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Everything posted by fespafer

  1. Hi, not at all, my beard was ok from second week. It surprised me how fast it healed. Nobody could say 300 grafts were extracted from there.
  2. 2 months update: I would say that time has flown by but I would lie ... If I put together all the strolls taken to the mirror, the doubts about whether everything will go well, the acidity in my stomach every time I saw a new baldness due to the shock loss and the long path to cross the "desert phase", this past time has been sloooow. Maybe the worst part of these last weeks, weren't only my own doubts (as I have already written in the posts above, I had read a lot about how the process would go and, in certain way, I keep the hope that everything will be better from the 4th month and beyond); As I said, the worst thing has been having to put up with family and friends, telling me that I've thrown away the money and, no matter how much you explain to them that it is a part of the process, they do not believe me, sowing even more doubts. Also, there are also those who after telling them that I got a HT, say that "I am bald and I keep my dignity" ... (I'd remove their dignity with a punch on their face...) which make me feel bad, because, of course, my dignity was intact (at least until I heard that), I just wanted to recognize myself again in the mirror. Anyway, I've had my minutes of psychotherapy writing these things for a few minutes, let's cut to the chase. The donor and the beard, recovered 100%, I passed the machine to 1mm about 8 days ago by the donor, I wanted to do it also in the recipient area to match the different lengths that I have right now making me my appearance look even worse. They told me that I have to wait till 6th month, but I really think that using the machine carefully without pressure, would not have worse consequences than cutting with a pair of scissors, because it cuts really well, but hey, I will be disciplined and won't do it yet (maybe next month). As you will see it in the photos, the recipient zone looks better, I started using rosehip oil mixed with the shampoo and it has helped me to remove the little redness that still remained (I do not know if it will be the oil or has coincided that it has to be gone now). I'm still in the desert phase and it's fucked up, because there are bald spots that make people look at my hair while I'm talking to them. As you can see in the photos of the endoscope, the good thing is that those black spots that were seen a couple of weeks ago have started to emerge, I hope they help in the coming weeks to cover the areas where you can still see parts of my "cardboard" and improve the general appearance of my scalp. Finally, only the photos are left, they are made with flash, trying to give the maximum detail. Give me your thoughts. Regards.
  3. Hi!, I'm following your progress since I got my HT with Dr. Cinik as well but one month later (January 15th). Your case looks really good since you have an excellent donor area. After 45 days PO you looked much better than I do now, so hopefully I'll keep improving in the way you're doing it now. Keep updating, it will be very helpful to see what I can expect for me. Regards
  4. Thanks for updating your case progress. I'm on my 45 days after HT and I was having doubts with my progress (I started my own thread too), but your case made me see that it's totally normal how I look so far. You look great and I'm totally sure that in the coming months the thickening and maturation of your hairs will cover all the low density areas. Keep updating!
  5. Well, the update of the 6 weeks arrives (41 days to be exact). Despite having read so many cases and being aware that this stage would be hard, the truth is that the "mangy-leprous dog" aspect of my head is fucking me up. I have seen other cases in which all the hair has fallen equally, it is also complicated, but at least my appearance would be more as it was before the surgery. I have to admit that in this phase there are a lot of moments when doubts keep coming to my mind ... Will there be hairs where now there are only bald spots? Will the line remain as I expected? Will it be the final density, at least, acceptable? ... Anyway, I hope that the 3 next months pass quickly and I start to recover some of the illusion that I had after falling the crusts and seeing hair all over the cardboard. Now the important thing for forum people, photos update. Next reply will be at 2 months from surgery if I notice any appreciable change:
  6. Thank you. I hope these months go by soon and everything begins to look better... I'll keep you all posted
  7. Hi @Donjamo, I tried to start my own thread. As you said, I felt confortable with Dr. Cinik and his staff and seemed to me very professional. I'm in plain shock loss now (the worst phase), but hopefuly, everything will go fine. Regarding your progress, everything looks fine and from now on everything will improve. Good luck friend, I'll keep checking your thread. My thread:
  8. Well, 4 weeks update ... now on full shock loss phase. What a fuck... after having my scalp covered almost decently, now you can see clearly the bald spots. The good thing about it is that there are many little dots appearing throughout the area that I guess will be the future hairs that should cover everything. I already got my first haircut on the donor area(scissors) to match their length and I think you can say it is almost full recovered. the comments I read were right about this being the worst phase by far, but hey, there is nothing I can do but to continue waiting for time to pass by. Here are the photos:
  9. Hi "everybaldy", after almost 4 weeks from my surgery, I've decided to show my case. I'm from Spain, so sorry in advance for any spelling or grammar mistake. I'm 41 years old and since I was 35, after my 2nd child was born, I started to lose hair until I reached an N-V. I started to see results of friends who had gone with good results and in November, after watching a video I had prepared for my wife's brithday with memories of the past 20 years, I realized that I did not recognize myself in the photos and how my appearance had changed at this time, looking 10 years older than 5 years ago. I started looking for information and found this forum, which has been very helpful. After several options, I decided to do it with Songul and I bought the flights. Later, I was added to whatsapp group , saw some opinions that made me have second thoughts, so I canceled with her and after going crazy searching around, I made the decision to do it with Dr. Emrah Cinik, who didn't have many cases in Spain but I saw some of them in the UK and the USA with good results. In addition, the pack I hired included the extraction of follicular units from the beard in case they were needed to give more density (which I knew I would need). Once the decision was made, I did not want to keep looking for opinions, so I just stayed away from forums and comments. In Spain there are mediators for this doctor, but I can speak English fluently and contacted them directly. In my case I had 2 things clear, I wanted the painless anesthesia after reading the comments about how painful the "normal" is and also that the doctor were opening channels, not his technicians. After the hundreds of cases that I have read, I have the impression that most of the bad results have been with technicians. Surely there are very professional, but they do not play their name on it and if they have a bad day, you could say that "they lose nothing". I will save the airport, visa, etc ... because there is already enough information on all that. Everything was perfectly coordinated, I had been advised of the "normal" informality that exists in Turkey, but in my case everything was timely. They picked us up (also my brother got a HT) at 7 o'clock in the morning and arrived at the Kolan hospital at 7.30, they drew blood and we discussed with Dr. Cinik the design and, in my case, the need to use hair of my beard or not. I explained that my biggest concern was getting good density. When I started losing hair, I did what almost everyone, with the remaining hairs, I left them raise long and tried to cover the gaps, but a day I saw pictures and I realized that my appearance was ridiculous, so I started to shave my hair or cutting to 3mm according to the season. I preferred to be conservative with the front line, I have a lot of area to cover and I didn't want to lose density by lowering it by half an inch more. Also, I always had some discovered temples, so if everything goes well, I will recover my previous appearance. We pay and we go to the operating rooms where two techniques to start the procedure were awaiting me. They shave my hair, put a surgery coat and they got started! (finally !, after 3 months waiting!). They began with painless pre-anesthesia. With a pressure "gun" you are given "stings" on different parts of the head. Its function is to numb the area, they tell you that it will remove 60-70% of the pain that causes the definitive anesthesia. There was some controversy in the forums about whether it works for something or not, even some clinics that did not use it assured me that it was a marketing technique, that it will hurt you whether you put it on or not and that it was waste of money. Even so, I hired it and I'm sure I got it right, I'll explain why. When they put it on your head, you feel a small prick with force, as if you pricked yourself with a pin, but it is totally bearable. They do about 20-25 punctures for the head, wait about 5 minutes and start with the definitive one. I said earlier that I was right because there were 2 areas where they didn't go with pre-anesthesy or I didn't get enough and I felt that horrible pain that everyone talk about, it was a few seconds, but it was really painful, so happy to have chosen it. They told me they would put about 3500-4000Grafts. I had read cases in which they said that they had put less than they gave then in the certificate, so as I had nothing to do, I entertained in counting each time the micromotor pierced me the donor area (yes! .. one by one!) arriving at 4329 from my head (later I was told that not every time they punch a graft comes out) and then 302 of the beard (surely in the head they would be some more or less, but around that number). Then, Dr. Cinik came for opening the channels, it is about 40 minutes. He did it covering the entire marked area and, in addition, a scar that I have on the back of my head, above the donor area. Then the girls come back to finish putting the grafts in the microchannels, they clean me continuously and in about 3 hours or so they finished the job. I did not stop for lunch, they asked me but I was not hungry (the hotel buffet was great), so a 7.30 hours surgery and that's it, finally I got my HT done. I go back to the hotel (my brother finished 2 hours before) and I saw the result. It seemed to me that everything was quite well. I tooke pictures to see all the angles and I saw that there were no grafts at the same height on both sides. I was worried and then wrote to Dr. Cinik's assistant via whatsapp to explain my concerns. They told me that in that area I still have my native hair with a lot of density (they send me the preoperative photos to prove it) and, although I did not believe it because what I saw was a bald spot, I had to admit that they were right after seeing the next day that the little spots of my native hair were seen in that area that the previous day was a "bald" of 2 cms approximately. That zone had been shaved and that's why I couldn't see them. The problem was that my bald zone was irregular, becoming deeper on the right side towards the crown of the head than on the left side, where it still was not so deep. I explained to the doctor that I was worried that if my baldness continues going deeper, behind the asymmetric gap, having grafts on one side and not on another (I 'm not sure if I'm explaining right what I mean), he said that I did not need grafts there (and he was right). Still, I kept telling that I was not confortble with that. We were having lunch the next day and I received a whatsapp from the doctor's assistant, telling me that they would pick me up from the hotel to go to the hospital at 5:00 pm to put some grafts in that area, that I did not need it but that the doctor did not want me to go back worried to Spain. As they told me, they took me back to the hospital and in half of an hour I had 52 more grafts placed in that area and now the implants was symmetrical on my head, so if in the future I get the "white slice" on the back side of my head, It will have a more regular form. The next day I got the first wash and recommendations, but I had read so much about it that I did not heard much about what they said and the products they wanted to sell. We went back to the hotel, airport and back home. Now we have to wait, the results will not be known until 5 months from now, but the experience, professionalism and treatment received has been perfect, especially considering the bad things that I had heard about Turkey and its clinics. Here the pictures of the before and the first days: After: Donor area (3 days post surgery): Rest of the head after 3 days: Beard the day of the surgery: AL DÍA SIGUIENTE DE LA OPERACIÓN: 3 days later: 5 days PS: One week PS: 14 days PS: 3 weeks PS: Some pics under a domestic endoscope: 1 WEEK PS: 12 DAYS PS: 3 WEEKS PS: : That's all, I'll keep posting if I see it's interesting for people here. I'm also keeping this thread in a Spanish forum: https://foro.recuperarelpelo.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=78815&start=15
  10. I got everything included in my price (needleless and 1 extra night) since we're traveling 2 people together. I hope it worths it.
  11. I'm flying next monday to Dr. Cinik. I hope everything goes fine. Did he do the channels opening?, were you satisfied with the procedure?. I'll open my thread once I come back and will share how it went. I guess you're 1 month away for getting results, but I think that it will be good considering your surgery photos. Regards
  12. Hello, thanks for sharing, it's very helpful for those as me that have chosen Dr. Cinik for our HT (just 1 month away...). I chose B Package (Dr. C opening channels). Since you needed a lot of grafts as I do, I wondered if they also offered you getting grafts from your bear and if so, how did it go?. Even when I have a good donor area, I think they'll have to get some of these grafts from my bear in order to help with a good density. Thanks in advance!
  13. Thanks for your reply. I agree with you, it's way short of grafts for my case. I've moved to Dr. Cinik who will use BHT in case my donor area is not enough for 100% covering and good density, which makes me feel more confortable and confident than Dr. K did.
  14. Very inspiring thread, I've read each of every 14 pages. My happyness was growing at the same time as your renew hair and touppé did. I think it's impossible to me to get such a great result, but it was a good reading. Congratulations!
  15. Thank you for your words. I know I won't be as when I was 15y but I do think I will improve a lot. FUT is not an option, I hate the scare I've seen from other cases and I like shaving my head from time to time. I'm sure Dr. K was talking about hairs and no grafts (in fact, you can check that all of him cases always speak about the same quantity). Finally and after 4 days talking about it's a nonsense recommend 5K hairs in my case I achieved to get a 4000 grefts (upon my request, but he doesn't recommend it), but now I'm full with doubts, because I'm not sure if he'll implant them and there's no way to know it. On his website, most of his cases seems to me like with a total lack of density. Two of my friends got great results and their baldness was alike mine, so hopefully I could get an acceptable result too. Actually I think my hair seems worst in photos than how actually it is. Working now on getting a good price from Dr. Emra Cinik. Thank you for your comments, I'll keep awaiting them.
  16. Thank you @JeanLDDfor your advice, I'll look into it. Regards
  17. Hello everybody, I've already post this same words on another Dr. K (AEK Hair Clinic) case, but I wanted to get more opinions on my own thread. I got a quotation from Dr. K but it seems like he always recommend the same number of hairs, 5000. I've been speaking long time with his representative trying to make him see that it's not enough for me (I'm N-IV), but he keeps saying that Dr. K will insert those grafts in the proper way so they will be enough. Of course, I disagreed and told him that wouldn't be enoug in my case. I tried to make him see that all other Drs. and clinics said otherwise and most of them agreed that my needs were about 3500-4000 grefts (around 8-10K hairs). He just kept saying that they weren't such expert as he is and that I had to trust on his profesiona opinion(which I don't do). I'm seriously considering other surgeons such as Emrah Cinik or Ugur Altuntu. Please, let me know your thoughts about it. Thanks in advance
  18. Hello, what are your final thoughts?. I got a quotation from Dr. K but it seems like he always recommend the same number of hairs, 5000. I've been speaking long time with his representative trying to make him see that it's not enough for me (I'm N-IV), but he keeps saying that Dr. K will insert those grafts in the proper way so they will be enough. Of course, I disagreed and told him that wouldn't be enoug in my case. I tried to make him see that all other Drs. and clinics said otherwise and most of them agreed that my needs were about 3500-4000 grefts (around 8-10K hairs). He just kept saying that they weren't such expert as he is and that I had to trust on his profesiona opinion(which I don't do). Would you repeat this surgeon in case you'd start over again?. thanks in advance.
  19. Hello, I'm probably choosing him too in January, please, let me.know how it goes, it's really important for me. Also, if possible, I'd like to chat with you somehow. He offered 5000 hairs, my case is similar tu yours, but I think it's not enough for me. He avoids to get more than 2500 grafts, even when my donor area is really good. Please, update. Thanks
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