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Everything posted by NARMAK

  1. They usually never do admit to it. Bradley Cooper has one too, James Franco and many others. Many are still speculating whether Matthew MacConoughey has had one or using partial hair pieces. I personally think there's not enough acceptance amongst males in the spotlight to be open about it whereas for females, we see much more openness about some surgical enhancements. That said, i guess i also understand in many ways the desire for privacy for any individual when enhancing certain parts of their physical appearance. However, where i personally draw the line is where people get it done, and instead of just staying schtum, they insist they're 100% natural and never had anything done ever.
  2. OP, i was once you. I also thought as a guy i don't want permanent ED just for taking a pill to try save my hair. The hard true fact however is that millions of men globally use it each year and the ones with serious side affects are circa 2% and even then with stopping Finasteride they usually go back to their prior state. You would have to be one of the unluckiest people ever imo to get permanent impotence. If you are actually scared you might have an increased side affect risk, do a through blood test analysis to see your vitamin, hormone etc. levels and see if anything needs to be addressed. I personally had a Vitamin D deficiency which i addressed whilst taking my medication and i actually went even more nuclear than Finasteride by hopping straight to Dutasteride 0.5mg everyday off the bat. I personally think it has saved my hair and i levelled out within a few months of taking it to where the side affects that were imo mild anyway and tolerable disappeared or reduced down. That said, i have to be completely honest and say that i am saying side affects for some stuff that actually could have been unrelated to the medication but other things going on in my life such as stress etc. If you try Finasteride and it's working for you as it does for the vast majority of men imo, you're gonna be in a significantly better position than most. You actually have really solid looking temple points. So with 12 months worth of medication to do some hair restoration on the thinning frontal, mid and crown area whilst you research and save up for a hair transplant. I think you could get a fantastic result.
  3. I think it's ridiculous that FUD around proven products with clinical studies is still so strong. I say this as a person who put off using Finasteride for so long because i felt "Oh, people are saying my penis will stop working permanently and i can't afford that as a young guy" but doing my research almost a decade or so later when i started losing even more hair led me to end up on Dutasteride and thank god i did start when i did because i would have been losing much more but instead i think i've had a positive response and saved what i possibly could. I always say to most people, give ot a go because if it works for you, it's the most proven needle mover for hair loss recovery/stability.
  4. You need to start Finasteride to truly try block the root cause of male pattern hair loss which is DHT related. Using Regaine (Minoxodil) is just going to mask the issues and you will continue to usually lose hair elsewhere. If you want to combine Finasteride and Minoxodil you can but without knowing which products responsible for which results you will end up being on them indefinitely. Also, if you combined Microneedling with Minoxodil you will see boosted results. I would post some pictures, you can blur your face and definitely try medication/hair restoration for 12 months or so first. To be eligible usually for a hair transplant you should demonstrate hair loss stability.
  5. Really great for you to update us. Perhaps consider starting a thread in the other forum section with all your details and keep it updated as you progress. The work really does look great and clean. Happy to see they did your temple points. Really adds to the framing of the face imo having them.
  6. Those temporal points are probably the hardest parts to recreate and do justice to looking almost 100% naturally. Also, depending on your particular budget, the options imo can and do shrink. I'd say at present, Eugenix Hair Sciences in India are probably one of the few constantly showing off temporal points and reconstruction/reinforcement regularly. I am due to go there myself on the Exclusive Package with Dr Das in May. My #1 goal for any hair transplant is the temporal points and that's why i chose them because of that and them being within my budget range.
  7. Will do lol. It's always nice to see people who have chosen Eugenix recently and how their results are. It also gives a good opportunity to try raise some of the areas where maybe it wasn't their finest moments too. That's what i like about this site.
  8. Wow, Hattingen knocked this out of the park! OP, you have got really great hair to help with visual coverage and going to somewhere that could respect that and adequately make sure they took the care and attention when extracting and implanting.
  9. Hey bud, aren't you due to go for yours soon? Later this month? Looking forwards to your thread too if you choose to make one.
  10. High praise indeed with fantastic pictures at not even 12 months to back it up! I'm getting more excited for mine in May and hoping i'll be benefitting from that same attention to detail and aesthetic know how. Just don't judge me for being a bit greedy with the hairline design 😛
  11. Stop stressing. Causes more hair loss lol You can shed 50-150 hairs a day as a normal rate. People say the less hair you have, the less you should shed but i think it's a bit of a fallacy and i think that the range is around a normal figure. I would definitely say the scalp inflammation and Vitamin deficiencies usually aren't discussed as much on this forum but they do need to be addressed as hair loss is multi-factorial
  12. Basically the topical version is FDA approved for us for hair loss. Oral Minoxidil is used "off label" kind of like Dutasteride. Oral Minoxidil i believe has something to do with sulfur transfese (sic) not working as effectively in topical versions but the oral version does and why it works for people that don't respond as well to topical. Tbh, it's also probably similar to oral Finasteride vs Topical. Personally i don't think it's a gimmick but it isn't effective for quite a large group of people apparently. However combined with Microneedling even in topical form, it usually will see a boost.
  13. The framing the outline gives and the growth to come should hopefully br amazing to see. Donor areas looking much more improved from what it is. I think the crown will probably lag a bit more behind but hoping you see some great results there too over the next 8 months as you quickly get to the magic 12 month mark OP.
  14. People who don't respond well to topical versions usually see a better response to Oral Minoxidil but it also has an increased side affect profile risk. Personally i would say to combine with Microneedling for maximum results. Either way, you need to inhibit 5AR with Finasteride
  15. Still very difficult to assess for me with that picture because the details blur a bit on zooming in. Some HT doctors are of the opinion that a few doubles here and there add to the naturalness of the hairline. I think there's a video Rolandas did on his YouTube from Hattigen with doubles in the frontal hairline but it still looked very natural.
  16. Best to consult with the recommended clinics where you can probably attend in person imo.
  17. Out of curiosity, does this clinic in the UK also have "celebrity" clients as part of their YouTube and promotional material? I believe there was a clinic in the UK that apparently was being sued by prior patients and they shut down a branch possibly in Scotland because Scottish law is a bit different than English law. Ultimately you will find it very hard to sue but good thing you didn't potentially fall for a 2nd "free" procedure because "free" isn't without cost. It takes up the extremely valuable donor area.
  18. I'll be perfect honest, you need a proper in person trichoschopic style evaluation so they can see the quality of your donor and density after the HT you had. You might also potentially benefit from a donor repair where they can potentially use beard grafts to mitigate where you have been over harvested although sometimes they might limit how much they use because its the 2nd best source of hair to use on the scalp which is why some might choose to go for the 3rd option of body hair to repair the donor too.
  19. Were you on any medication prior to surgery or after? It looks like without seeing a pre-op picture of your donor that you have been over harvested.
  20. I think a lot of guys when they experience some hair loss or sometimes believe it is starting feel their crown and see it as feeling thinner or looking different as evidence of hair loss. If you can post pictures of before your surgery and after it's a bit easier to try be more objective buy i'm gonna use a personal example that tends to apply. My crown area has a "whorl" pattern like most people and whilst the frontal and mid areas feel thicker, i felt the crown area was thinning to the touch in feel. However visually when i took pictures it didn't seem too bad, so why did it feel worse? It's because the mid scalp and frontal hair sit a bit more on top of each other and are in a forward direction. The crown where the whorl pattern is located is usually splayed out into a 360 degree direction. Because of the way those hair sit, it leads it to look less thick and feel thinner. That's why when people have the crown done, the natural whorl pattern needs to be recreated and to give it sufficient density you need use a ton of grafts. That's why they call it a "black hole" in hair transplants. My tip to you, is get a derma pen and start Microneedling once per week at 1mm to 1.5mm. You can skip the Minoxidil on that day. The combined power of Minoxidil and Microneedling will give you a really big boosted result if you respond compared to just Minoxidil. OP, if you are willing to blur your face out, post some pictures of before surgery, after 12 months and present of the frontal area, top down and donor areas. We can try help you come up with some places that might be able to help you down the line. How old are you atm? Also where are you based?
  21. OP, there's a possibility like others have said you might be able to get something like a refund etc. if you pressured and so on, but like mentioned above, the people who have had these elective procedures and go wrong, often end up having to repair the work with a more reputable clinic. It's not ideal, and tbh, i didn't quite understand what you meant by "Take Dutasteride on top of Finasteride and PRP" but if you were already taking Finasteride 1mg everyday for example, it's not recommended to take Dutasteride as well. The way people do it is to take Finasteride like say 5 days a week and Dutasteride 2 days and slowly increase till the switch over sometimes completely. Finasteride blocks about 41% scalp DHT and 70% body DHT, whilst Dutasteride is stronger but still around 51% scalp DHT for 90% body DHT blocking and because it cause a much bigger drop in your body DHT, people can experience more side affects. With the nature of hair loss, being told you are on Finasteride even say everyday and probably won't thin on your crown is an educated guess some could make and end up wrong very easily because hair loss is sometimes unpredictable. You were only 22 and tbh this is why people do say to be on medication till around 25 to see how your hair loss shakes out firstly and if you can prove stability then they consider you a more suitable candidate. Finding this forum after the fact is probably becoming more common, but don't despair. You are probably still in a position where something can be done in the right hands, but i won't sugar coat it. The journey is going to probably be a bit longer, expensive and you will need to really start educating yourself on what may or may not be possible as repair cases are more limited.
  22. Your problem is if he's dead set on doing something like this, no matter how ethical the doctor is, if they don't get an answer they like, they swing around the houses till somebody tells them what they want and the situation you mentioned manifests. I would say you can look at the forum recommended list and get consultations for your friend with them, but without seeing his pictures or getting more of a history, it's difficult to see exactly what his situation is and what potentially he might need to do. Heck, if he was a full blown Norwood 7 at 18, i don't think there's a chance things will get much worse for example
  23. That is in fact Dr Bisanga but he's primarily based in Belgium at a clinic called BHR. Dr Ball also is in the UK and i believe has a place in Harley Street if you definitely are not willing to go out of London although i and others would strongly urge you when going for a hair transplant to not restrict yourself geographically or your end goals and result might not be as good as it can be.
  24. It looks like you have new growth kicking off. Be great to see how it develops over the next few months too. I can also imagine the fibres are definitely helping out atm to give that fuller look.
  25. I still think you need to potentially look outside of the UK and Dr Bisanga is probably a good bet for you. He's gonna do consults in May in London and is a quick flight away on Belgium. In the UK, Dr Ball from the Maitland Clinic is reputable but he's not based in London always and he's usually very picky about what he is willing to do, so might be worth getting a consultation but also an idea of whether they'd take you on.
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