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Everything posted by DenverBuff1989

  1. is the hair in question post hair transplant hair or your natural hair is like this? My transplant hair is really curly (my donor hair is not curly at all) and its annoying bc it doesn't match the native straight hair surrounding it. The only solution I've found is gel. Just like you I've tried conditioner to no avail, and straightening my hair like a girl, but also as you said a guy's hair is typically too short to straighten it without burning the scalp. And its just way too high maintenance. I do dislike how gel hair is always slick and serious, I can't have that soft, flufffy, carefree hairstyle look with gel, but gel is the only solution I've found. I'm 2 yrs post op and my hair is still somewhat curly. I've been told by some docs to just accept it, but Dr. Diep actually said it could take 3-5 yrs to soften/straighten out. Hair cycles are sooooo long that I am hoping it will straighten out.
  2. Hi all, I am 10 days post FUE on hairline and crown. I assume I can shower with direct pressure at this stage, but out of an abundance of caution I am filling up a cup with sink water then pouring it gently over m head. Short story is I accientally filled my cup with very hot water and poured it on my crown. It wasn't scaling or boiling, but was uncomfortably hot. Now I'm worried that I poured this very hot water directly on the already inflamed grafts and ruined them. Is this something I legitimately need to be concerned about, or is it my mind getting the best of me? I know countless resources say by Day 10 the grafts are firmly anchored in and I am in the clear, but still concerned about graft damage and pouring hot liquid on a bunch of scabs. Thoughts?
  3. @servonoparecchicapelli I think you are misinterpreting my comment. I have not noticed any additional loss since starting Dutasteride and Rogaine. For all I know my crown loss has just naturally stopped on its own (a lot of people have some hairloss and then it doesnt proceed further), or it could have been the Dut or Rogaine. But I'm not sure which of the 3 factors it would be.
  4. true good point, I haven't noticed any additional loss. I attribute that to the Dutasteride I take, but who knows, maybe it is the Rogaine.
  5. For what its worth I diligently put Rogaine foam on my crown daily for 3 years with absolutely zero regrowth.
  6. So even though there was a small amount of blood on my pillow, you think it is more just "blood from a scab naturally falling off", not "graft-dislodgement blood"? Thanks!
  7. Hi all, I am on Day 9 post FUE. I was sleeping flat on my back for the first week, then my doctor gave me permission to sleep on my sides as I normally do (with grafts touching pillow, etc) Last night I had trouble staying asleep and was tossing and turning a fair amount of the night. I woke up this morning (Day 9) and noticed a relatively small amount of blood on my pillow, and a few small shedded scabs/dead flaky sin. I also noticed, on the temple point, a few scabs and associated hairs had fallen off completely over the night. I know by Day 9 shedding of scabs and hairs is normal, but I am worried my tossing and turning, rubbing against my pillow on Night 8 could have dislodged the grafts? The blood (albeit minor) on my pillow, as well as the complete shedding of scabs and hairs in certain areas has me concerned as well. 1) Could this blood be part of the normal scab shedding process, or is it a sign of graft dislodgment? Is tossing, turning, and rubbing grafts on a pillow on Night 8 enough force to dislodge them? 2)By Day 9 is it normal for scabs and their hairs to shed completely? By this I mean there is an area (roughly the size of half a penny) that was previously scabby and hairy, that is now completely flat with no scabs and is totally hairless? Thanks.
  8. Hi all, I just had my 3 HT, and have used appx. 3700 grafts total in my HT journey. It's making me wonder - hopefully I will never have to have a 4th HT - but if I did, how many more grafts I have available in the donor area, without it looking butchered. I know every guy is different, but can I get a general appx. of how many total lifetime grafts men have available in the donor area for FUE? Thanks!
  9. Nice. I know firsthand concealer can be a bit annoying and another thing you have to do in the morning, but worst case you can just keep doing what you're already doing.
  10. I would guesstimate that 1k is nowhere near enough and you would need 2k, or potentially even more. Looks like pretty significant crown loss. As someone said above and is a super common phrase, the crown is indeed known as a black hole for grafts. Also crown loss often times is worse than what the picture shows. Looks like you do still have some hair there, you aren't completely bald. This could ironically be a bit of a hindrance. IMO some doctors are hesitant to do work on the crown for fear of shock loss and permanently destroying hair that remains there. I'm sure you can find a doctor regardless tho. With enough convincing and being aggressive enough, every doctor will bow down to the almighty dollar. Curious if you have tried using Toppik or another concealer? Your loss seems to extensive for concealer to blend in well, but you never know. Rogaine and Finasteride/Dutasteride allegedly work much better on the crown than the hairline, but I have been using both on my crown for years and nothing has come of it. IMO Rogaine is a total scam, idk anyone it legit works for.
  11. Hi all, I am on Day 7 Post-OP. All my post-op instructions from the doctor say regarding sleep are "For the first three nights after surgery sleep lying on your back with your head at a 20-30 degree angle (one or two pillows under your head). This will help minimize the risk of forehead swelling. This mainly applies to patients that have had grafts placed in the frontal hairline or forelock area." I have had no swelling at all, but to be prevent graft dislodgment - out of caution and nervousness - I have still been sleeping uncomfortably on my back. Since I am on Day 7, wondering if it is ok to sleep normally (on my side, grafts touching the pillow, etc. ) without worrying about graft dislodgement? Thanks!
  12. @Melvin-Moderator So do you think a brief scratch on Day 6 with no blood I'm still good? I see in the video it says after Day 7.
  13. @Melvin-Moderator Hi Melvin, sure thing I added 2 pics to my original post. Takentoday/ Day 7 morning (morning after scratching). I think I scratched right in then middle center but not sure. I think some of the scabs in that area are somewhat loose now...but being its Day 7 I think/hope its normal for the scabs to start loosening up. There was no blood at all. Thoughts? Also if you can can you link the video you made regarding this? I'd be happy to search myself, but given you have so much content it may take me awhile lol. Thanks!
  14. Hi all, Had a 2000 graft FUE from Dr. Jim Harris in Denver 6 days ago. Surgery went amazing and I really like the graft placement. I've been super careful so far with avoiding touching the recipient area. Tonight I sat down on the couch and for a quick second scratched my hairline and some grafts. I immediately stopped a second later when my brain registered what I had done. There is no blood, and I haven't seen and grafts or scabs fall out (that I know of). Just looking for reassurance I guess that scratching the grafts for a brief second on Day 6 most likely didn't do anything? This hair transplant is literally the most important thing to me in my life right now (sorry if that sounds vain - but its the truth), so I am beating myself up over this. I read that - for the most part - it is obvious when a graft is dislodged. There is significant blood and some pain. But I have heard some people say some grafts can become dislodged without the blood and pain. Please help and/or offer wisdom. @Melvin-Moderator your input is always great. Thanks! Edit: Photos Attached, taken Day 7 morning (morning after scratching). I think I scratched right in then middle center but not sure. I think some of the scabs in that area are somewhat loose now...but being its Day 7 I think/hope its normal for the scabs to start loosening up.
  15. @John Doe Also, in the interim between now and your 2nd procedure, longer hair is better than short hair as you have it in terms of gap concealment. Also Toppik may help as well. It can be inconvenient at first, but if you make applying Toppik a daily habit it becomes no different than brushing your teeth, putting in contacts, etc. I am in NO WAY saying this gap is ok or acceptable in any way, but longer hair + Toppik might be 2 good temporary measures to take.
  16. @John Doe Hi John Doe, really sorry to say this but that gap will 100% NOT have hair grow in, and the gap situation can only be solved by a 2nd touch up procedure. I went through something very similar myself, except my gap was even larger and more apparent. For the first 6 months after my HT, I convinced myself that this gap was shock loss, it will grow back, etc. But the thing is, as you already know, if there was no hair there to begin with, then there is no hair to grow..... It was incredibly painful for me to accept the reality of the situation, that I had had a botched transplant, and having to go through the stress and drama of a 2nd surgery. I was INCREDIBLY disappointed in the doctor who did my procedure. Why didnt she just put more grafts in? WTF who would have thought that was ok? My doctor is essentially an unknown/amateur in Denver, Colorado, so I am surprised that this happened to you at a more well-known clinic with a well-known doctor. Good news is you have Dr. Rahal by the b*lls now. He said he would do the touch up for free. If you don't want this clinic going near your hair a 2nd time (who says they wont screw up the touch up procedure?) - find a HT doctor closer to you who you trust to do the repair, get a quote, then DEMAND to the Rahal clinic they pay for the touch up
  17. Hi all, just had a FUE of 600 grafts to my hairline and temples Wondering when it is ok to smoke weed and lift weights? My post-op care from the doctors office says I can resume normal workouts after Day 7, but reading on here it seems people say 14 days. Not sure what to follow. Is 10 days enough time to resume weightlifting? (bench press, incline press, machines). One of the the technicians doing my surgery said I "could do handstands after Day 7"-lol really?!? When is it ok to resume smoking weed? Is 10 days enough time? Didn't feel like asking my doc that lol Thanks!
  18. Hi all, I am naturally a Norwood 3-temple recession and minor crown recession as well. Had a 1200 graft hair transplant last year on my temples, and slightly slowered the hairline. The doc did not put enough grafts in, so I am getting a 2nd HT Nov 20 for an additional 300-500 grafts to fill it in, free of charge (there was sooo much drama surrounding this, see this post for background My crown was not operated on during my last HT, but since I am already going under the knife, I would really like my crown filled in as well. I'm not sure how to rate my crown loss-I guess a Norwood 2- in that my crown clearly has loss, but it is not unbearable. Sort of like how Norwood 2 on the hairline is noticeable, but a lot of people can still get away with it. Both my doc and another doc in the office looked at my crown. They both advised against getting grafts on my crown. One of the docs said he never operates on the crown on people under 40 (I am 30) because of potential future loss. They also said I do have significant hair on the crown still (albeit miniaturized) and putting new grafts in could shock loss out these already fragile hairs. Essentially, they are saying that while I clearly have crown loss, it is not bad enough to merit a hair transplant for it. I was very disappointed these docs advised against operating on the crown. My arguments for getting a crown are, if they do grafts on it and I do have future loss, I am prepared to get a 3rd HT. I am currently taking Dut and using Rogaine on this area, so not sure if I would even have more loss. The docs recommended SMP as an option for the crown. I actually visited an SMP guy Thursday. It just seems like so much maintenance. The tattoo only lasts 4-6 years, have to put sunscreen on it everyday. Nervous it would look unnatural. So don't want to do SMP. Toppik works VERY WELL on the area, but again, it is still a lot of maintenance. And I would rather have the permanent option of a HT. I'm kind of confused as well. I'm sure if I consulted other doctors, or went to Turkey, I could find a reasonable # of doctors who would work on the crown. Not sure why both these docs are advising against it. My questions are: -Should I insist my doc operate on my crown? -Has anyone here had any experience with doctors advising not to get grafts on the crown? -Would you side with the doctors or me in this situation? -Any advice on how to deal with crown loss? Toppik works very well, but Id rather have the permanence of a HT. Any other thoughts, comments welcome.
  19. @MrZennie well the thing is, since im already going to be going under the knife again, i am considering getting work done on my crown, which has never been operated on before and is unrelated to this f*ckup. Dr harris is $2 more per graft than dr lovitt. Maybe i could get him to lower the rate. Idk
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