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Posts posted by MikeMiller

  1. Hello everybody,

    I wanted to share my experience with you.
    Before doing my HT I read a alot in this forum which was very useful for me.

    My HT was in march 2021 and I here are some pictures which I want to share with you.

    After an long research I chosed Gur Hair Transplant in Istanbul.

    I searched over 2 years.
    But the long research was really worth it.
    Everything was perfect. From the planning to the surgery and the aftercare everything was very good.
    The operation was about 9 hours with 4250 grafts.

    I can definitely recommend the clinic.

    Since I have learned a lot from this forum, I would like to give a little back with my documentation.
    I am more than satisfied with the result after half a year.

    Special thanks go to the user Egy, whom I met here in the forum.
    He has given me a lot of valuable advice.
    Thank you Egy :)

    Except for the first few injections, it was not painful at all.
    I am glad to have taken the step and can only encourage all those who intend to do so.


    Attached are the pictures before the operation 






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