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Everything posted by Giuseppe-HDC

  1. Thank you for asking. Just for correctness, we are HDC Hair Clinic in Cyprus and you can see who we are at a glance and the price range we are offering, at this link. https://www.hairtransplants-hdc.com/hair-transplant-surgery/50-hdc-at-a-glance
  2. This is a 50-year-old patient who decided to restore his receding hairline. HDC Medical Team dense packed 2800 FUE grafts, giving a full density so that the transplanted hair, would blend nicely with the hair behind. A receding hairline can increase your estimated age for up to 5 years, and the reverse will apply if you restore it successfully. A hairline surgery is not easy, because you need to design it correctly by avoiding placing it too high or too low, dense pack the grafts, use correct pattern in making the sites and the correct angulation so that it will look completely natural. You can also notice how correctly and evenly the punching was spread over the donor, thus avoiding leaving an area of the donor looking less dense than any other. HDC has published many examples of hairline restoration in the near past, and many of our patients come for this type of surgery. As you can see in this result, all the elements mentioned above were strictly followed. Before Immediately after 8 months after
  3. This 41 year old patient has been on Propecia for many years. He has thinning up to the NW class 5 area, but he only needs hair in the NW3 area to achieve a nice look. HDC has transplanted 3200 grafts and has left his thicket turf of front hair behind the hairline untouched. We also include a photo of his donor after finishing his surgery. In this photo you can see that all the punching has been distributed evenly of the whole donor, thus leaving no scars or depleted donor. The patient sent us some photos of his result that we show below but we are expecting more photos from all angles. Before [URL=https://app.photobucket.com/u/arnakia/a/5fc2ee42-b908-4297-92ca-c0e369ce93fc/p/4ba4be39-a06d-4dca-a905-a278c0d160dd][IMG]https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/m617/arnakia/1(8).jpg?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds[/IMG][/URL] [URL=https://app.photobucket.com/u/arnakia/a/5fc2ee42-b908-4297-92ca-c0e369ce93fc/p/1e000c69-dbb3-4158-80de-5f20516aedca][IMG]https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/m617/arnakia/2(8).jpg?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds[/IMG][/URL] [URL=https://app.photobucket.com/u/arnakia/a/5fc2ee42-b908-4297-92ca-c0e369ce93fc/p/8af025f5-8b45-4210-ae46-b6552e5a0957][IMG]https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/m617/arnakia/3(5).JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds[/IMG][/URL] [URL=https://app.photobucket.com/u/arnakia/a/5fc2ee42-b908-4297-92ca-c0e369ce93fc/p/3773fc28-2616-4f0b-85a9-d6961253816a][IMG]https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/m617/arnakia/4(7).JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds[/IMG][/URL] Immediately after [URL=https://app.photobucket.com/u/arnakia/a/5fc2ee42-b908-4297-92ca-c0e369ce93fc/p/8cd6e916-913d-4fd6-ab9d-60bc88e3321d][IMG]https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/m617/arnakia/5(7).JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds[/IMG][/URL] [URL=https://app.photobucket.com/u/arnakia/a/5fc2ee42-b908-4297-92ca-c0e369ce93fc/p/45b08588-1b27-4dbf-9b83-ac20bf5b2af7][IMG]https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/m617/arnakia/6(6).JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds[/IMG][/URL] 8 Months after [URL=https://app.photobucket.com/u/arnakia/a/5fc2ee42-b908-4297-92ca-c0e369ce93fc/p/a54bd995-3cdc-40f0-a810-a54fa9089bc4][IMG]https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/m617/arnakia/7(3).jpg?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds[/IMG][/URL] [URL=https://app.photobucket.com/u/arnakia/a/5fc2ee42-b908-4297-92ca-c0e369ce93fc/p/2c2b4e32-f762-482e-8cac-a325fc3a4d42][IMG]https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/m617/arnakia/8(4).jpg?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds[/IMG][/URL]
  4. This patient started working as a Hair transplant technician with HDC in the beginning of 2016. His hairline was receding, and he wanted to make a hair transplant to restore it. Being a member of HDC Medical team he knew that the work performed is perfect. So, in September 2019 he proceeded with the surgery. We placed 2100 grafts and dense packed his hairline and temples. He does not have a bad history of hair loss, but he may lose density of the hair behind the transplanted ones in a few years. In which case he will need to cover those areas too. All patients visiting HDC Hair Clinic, can see his result in person. It is as presented below: Before Immediately after 10 Days after 11 Months after
  5. This patient had a big scar due to burning. The whole burned area was about 100sqcm and he had a balloon expander and reduced it to about 35cmsq as you can see on the before photos. HDC Medical team was a bit skeptical in the beginning about the success of the transplant on this scar so we explained to the patient that we can try our best to repair it but we can’t guarantee the full success. The patient needed to understand that scar repairing outcome can rely on unforeseen factors mainly the possibility of reduced blood supply in the scar area. He said let’s try as it was impossible for him to keep this scar exposed. The grafts were extracted mainly from the other side of the scalp that was not affected by the balloon expander and where the density was higher. HDC has transplanted 1500 grafts and one year later we have the result. Both us and the patient were extremely happy with the outcome. Before Immediately After One Year After
  6. This is a class 3 patient with some thinning up to the class 4 stage. He wanted to add more density to the front thinner area and enhance the less thin area behind. This was achieved by an FUE Hair transplant of 3075 grafts. See his before and after as well as his post op and intermediate growth stage. He has good donor characteristics and no potential for high Norwood Class; he is 38 years old thus making him a very good hair transplant candidate. You can see the clean work of the extraction, on his post op donor photo. HDC is extracting with great care with spreading the punching all over the donor area and leaving the surrounding hair intact for every punch. This leaves the donor with minimal scarring and with uniform density, thus avoiding over extracted areas in the donor. To achieve this, you need to employ the right technique and to make the work patiently and this is why we need two days to finish an FUE surgery of 3000 – 4000 grafts. Additionally, by employing this technique we can yield more grafts from a given donor because we avoid excessive trauma and damage of adjacent grafts. You can see more information about Donor Harvesting in our article on this link https://www.hairtransplants-hdc.com/blog/item/avoiding-scarring-and-depletion-of-the-donor-in-large-fue-sessions See the result below: Before Immediately after 1 Month after 3 Months after 8 Months after
  7. This is a NW Class 4 patient, 45 years old, and he wanted to cover his frontal receding area. He trusted HDC Hair Clinic for this job and his aim was to make a Hair Transplant with density that would look natural and to match his hair behind the empty area. We managed to get some photos of his result when he came back to the clinic to have a 2ndFUE for his crown area. His donor was well managed, as HDC did not take more grafts than needed in the first hair transplant. Note that it was only 2900 Grafts. You can see in the photos that follow all before, post op and result positions. We have also included a shaved photo of his result as many times, patients ask how the transplanted hair will look if shaved after. Before Immediately after Donor 5 days after 1 Year after 1 year after with shaved head
  8. This is a classic Result of HDC Hair Clinic, for frontal coverage with 3000 grafts. Also, it is a classic case that the extraction is distributed evenly of the donor with minimal scaring with Natural looking hairline with correct height and design. Sometimes patients wonder why to pay more than low cost clinics. Well, they pay for the experience of the doctors in designing correctly where to place the grafts, for a natural look now and the future. They also pay for the correct direction and pattern of the placed grafts. They pay for not destroying their donor. They also pay for having a doctor doing their surgery and not only technicians. They pay for their safety if something goes wrong. If a low-cost clinic can present as good result, how can the patient know that the technicians that will do their surgery, are those who achieved the good result? At the end of the day to get what you pay. With HDC Hair Clinic you can be sure that you can get the best that the industry can offer. See the result below. Before Immediately after 8 Months after
  9. Many times, we have high Norwood patients with below average donors, requesting hair Transplantation. Sometimes however they are mis leaded by posted results showing high densities and high number of grafts. The first thing that HDC Hair Clinic is doing, is to guide them to have realistic expectations. They need to know what they are getting and if they are satisfied with a low density but natural look then we proceed. We decided to post one such a result which is different from the ones we posted in the past. This is a 30 years old patient that wants to cover his whole baldness without depleting his donor. HDC Started with the 1stFUE for 2850 grafts and he will continue as planed with 2ndFUE with about 2500 grafts or more if the donor allows. You can see the low-density natural result from all angles. Notice the naturality and the maintenance of good donor achieved by the fact that grafts have been extracted evenly over the whole donor area. I hope this post will give light to patients in this category. Before Immediately after 7 Months after
  10. This is a 39-year-old patient on NW scale class 5. He trusted HDC Hair Clinic with Dr Maras for his Hair Restoration. As you can see his natural forehead was very small. But HDC wanted to give him a more conservative and natural look. So, we started the hairline about 1.5cm above his original one. This gave him a more natural look as you can see in the result. What we explain many times to potential patients who probably shop around low-cost clinics, is that successful Hair transplantation has the medical part but also the artistic part. You need to choose a Clinic that can place the hair at the correct hairline Height, for now and the future, with correct angulation pattern and density. Just covering your bald spots is not enough. You pay for the experience the track history and the many successful results of a medical team. And please pay attention when you examine results of a certain clinic. Make sure the doctor and the team that surrounds him, have achieved these results. And that the same team will operate in your case. This an 8 months Hair Transplant result. The photos are kind of dark, but we will try to get new photos with better lighting in his next visit. Before Immediately after 8 Months after
  11. This is a case of 2200 FUE Hair Transplantation with the result presented 8 years after. The patient was 34 years old in 2011 and now he is 42. Many times, we see our patients after many years losing a lot of their existing hair. In this case the patient kept most of his existing hair because it was strong as you can see in the before photos. He is now back to HDC Hair clinic, to fill up his crown area and we took the opportunity to capture the after 8 years photos. This post can answer the question if the transplanted hair can stay the same after many years. It did stay in this case, but we see other cases that transplanted hair lose density after many years. Before Immediately after 8 Year after
  12. This patient who is 67 years old had a strip many years ago in his home country to cover he crown. He wanted to restore his hairline and front. In the Beginning HDC was hesitating to proceed with Surgery due to age and thin hair on the donor with a strip scar. We lowered his expectations and we go for it after examining well his health history. To our and his surprise, the result was great. He is now coming soon for covering the area behind FUE1. Many times, the positive thinking of the patient can help. The careful punching of Dr Maras will enable the donor of this patient to give about an additional 3000 grafts on FUE2. You can see the before, post op of donor and recipient, and the result 8 months after. Before Immediately after 8 Months After Photo in the sun
  13. Thanks' for your interest in our Clinic. Our prices range between 2 to 2.5 euro/graft. Specifically for procedures with Dr Maras the cost is 2.5 euro/graft
  14. We have prepared 3 comparison results of this patient to show the change brought by the Hair Transplant, at a glance.
  15. This patient is 40 years old, with balding temples and hairline and thinning hair up to the NW class 5 stage. He was advised by HDC Hair Clinic in his consultation, to fill up his hairline and temples with a density that would blend with his hair behind and not a dense pack that would make the transplanted hair look like a thick moustache in the front. He also wanted a mature hairline, so we placed the hairline slightly behind his existing hair. HDC Hair Transplant Clinic, distributed 2700 grafts to cover this area in order to match the desires and profile of the patient for getting a natural result. You can see this result 8 months later. Before Immediately After 8 Months After
  16. Many times, patients are worried if their Hair Transplant Result will last over time. Sometimes it does sometimes it is weaker after 5 to 10 years. There are many factors that can affect this development but the main one is how the androgenetic alopecia will develop over time due to hereditary predisposition. Other factors can be what the patient may be using during the post operation years to keep his existing hair and to maintain the Transplanted Hair. This patient had done a few things periodically like finasteride, Minoxidil and Micro needling. He also had 3 PRF Sessions in the last 6 months. You can now see his result of before and after 6 years which is indeed amazing. To be more precise the transplant took place on 19-09-2013 and the photos were taken on 20-06-2019, during a visit from the patient who is from Israel, to the HDC Clinic In this video you can see the correct way of choosing the right clinic for your hair transplantation through the experience of one of our patients. This video is not related to the patient presented in this thread. Before Immediately after 6 Years after
  17. This is a 50-year-old patient who had a 3000 graft FUE Hair Transplant, with HDC Hair Clinic in Cyprus. He has good hair characteristics and very good donor. HDC Medical and Dr Maras who was the responsible doctor on this case, has spread the extraction of the grafts on the whole of the donor and he left the surrounding hair from each extracted graft intact, in order to avoid depletion and to leave the donor area looking as being untouched. This technique is more important on patients with average donor. It takes longer to do it, but your only supply of hair is your own donor. So, don’t waste it to finish quickly or to pay a few dollars less. The aim of HDC Hair Transplant Technique is to give naturalness to the result in terms of feathering hairline, correct direction of the transplanted hair and to position the hairline according to each patient’s best interest. HDC is also offering a unique post operation care for faster and correct donor and recipient area, healing. You can see more on this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huPLNp-Sy8c&t We present this, 7 months result, including the development of the one and four months after. Before Immediately after 1 month after 4 months after 7 months after
  18. This is a 32-year-old patient at Norwood class 5 stage. He has some thin hair in his balding area, and he wondered if these would be affected adversely from the hair transplant. We explained that there is a possibility that some of those vellus hair might not survive and that we will place the appropriate density to cover of any loss. Finally, it seems that most if not all his existing hair survived as the result is really thick after placing 3000 grafts on hairline and top area. The patient is coming for a second FUE Hair Transplant to cover the crown. What is remarkable in this case, apart from the result, is that the donor looks as strong as before the extraction of 3000 grafts, illustrated by photos and video. This makes this patient ready for covering all his crown with FUE2 without worry about his donor. How you will look after your FUE Hair Transplant and why the donor keeps in best condition, can be seen in this video link. https://youtu.be/huPLNp-Sy8c Before Immediately After 1 Year After
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