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Everything posted by brianK

  1. This guy should be a comedy writer for MAD TV. Thanks for the laughs. You made my day.
  2. 6-Day Post-Op. 1600 FU with Dr. Jerry Cooley to fill in the temples and hairline. Getting some scabbing. Redness is going away. I have blotches of white residual between the new hair follicles because I sprayed too much Rogaine on my head and it won't wash away with water. I can't scrub my head with shampoo yet b/c it's still too early. I know I have a big, Conan O'Brien-size head, but I was born that way. Brian
  3. Hi Brando, Most of the redness is gone, and I can better see all of the grafts that Dr. Cooley meticulously put in. Looks good. Looks like a 5 o'clock shadow in all of the places where I was bald (the temples and hairline). I've been wearing a hat since the day of the surgery, but I only wear a hat when I have to go out. You can put saran wrap on the inside of the hat (or stick a piece over your hair to cover the grafts) so this way the hat does not stick or disturb the grafts. For the first two nights I wore a surgeon's cap with saran wrap underneath when I went to bed to prevent myself from rolling my head all over my pillow or itching my head by mistake. I spray tap water (with some special medication mixed in it) on my head about four times a day. Dr. Cooley had me start applying Rogaine to the grafts twice daily on the third day until finished. I am able to take a bath and pour water over my head, but I am still not allowed to use the shower stream on my head. I still have slight throbbing of pain in my donor area. I have dissolvable sutures and it only throbs when I apply pressure where the suture is knotted. I have no swelling. No shock loss yet. I think I am recovering pretty good. I am excited about the results I see right now, but I know the transplanted hair will fall out in a few weeks and then I have to see what actually regrows. You're in good hands with Dr. Cooley. I think he did an excellent job, and he has a great staff. Initially I was scheduled for 1500 grafts, but he had 1600 grafts in the end and spent the extra time putting all of them in. The procedure lasted from 8:30 AM to about 6 PM. Let me know if you have any other questions. Brian
  4. Smoothy, Thanks for the additional insight. Brian
  5. I've been thinning around the crown area, but I still have "light" coverage. Dr. Cooley refused to touch the crown area, and he's right. I've been on Propecia for only 8 weeks prior to the transplant and he said Propecia alone will thicken the crown area, giving me the results I want in that area. Like everything else, it'll take time to notice results from Propecia.
  6. 1600 grafts with Dr. Jerry Cooley (Charlotte, North Carolina) to fill in the temples and the sides which have been receeding slowly since I was 18 years old and was bald in the temple regions by the time I was in my mid-twenties. I'm 32 now. Photo taken by me 3 days after the procedure. I still have some excess dry blood on my forehead which I will clean off soon. I'm kind of nervous cleaning any where near the grafts right now. Extremely satisfied with the look and results. Although there is a lot of redness (which is expected of course) where the newly-placed folicles are, I felt no pain after the first day except for a slight tightness of my head. By the end of the second day the pain in my donor area also went away.
  7. 1600 grafts with Dr. Jerry Cooley (Charlotte, North Carolina) to fill in the temples and the sides which have been receeding slowly since I was 18 years old and was bald in the temple regions by the time I was in my mid-twenties. I'm 32 now. Photo taken by me 3 days after the procedure. I still have some excess dry blood on my forehead which I will clean off soon. I'm kind of nervous cleaning any where near the grafts right now. Extremely satisfied with the look and results. Although there is a lot of redness (which is expected of course) where the newly-placed folicles are, I felt no pain after the first day except for a slight tightness of my head. By the end of the second day the pain in my donor area also went away.
  8. I recommened Dr. Cooley as well. I had a hair transplant from him recently. He does do repair work, too. You should see him for a consultation, and you'll be able to look through his photo book of his procedures, hair transplants and restorations, and to ask him questions. I think you will be impressed with his work.
  9. I couldn't agree more with you. I am a new hair transplant patient of Dr. Cooley. He put in 1600 grafts. He and his staff are very friendly and perfectionists. The time did fly by. I rarely experienced any pain throughout the procedure. Of course I was on a sedative. I snoozed on and off throughout the procedure as Dr. Cooley and his assistants worked on me. I also really liked the hairline Dr. Cooley created for me for somebody my age. Of course, it will be months before I see the actually results, but I am optimistic and excited.
  10. I recently had a hair transplant done by Dr. Cooley (on June 11, 2004) for 1600 grafts to fill in my right and left temple region and my sides. I've been thinning since my early 20s. I'm 32 now. Anyway, the procedure lasted between 8:30 AM and 6 PM. The entire experience was very positive, and Dr. Cooley definitely exceeded my expectations. I live in Myrtle Beach, about 5 hours from Dr. Cooley's practice. The distance and the amount I paid ($7,000) was worth it. I will try to post photos. If anybody has any questions, please ask. I highly recommend Dr. Cooley if you are considering a consultation or a hair transplant with him. Brian
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