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Manik Basha

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  1. From what i have is that, their hairline designing looks natural but their hairtransplants produce lesser density (Ex: Shami) compared to others is what i feel
  2. Yeah. Recently most of their results are not upto the mark. Many of their ht’s lack the density which i feel other clinics are providing at lower cost. Only good thing about them is that their hairline looks natural.
  3. I think it not additional hair loss, looks like his head is completely covered but still there is lot of thinning
  4. It has been more than a year since his ht being done but what i can see is very low density.It is done with more than 4000 grafts. These days i see Eugenix results are below par for that cost
  5. I am getting my ht done this month. Did you have your own hairline in mind before visiting the clinic? If so how did you think about it?. And also let me know about anything i should be ready with before visiting the clinic like about hairline, hair volume e.t.c
  6. Two top doctors performed surgery right. How was that possible?.Were they both present in the surgery room?
  7. So can you tell me about technicians, seems like they do the majority work?.
  8. Hey guys, I am thinking of getting a ht at eugenix, can anyone tell about their experience with Dr. Vinita. I also want to know the names of technicians who are most experienced in Eugenix, if at all given a chance I’ll try to get them for my ht. Thankyou
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