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Everything posted by Spring15

  1. It's definitely overharvested on the patch just above his ear, you can can nearly see his scalp. Other than that the rest of the donor we can see looks OK.
  2. Would like to see him before the transplant, perhaps it's not that bad. Obviously not the best
  3. You're more around Norwood 5 territory. Most here would recommend Eugenix in India for your level of loss
  4. Look for yourself at the results posted by users in the results and reviews sub forum. You'll immediately notice how much more densely placed the grafts are (which is paramount) compared to how sparse your grafts are. Looks around 1500-2000 grafts max I'm sorry to say but this is probably the worst performed surgery we have seen on this forum this year
  5. Please name the clinic so users can avoid this practice
  6. From the bald bros to the bang bros This will be epic all the best lads
  7. Yes when I stopped topical for oral I lost density in my crown, I now take both oral and topical - crown has improved
  8. Yes I would say you are in a good position for a transplant. Go get em' champ
  9. Glad you've recovered from this horrific experience@Sanjar41 Do we know if this clinic is still in operation?
  10. The side effects are entirely possible - I had trouble getting it up after a month on finasteride. Luckily after I stopped mostly returned to normal, some don't recover
  11. This is nearly 8 months. I doubt there will be significant further growth but we'll see
  12. Everyone will have their own opinion on who is the "best" - my top in no order - De Freitas, Couto, Pekiner, Zarev Check the patient reports on here and see what you think
  13. Your transplant looks similar to my first, decent enough. That was in 2017 Going for my second early next year , I'm 31. In hindsight I wish I had it last year or 2020 but COVID + was in a relationship so wasn't thinking about my hair much If I were you I'd get your second next year
  14. Well according to some Doctors, losing 100 hairs a day is normal for non-balders. So that doesn't seem so excessive.
  15. I foresee a beautiful new hair line in the next few months The side of your head where your donor was taken looks a tad overharvested though? Doesn't really matter though
  16. Looks exquisite, I will also be going to Dr Pekiner next year. How did you find navigating around the city only speaking English?
  17. Why wouldn't he have a transplant at 20? Having noticeable hair loss throughout your twenties which is the prime years of your life would be horrible. Maybe in his early thirties it will become noticeable if the loss progresses from now but by then hair loss is common for that age. He's living his best life while he can
  18. It depends how much the minor recession is bothering you, are you thinking about it everyday to the point it's consuming your thoughts? If so for piece of mind get it done, if you barely think about it every so often just leave it as you have a good head of hair.
  19. Yes I am. Correct I meant to write no side effects so far
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