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Posts posted by Nickpatay12

  1. I had my consultation with Dr. Nadimi yesterday. For the most part it went really well. She gave me realistic expectations on what I should expect out of the transplant. Since I’m a lot younger she recommnded a higher hairline. I would need around 1500 grafts FUE. I am going to schedule my transplant for May next year. Another thing that came up during the consultation was my side effects with Fin. She recommended I get off the drug and try Oral Min. Stating it’s more effective than topical and she has seen success in lots of her patients. The problem is Dr.Nadimi isn’t my regular physician I can’t see her whenever I want. She won’t be there to monitor my health and so forth. I am going to stop taking the fin and start taking oral min. I’ve accepted my faith, I know I will eventually go bald and can’t keep takin fin side effects are too prevalent. I will try to maintain what I can for now. My questions are do any of you have success stories with oral min or know anyone who has. Also should I monitor my health with my regular physician, I don’t really have one for now. But I feel like they won’t understand why I’m taking Oral min and psych me out more about the sides. I’m taking 1.25 mg daily. The main side effect I am also worried about is face edema, I heard I can take diuretic to counter those sides. Can anyone confirm this. I am only 23 years old and am overall a healthy individual. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated. 

  2. 4 hours ago, deeznuts said:

    Dr. Nadimi is Konior's protege... So I'd say probably not. And Konior has a pretty good argument for the best transplant doctor in the US. So I'd say she's not as good as Konior because it's arguable that no one is as good as Konior. Maybe Konior is Trout and Nadimi is Ohtani lol. 

    I've actually seen some people with a bit of loss in the forelock. Usually it's just a smidge where maybe there's a spot missing and you don't really notice it unless you're paying attention to it lol. I think Ludwig scale is just diffuse thinning throughout though never truly going bald. His pattern looks kinda like a 3A/4A... Just the way it thinned out looks really unusual. 

    What would this mean for me? What is 3a/4a?

  3. On 7/21/2021 at 2:17 PM, 1978matt said:

    I don't see why you couldn't have 1500 FUE and look a lot better than you do now.

    Maybe have a look at Dr Nadimi.  Probably cost close to 15G but will do a high quality job.

    I’m actually going to do a consultation with her sometime next week. Is she as good as Raymond konior? Also I plan on taking propecia as long as possible. I think I’m ready for a hair transplant. She told me I’d need around 1500-2000 grafts but she would need to see in person. Any other doctors I should consult with? Who did you get your transplant from ? Thanks for the advice 

  4. On 7/10/2021 at 11:43 AM, Curious25 said:

    You actually present with quite an interesting and unusual loss pattern - your temples seem to have maintained somewhat, however your frontal forelock and mid scalp area show the signs of the most extensive loss. May be more of a ludwig scale loss pattern. Again - all the more reason to book in for in person consults with top surgeons, and have an expert fully examine you. 

    All the best 

    Hey thanks for your help. I’ll consider going in for consultations. 

  5. 12 hours ago, aaron1234 said:

    Don't get me wrong, I don't regret my HT's one bit.  It just doesn't eliminate all insecurities, so don't go into it with that kind of expectation. With your level of loss at a young age be prepared for multiple surgeries to get to where you want to be.  I'd also be thinking max lifetime grafts (FUT+FUE).  I'd definitely consult with Hasson & Wong if I were you, among others. 

    So you think my loss is extensive? I’m hoping the fin lets me hold what I have for the long term. So from where I’m at you think it would take multiple surgeries to get to where I’m at. Or are you talking about lifetime thing ?

  6. 23 minutes ago, aaron1234 said:

    If you think a HT will give you a stress free life think again.  For example: 1) "Did all of my grafts yield?" 🤔 2) "Did my strip scar stretch?" 😕 3) "Did the doc over harvest my donor with the FUE extractions?" 😟 4) "Should I get another transplant?" 😳 5) "Is it my transplanted or native hair that is thinning?" 😫

    Now you’re scaring me. Be honest how bad is my thinning. Do you think I’ll need lots of grafts ?

  7. Some of the images are of my hair when it’s wet. Let me know what you guys think. Also here is a link to pictures back in December. I really see no difference in my hair. I added donate ride to my regimen in February. Can you let me know if you see any type of improvement of difference. These pictures are about two months before starting finasteride.


  8. 21 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    What’s your age? Give the medication longer than 6 months before considering surgery.

    I’m 24 now. I’m going to continue the medication for another 6 months. I would like to have a doctor lined up so I could go in for surgery in case the native hairs don’t fully recover. If you have an idea of who I can see in the United States that would be great. Thank you for any and all advice!

  9. 1 hour ago, LaserCaps said:

    The question is not - who is the best.......It is far more complicated than that.  Glad to hear you are doing something to protect what you have.

    If you've shown the propensity to lose, you will continue losing.  That's a fact.  Finasteride, Rogaine, PRP and laser are the modalities we typically refer to when dealing with this debilitating condition.  Glad you are doing at least one.  It takes a full year to see what it will do.  Apparently you are experiencing retention.  If so, this will continue for as long as you stay on the med.  It takes a full year to see if you'll experience enhancement of the native hair.  My first suggestion is to wait.  I would also encourage you to add another modality to the mix.  

    I have homework for you.  Go to the mall and look at the way males lose hair.  Typically they will keep some in the front, thin through the top and very thin in the crown.  That's a normal pattern.  Thus, if you were to add grafts, always consider the front first.  It is what you see when looking in the mirror.  It is also the area others see when they interact with you.  Once you are happy with the front, (provided you are enjoying retention from the med(s)), you can consider working farther back.  Leave the crown for last.  

    It would be nice if you could post some photos.  particularly the front.  It will be interesting to see where on the forehead your hairline starts.  Photos of the donor are important as well. Are you experiencing diffused thinning in that area as well?

    How do you know you are thinning diffusely through the pattern? Have you met with any doctors? What about family history of hair loss? Be specific.

    Hi, thank you for this through response. I really appreciate it. Right now I am only thinning in the front of my head. My temples have receded a bit. I have not met with any doctors because I don’t know who I would go to talk to about hair loss. I went once and they weren’t any help. My dad is completely bald so is my grandfather. Neither of them did anything to protect their hair. I’m not sure if it was because they didn’t care or there was not many resources open as there are now. I also try to add minoxidil to the mix. It gets difficult to keep up with it. I try to atleast apply once a day. My hair loss has stopped from what I’ve noticed and I’m only taking .25 mg Ed. I can’t go over that since I do have some mild side effects even on this dose. If you can guide me to a doctor who would be able to look at my diffuse thinning and give me an idea if there is level of recovery or if he can perform surgery on it. I don’t plan on going for surgery for atleast another 6 months. I just want to start looking so I have something lined up. I really would like to enjoy my 20s to the full extent. 

  10. Hi,

    I have been taking .25 mg of Finasteride for 6 months now. My hair loss has completely stabilized for the most part. I haven’t experienced any further hair loss since starting. I know I am young but I’m looking to go in for a hair transplant. I’m a diffuse thinner. I was wondering who would be the best doctor to operate on a diffuse thinner. I can post some pictures if needed. I know I’m young but I’d much rather have my hair now then later I think. If finasteride continues to work like it has now I think I’ll be okay in the future. I just need some advice here and I know many people are going to be like you’re way too young don’t do it. I understand all that. I think it’s time for me live stress free atleast in my 20s. I want that confidence I had when I had the full head of hair back. 

  11. I have been on 0.25 mg of finasteride everyday since early February. I still see no types of results. My hair seems to be exactly the same or maybe even worse. I don’t even remember a shed. Around when will I see any results if there are even results. Should I consider a transplant if I feel my hair loss has stabilized ?

  12. 17 minutes ago, SD1984 said:

    Hope you get better.

    How any man touches this drug I'll still never understand.

    I mean the sides are not extreme. It is fairly common to have weaker erections from what I’ve heard from other users. I still get hard, just maybe a little less then before. My libido hasn’t changed at all. Still active as ever I think. Worst case scenario I get off the drug and accept my fate as a bald man and get a transplant or something. Majority of people take the drug with no sides. I don’t believe in sides being permanent at all. 

  13. On 4/29/2021 at 3:18 AM, j1mmy said:

    I personally still think you should consider to try .25mg a few times per week, rather than every day. Give yourself some psychological, and potentially physical relief. When you are young, stressed (and/or depressed) about hair loss, stressed about the medication you are taking, not sexually active (right now), these are compounding any issues you may be experiencing. Roughly half of people with traumatic brain injuries experience reduced libido, a lot comes from our brain more so than our body. Any level of medication is reducing DHT, and therefore providing you significant benefits to your hair. You simply need to find a sweet spot, and if that sweet spot cannot occur at a very low-level, intermittent dose, you have to weigh up whether this is something for you. 

    Two months is around when people might notice the cessation of daily hair fall, rather than improvements in hair count, which continues beyond 12-18 months. When I began taking treating my hair loss, a shed was making me feel itchy and play with my hair all the time. After a few months this stopped, and my hair felt more robust and strong like you could pull on it. When you are actively not so worried about your hair, then you know it has starting taking effect. It has a good effect for nearly 90% of people, so there is no question it works. 

    Speaking from personal experience in case it helps, I started at the same age as you are now. I don't recall noticing how frequent morning erections were a thing, so it was probably not very consistent and certainly not a predictable normality. Unless you are experiencing serious issues, I would hedge that nocturnal erections are likely occurring, like you mention with having sex dreams. It is the same for me today, 10 years later. Sometimes they happen, but I am not being cognizant of when it happens or doesn't. At that age I got a lot of spontaneous erections, it was quite an inconvenience. This might well be less since taking the medication, but it was a side effect I was perfectly ok with. I think seminal fluid was a transient observation, I have no issues shooting ropes today. Degree of "hardness" was never something I noticed, nor still. My only side-effect that I cannot elucidate fully, is whether I have reduced libido. It was something I thought I noticed when beginning medication, but I was in the same situation as you with compounding stresses. I was with a girl after that for several years and questioned my libido, we eventually parted as a friends due to becoming friends rather than lovers. I am however now with a smoking hot younger girl, and my libido is fine, and better than at any point during those 7 years ;)

    Yeah man, thanks for the advice really helped. I’m still continuing the drug .25 mg daily. Still having weaker erections. I don’t stress about my hair anymore like I used to. I’m at the point where I know I’m doing everything I possibly can to save my hair so that brings me some relief. I’m pretty active as well lift weights etc. Only concern now is performing when I’m with a girl haha. That might be happening soon. Just hoping these weaker erections side effect will go away eventually but it’s been 3 months. No morning wood as well. I’ll keep giving you guys an update. I also added minoxidil 2x a day to my regime so let’s see if that benefits me as well. 

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  14. 2 minutes ago, Curious25 said:

    Have you consulted with a or urologist? I’d recommend asking your GP to refer you to one for a consultation, they are the best informed physicians to discuss this with.


    I hope you start to feel better soon, 



    Thanks I’ll give it a go. I’m still using finasteride, just weaker erections unfortunately.

  15. On 4/7/2021 at 12:32 PM, Newyear newhair said:

    Yes I can relate to all of these side effects... I have just stopped taking it this week after been on it for 5 months (1mg/day). I plan on having a break for a few weeks or so then try it at a lower dose (0.5mg/day) 🤞🏽
    At first I had just reduced sperm volume and a slight loss of interest but when it came having sex there was no problem, so I thought I could live with that... but now there’s definitely no morning wood and a definite 20/25% reduction in hardness although I can still manage sex.

    I’m worried it might get worse or permanent so hopefully a break and a reduced dose will work as I want to stay on fin if I can.

    Hey have your sides gone away since stopping fin? Also are you back on it at a lower dose, any improvement in sides? I am thinking of taking a break as well. Would like to know if you’re back at 100 percent since stopping. 

  16. An update: so I still stayed on .25 mg everyday. Only side effect I have is weaker erections, some days are better than other. I’ve been on the drug for a little over two months, don’t see any noticeable change in my hair. I am a diffuse thinner, just want my hair to be thicker again. Also contemplating if I should continue the drug. I literally can’t remember the last time I had morning wood. I have had a few sex dreams which I can recall getting erections, don’t know if that counts. Moving forward I need some advice is this a mild side effect? is there a possibility of it going away as my body adjusts or should my body have already adjusted since I’ve been on the drug for over two months. I’m still fairly new, how common is weaker erections. Does it fall under the category of ED? I still get erections just not spontaneous or super hard like before starting the drugs. Thanks for any and all advice.

  17. On 4/9/2021 at 4:45 PM, Mat16 said:

    It would be cool to hear from someone who got rid of the sides by just continuing the drug 

    So have you gotten back on the drug, also since stopping have your sides of weaker erection and no morning wood gone away. I’m still having sides, just weaker erection unfortunately. 

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