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Everything posted by Spring15

  1. I'm going to guess around $8 Aus dollars per graft, or just over $5 USD per graft. But please tell us @Stev86
  2. The hair used from the donor is DHT resistant, so medication won't make a difference. Medication will help stop further loss behind the transplant area though
  3. That's the trouble with Aussie clinics. You get hit with an outrageous price & a sub par result. Double whammy. You've chosen well for your next surgeon though 👍
  4. Sure. My donor was already overharvested from my previous transplant in 2017 with Dr Cinik
  5. It looks like it has been captured in harsh light? I think it's still a solid result with more thickening hopefully to come
  6. Nice. Look forward to seeing how it progresses over the coming months braveheart
  7. Looking very thick. Can you show some photos with your hairline exposed?
  8. 5 weeks. Those indents are apparently from my body producing too much skin when healing causing it to fold - I think micro needling started it and this latest transplant made it more severe
  9. Dr Laorwong was my second choice surgeon, he's exceptional. Let's see if I made the right choice discarding him lol
  10. Crown looks really good now. Which state are you in? Your house gives me rural midwest or Montana vibes lol.
  11. Nice. How much for one ear? I only want to adjust one
  12. I would avoid. I got a decent enough result for the price with Cinik, however not until years after I realized they overharvested my donor. Plus he is seeing like 4+ patients a day
  13. You mean you won't use your donor & will use your beard/body hair grafts? Do you have a weak donor?
  14. There are only a handful of reliable clinics in Turkey (that we know of). Those ones you've googled will potentially give less than desirable results with donor overharvesting. I had my transplant in Turkey with Dr Pekiner this year, if not him the only surgeon I would consider in Turkey is Dr Keser otherwise I would go somewhere else
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