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Everything posted by Spring15

  1. That is the best comb over game I've ever seen lol Eugenix would probably accept you, they produce good results for high norwoods, I think Zarev has a crazy wait time & you'd have to fly to Bulgaria for a consult
  2. I would just go to Europe/Turkey and see De Freitas, Pekiner or Keser. They charge around 3 USD per graft and have amazing results
  3. Woowey that's a big job. How many days was this spread over? How old are you?
  4. Even though you have 0 rings, this is great advice brother
  5. Damn didn't know Bisanga charges 7 euros per graft now. De Freitas or Pekiner are much more cost effective for same results
  6. Looking great, put some good fibers in your hair and it'll look like you're a natural full head
  7. @GATI wouldn't worry.. I was surprised that De Freitas gives diazepam before surgery, you'll be feeling like a fairy the whole time lol
  8. I don't believe he is known on this forum or on the recommended surgeon list. For that price in USA, would be worth looking into Dr Konior - he has a lot amazing results on here
  9. Nice. You've for coverage on top which was slick bald prior. Should thicken up more in the coming months
  10. De Freitas delivers some of the best hair lines in the game. Looking forward to see how this turns out!
  11. Hey mate, are you able to share how you're looking now? Must be coming along nicely
  12. Hey mate, month 6 now- can we see how you're looking?
  13. The brothers will be a pair of ugly ducklings at this stage. Hope to see updates soon though!
  14. Been over 4 months now - should be some hairs sprouting
  15. The best option you listed there was Patty in Thailaind , yet you think it's too far to travel. Would you rather a 6 hour plane trip and potentially crap looking hair to look at for years to come in the mirror? Or a 24 hour plane trip with likelihood of a great head of hair? I'd re-consider how you're prioritizing this..
  16. I think they're from micron needling. I only noticed them in the last few years
  17. No I wasn't. I haven't noticed anything tbh - not sure if I've maintained/lost
  18. Even if you were slick bald around your hairline/midscalp that is still looking average. You still have a few months of improvement to come though
  19. I was in the same position as you, unable to take finasteride due to side effects. Regardless I got a hair transplant in 2017 at age 25. I don't regret getting it, I wish I went with a better surgeon however. Your hair loss doesn't appear to be too aggressive so restoring a NW1 hairline wouldn't be too difficult & it should be maintainable until you're nearly 30 or possibly into your 30s. I just got my second transplant at 31, this was more to add density from my first transplant/ I've probably lost between a quarter and half a norwood between transplants. I would highly recommend adding weekly microneedling along with topical minoxidil as well Your 20s are the prime years of your life, you don't want to be hindered by hair loss. I say go for it, with a reputable surgeon of coarse
  20. Killer result. Do you know if Dr Feller is still practicing?
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