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Everything posted by Spring15

  1. I'd say Dr Couto but he's not taking patients at the moment. Like others said stay away from Erdogan. I'm going with Dr Bicer later in the year - she has solid results
  2. Hold on, Dr Couto has appointments as early as September this year available? Isn't his website down?
  3. I've managed to maintain my crown with micro needling & minoxidil. Those are worth a try - Finasteride is an option but beware of the potential side effects
  4. I didn't say mention this forum, and also only if they refuse a refund - this result is horrid & OP should be compensated Sadly a lot of companies - including ones I've worked for will only make an effort when their public image has the potential to be tarnished
  5. That's poor - although UK isn't know for a great transplant destination. Ask for at least a partial refund, if they refuse threaten to smear their name all over the internet
  6. Hey all My donor looks to be rather damaged from my first transplant. So going for my second transplant I might need to use a mix of my beard as well - probably with Eugenix Do they look reasonably natural? I've not come across many examples of beard to head transplants thank you for your input
  7. I went all in with Oral minoxidil. I've been drinking 10mg kirkland liquid a day (5mg twice) for nearly 4 months. No negative side effects I've noticed. My shedding has reduced drastically. Also slight hypertrichosis
  8. A slight increase in shedding about a week ago, now back to minimal shedding. So things are still going well 3.5 months
  9. Just don't be like this guy and drink 20ml / 1000mg at once - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5192187/
  10. I've been on topical minox for over 4 years, with microneedling the last 2. I was still losing ground though Then I started 10mg oral minox nearly 3 months ago. I was shedding a lot the first 1-1.5 months, then around 2 months the shedding decreased drastically. Note - two weeks after starting oral minox the gyms closed due to COVID , I haven't been lifting in over 2 months, I have no idea if that could be the cause of decreased shedding? I hope not I have mild hypertrichosis on my arms, back of my neck, upper back, eye brows, face & also my eye lashes have grown a few millimeters. I originally had mild headaches the first month on oral minox as well
  11. I feel the more the better. Although I don't want to raise the dose to risk negative side effects, I may well drop down to 5mg if my blood pressure lowers etc Great results so far, I'd say 70-80% decrease in shedding
  12. That's good to hear. Are you only taking Oral Minox for treating your hair loss? When you say "great" , have you recovered norwoods?
  13. How long have you been taking it for? There can be a shed for the first 1-2 months apparently. I am on 10mg everyday , so far no side effects apart from increased body hair
  14. Once a day should be fine, atleast 1.25mg. If you can tolerate it 5mg , or even more
  15. It is controversial, I'll take my chances however
  16. I was about NW2 at 21 , I am satisfied , obviously I'd hoped I would have been able to use fin without sides, however I'd rather a functioning reproductive organ than some extra hair
  17. I tried 1mg when I was 21 , had side effects & difficulty with erections so came off it. I had a transpant at 25 , and used minox / microneedling the last couple years. I'm 29 now Ultimately it's up to you if want to continue risking it with fin
  18. I have no idea re your questions. However this looks promising, I am about a month into oral Minox - drinking 10mg of Kirkland liquid daily (5mg twice a day)
  19. I mean it's not the best transplant, but I've seen a lot worse. Good luck
  20. Man I would consider a hair system
  21. Ok cheers Darn they don't have any appointments available until December-January..
  22. Looking good pal. I am also looking to go with Dr Bicer. Great detail of the whole process you've presented us Do all the staff speak English?
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