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Everything posted by Spring15

  1. You obviously haven't been made acquainted to Dr Couto. And yes pre-op pics please so a comparison can be made.
  2. I had slight anxiety before. It's normal. After the OP, apart from the day of surgery, it felt fine only slight discomfort. You'll be fine
  3. Looking great and you still have plenty of improvement left
  4. I travelled to Turkey from New Zealand. It's perfectly safe. Konkiat is recommended on this forum I think, so he would be a safe bet.
  5. This could be a life changing procedure, travel shouldn't be a major factor. No one worth seeing in Aus. Turkey isn't too far for you
  6. Yes I'm very glad I trusted your recommendation.
  7. You've got nothing to lose getting a transplant, your mid 30s so why wait any longer. Just make sure you're realistic with your expectations, you won't get your teenage hairline back.
  8. I have never heard of sleep patterns affecting the rate of survival for grafts. I think you'll be OK
  9. Not surprised it's 7 years. Dr Couto has the best results I've ever seen. How much does he charge?
  10. I am also 25 and just had a transplant, we are in the prime years of our lives to utilize our looks. Get it done, in a few years when you need a touch up hopefully more viable treatments will be available with no side effects like fin. If not a second transplant wouldn't hurt.
  11. Thanks pal. I'm already satisfied overall with how my hair looks now, with a lot more improvement to come I think I've made the right choice with Cinik.
  12. Very nice. Should turn out well. The key card for the electricity also was a first for me in the hotel. Your first flight you went across the Pacific? Then second back through the Atlantic? You flew around the world literally lol
  13. Hey everyone. Here's my 4 month update. I'm quite pleased so far.
  14. Just over 3.5 months post OP, to the average person I appear to have a natural full head of hair. Will post pics at 4 months.
  15. Only 5 months in. Lets not hit the panic button yet
  16. You could poke someone's eye out with that hairline. Looks good. Best of luck
  17. After exercise the recipient area is red. Not normally now though, since around the 3 month mark the redness faded. A lot of dry skin / dandruff has formed on the recipient now however.
  18. You're right next to your nemesis Turkey. See Erdogan there if you have the money or look into Cinik or Demirsoy if you're on a budget.
  19. Get rid of the scabs around day 10. Should look better. Rahal is world class. You should be fine.
  20. I had mine done on the 28/3/17, one day after you. I'm looking around the same. The road continues B)
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