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Everything posted by Spring15

  1. Close ups aren't a real help. Every transplant looks garbage if you zoom it that much. Result looks decent overall
  2. Yeah man it's brutal. I looked deformed flying back after my transplant. You know that sasquatch looking thing from The Goonies movie. That was me
  3. According to the dates from the first page, it's only been 3 months. Which if so you probably won't notice anything yet
  4. Yes the ears, Ok my second guess would have been some form of martial arts. 👍
  5. Big improvement already. Did you used to play rugby?
  6. Nice work, I would have guessed more than 1300 grafts though. How has it turned out @Jake2012?
  7. Possibly shock loss, wait to see if it grows in over the next couple months
  8. Looks like you're being a bit critical, this is good progress so far and a hair transplant will never give natural density
  9. The right ones can make a heavily diffused head look full 💢
  10. It will be low density everywhere. You will need a second procedure to add density for a more natural look
  11. My transplant I had noticeable improvement up until about month 7-8. Though everyone is different, you should definitely have ample increase in density over the coming months
  12. How do you mean Pekiner is choosy? What factors influence whether he accepts or declines a potential patient?
  13. Great recovery on the meds, I'm just drinking minoxidil orally - so sublingual you just let the minoxidil sit under your tongue until it dissolves? I'm from NZ going to Dr Pekiner next year in Turkey
  14. You have minor recession and going to a good surgeon you could get a nice NW1 hairline. The question is Why not? You've been on meds for years which has near maintained what you have, minimal loss, perfect donor and assuming you have up to 10 grand cash in the bank there is no reason why you shouldn't do it. People here are just comparing themselves wishing they had your head of hair and responding negatively to the idea of you getting a transplant. Go for it - with a credible surgeon of coarse. I've never heard someone say they've regretted a transplant when it's done properly, no matter how much or how little hair they had on their head to begin with
  15. There probably are some great surgeons somewhere in the UK but none with consistent results you can find online on hair loss forums, none that I've come across anyway. I'll be travelling from New Zealand to Turkey next year for my second transplant. Don't let location be a factor, remember you'll be looking at this everyday for the rest of your life - assuming you own a mirror lol
  16. I recommend some research here and choose a reputable surgeon - note none of them are in England
  17. Looking amazing at the 4 month stage. Do you have any before pics with hair?
  18. My consultation they said my donor was OK, your donor is probably thicker than mine though I've already had a transplant. They can use beard as well
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