: · Hairline has been designed in the most proper height and shape to achieve maximum naturality. · All donor has been used and punched in two days to safeguard minimum trauma and equal distribution of extracted grafts. This will maintain the donor in its best status and enable it to give ultimately more grafts for transplantation. · Grafts have been placed in the correct pattern and angulation for maximum naturality of the result. · Examine the post op photos to see how much detail they show of the fine work done. Hair transplantation is a lifetime investment in yourselves. Make this investment of your appearance and personality to the right Clinic! Before Immediately after 10 Months after
  19. This is a case of a 37-year-old patient with light-colored and thinning hair who wanted to cover the entire thinning areas. HDC Hair Clinic, under the supervision of Dr Christina, managed to cover all the area that needed to be addressed with exactly 4568 grafts in a two-day surgery. When presenting a result, it is very important to show the work that has been done. This is why we provide clear photos of the post-operation work for both the recipient and donor areas. In these photos, you can notice how the grafts have been evenly distributed with the right pattern in the recipient area. You can also see how the punching was evenly distributed in the donor area, leaving minimal trauma, and preserving the hair in between the punches. This resulted in a healthy-looking donor afterwards, as you can see in the relevant photos. Do not underestimate the health of the donor after FUE, as this is your only reserve of hair for future needs. Please also notice the natural direction of the transplanted hair growth and how easy it is to style the transplanted hair. Choosing the right clinic for your hair transplant is a very important decision that can affect your lifetime appearance. You should do your research and compare different options before making a final choice. Before Immediately After 7 Months after
  20. HDC Hair Clinic is about to present a series of Giga session results, starting today. This is a 31 years old NW Class 5 patient who wanted to cover an area of his baldness so that the result would look natural, have a good density, and not look half finished. This could only be achieved by taking as many grafts as possible. This 5000 grafts case is presented 8.5 months after surgery, in great detail. With photos before, post op of donor and recipient, as well as the result 8.5 months after surgery. There are also a few videos, but we can’t post them here. We will prepare a YouTube video link later. Please notice the following: · Punching evenly spread over the whole donor. · Grafts evenly distributed in the recipient area with correct angle and pattern. · Full growth of transplanted hair. · Donor area looks almost the same after taking 5000 grafts away. · The naturality of the result. Hairline, hair direction and blending all nicely together. Hair Transplantation is a lifetime decision. It determines your appearance and personality. Make the correct decision about how to proceed. Avoid risks. Choose certainty! Before Immediately after 2 days after 1 week after Donor Before post op and After 1 month 8.5 Months after
  21. This patient traveled from USA to Cyprus for his Hair Transplant with an intermediate stop for holiday in a Greek island. He is 41 years old, and he wanted to cover his frontal baldness. Dr Christina and the medical team of HDC Hair Clinic transplanted 3520 grafts to fill up this area. A conservative hairline was designed as per the patient’s wishes and our recommendations. The result photos were sent by the patient to the clinic. As always, we present this result in detailed before and post op photos. In the post op recipient photo, you can see the correct distribution of the grafts, spread evenly over the area and in the donor post op, you can see the equal distribution of punching with creating minimal trauma illustrated just after finishing the surgery. Choose sure success for your Hair Transplant. This is your lifetime appearance! Before Immediately after Monthly evolution of Growth 8 Months after
  22. This is a 39-year-old patient who wanted to cover his crown. We include the dimensions of the crown in the before photo. HDC Hair Clinic used 2400 grafts to cover this area as you can see in the post op photo. The patient has sent us his result photo after 9 months and it looks quite good. This can be an indicative crown result with a slight see though factor on the squirl. We always tell our patients that crown results are not supposed to look thick like front or top area results. This is due to the hair direction on the crown and is normal to have a see-through element. This way the result is more natural. Also, we need to be careful with the spending of grafts as usually crowns become bigger over time and then a thick crown surrounded by a thinner circle can look unnatural. In hair transplantation aim for a good natural result with respect to the donor! Before Immediately after 9 Months after
  23. This is a NW Class 4 patient and a potential Class 5. You can see his NW scale in the before photos. He had some hair in the transplanted area. This gave us the option to spread the transplanted 3520 grafts into an area that would need more, if he had a completely bald recipient. This way we saved donor for the future. We advised the patient to use our mixed Minoxidil – Finasteride Gel (Hair Loss Treatments - HDc Hair Transplant Clinic (hairtransplants-hdc.com) , starting one month after the surgery, and he is still using it to date. This probably maintained his existing hair if not even make it little better. This helped the transplanted hair to give a full coverage of the recipient area. The patient obviously is very happy and was glad to allow us to post his result. You can see the triangles in the front, achieving an irregular hairline (now we do it less intense), that the density drops after the first 3 cm to cover more area and avoid damaging his existing hair. We treat each case according to the patient’s needs. With HDC Hair Clinic, you will get the best treatment that the industry can provide! Before Immediately after 3 Years after
  24. We have prepared a small YouTube video, giving many details of how this result has been achieved. We also show what was the development of hair growth on each month. You can watch it on this link
  25. This is a 27-Year-old Patient who lost his hair in the front Triangle. A Classic NW Scale 3 hair loss. Dr Christina and the medical team of HDC Hair Clinic in Cyprus, Transplanted 3000 grafts to this area. · In the Before photos, you can see the shape and height of the hairline, which suits best this patient to get the best of natural appearance. · In the high clarity post op Recipient area Photo, you can see the irregularity of the hairline, the single grafts in the front and the pattern of placing and spacing between the grafts, mimicking the normal growth of hair. · In the immediate post op donor area photo, you can see how clean the donor with minimum trauma and equal spacing from one punch to the other. In HDC we can get more grafts from a given donor over additional Transplantation surgeries due to correct extraction process. · In the result photos, you can see the full growth of the hair in the correct angles and how nicely fits the appearance of the patient. · When hair is pulled back you can see the detail of the growth on the hairline, looking like is his own hair, due to the naturality of the result. Also, you can see that this result is presented with nice and clear photos so that all the detail of the Hair transplantation procedure is revealed. Even a non-expert can understand a good job. Make detailed research before deciding which clinic to choose. Don’t get carried away from Instagram and Tik Tok advertising. Before Immediately After After
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