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Everything posted by NARMAK

  1. That's probably the last thing on my mind too tbh lol. People on here constantly mentioned not hitting your head on the overhead baggage storage area etc. and i definitely feel that if i was going to get up every hour or 2 for the saline spray to be applied in the privacy of the toilet for example, i would be exponentially increasing that risk. I do think you could if you were super confident and IDGAF about it do it in your seat but might feel odd personally if it's not more than a mist and going all over the place lol.
  2. I just want to point out that right now there's back stage footage of Smith during a commercial break and they massive fire they're trying to control with what happened. Admittedly those freeze frames do look bad, but the full video of the event looks pretty much as it appears that it happened for real. Chris Rock even was taken aback before he professionally recovered. If it was a set up, his transition wouldn't felt as wobbly imo as it did. I think he was in shock and trying to compose himself. There can be a change in the moment when emotions are flooded into you. Chris Rock with shock and bemusement in a small moment and Smith also having a micro expression in a moment. That's what freeze frames can capture but in the full video, you see the actual event happen real speed and it is not anywhere close to looking like a set up. The Academy Awards are investigating the incident, have condemned it and do you know how BAD this would look for a black actor on the cusp of winning an Oscar to go and ruin it with a stunt like this? Let alone the fact it's probably a genuine thing. Will Smith has not done himself any favours and i said this before, it was an extremely misplaced action because Jada wears the pants and she gave him that look; he then responded stupidly.
  3. Man, that sucks so much about how they did that. Hopefully when you feel well enough, you can try pursue some kind of compensation for that BS. Yeah, unfortunately i get what you mean about people staring but screw em. Not gonna see em again like you said and main thing in 12 months time is the result you'll be rocking. The donor does look like it's doing well for only 4 days post-op. I also get what you mean about taking medication 3x a day but it's probably best to just do it and hopefully it helps. I guess morning after breakfast, afternoon with lunch and in the evening with your meal and that's probably 3 easy times to take the medication. I would say the application of the saline spray so often is probably a bigger inconvenience in my eyes lol Regarding the hair, it's difficult to say but hair can shed sooner or later for some people. It will take you i think they say 10-14 days for the grafts to fully embed in and then you can sleep as normal.
  4. I personally do not feel Jada Smith is suffering from Alopecia. Gary Linkov on YouTube did a great breakdown describing why he thinks it's more traction alopecia than the type she claimed. However, i think Will Smith did this from an extremely misplaced sense of chivalry and the Smith's have an extremely weird family dynamic. Regarding Chris Rock almost preparing himself for the punch as evidence of it being a "Set up" that's not quite accurate. I think he saw the windup and the face contorted in that way because he knew what was coming.
  5. It wasn't so much what you stated, tbh it was the other user primarily that set my comment off regarding it being called a wig. RandoBrando. Sorry if the wires are getting a bit crossed here. Also, tbf to HugoX, he said he wore a system for 15 years i believe and he didn't think it was and he actually seems to have seen Dr Zarev in person. So, that does at least lean me to believe it probably isn't a wig. Hell, even if it was. It's fine. Of course, your comment can be fine too, but i mean the original spirit of the thread was asking about Dr Zarev and patient experience with him and it kind of got derailed into this. Hopefully we can get it back on track for OP. All the best Adrian.
  6. No, of course there's nothing wrong with it, but i feel it's a bit unnecessary to point it out tbh. It has no correlation with his ability to deliver what appear to be spectacular results. The problem with their profession is much like a barber, you can be the absolute pinnacle of what a hair stylist can achieve but never experience it yourself because you can't cut your own hair in the same way. Personally having had a look, his hair looks real in the one picture i saw but even if it wasn't, that's his personal choice and i don't think it's really on people to go digging around as you can imagine, looking to use it as a point to score with against somebody. Like even your own story for example where you openly admitted to friends about using the hair system as a means to get ahead of the ribbing you might get. However a bunch of strangers might be a little more jarring and almost school yard like if they point it out almost in a negative light as it were.
  7. Tbh, i think Will Smith is going to get heavy flak for this. Chris Rock may have made a tasteless joke but his own wife has humiliated him publicly when she announced she cheated on him live on her own show. It sounds like she wears the pants and he felt obligated with the death stare she bore into his head because initially he did laugh. No, a slap is sufficient enough. He was there to make a point. Not probably end up on an assault charge.
  8. Hope you got well back safe and sound bud. Would love to get an update on how your flight back was and any tips you'd share with others to help them flying back after the procedure.
  9. The slap wasn't staged imo but Chris Rock was professional about the whole thing in his recovery and took it well. I think he kinda knew he'd crossed a line after that slap. Will Smith is not ever really the type of guy to go and slap somebody at the Oscars when he's due to get an award imo.
  10. Whether a surgeon wears a wig, partial or full hair system, suffers from alopecia totalis or not is irrelevant. In fact, the very field they have gone into and apparently helping others achieve other worldly results which they themselves cannot benefit from is to me, an amazing contribution. Dr Zarev has developed his own custom machine for punching extractions and is why he usually also blurs it in his videos. I do genuinely think he is per the patient result here and elsewhere aiming to try and truly help people. Therefore i do not think we need discuss his personal follicular condition as if people on this very forum haven't perhaps suffered with the stigma of their hair loss. Personally i know its been mentioned elsewhere, but it does appear unless a Doctor agreed to be on the forums recommended list and pay the fees, the only way we will get more patient results is if people already were on here or somehow came across the doctor and shared their story.
  11. Damn, you sound like the exception lol. Well, if you do get to use them, hopefully it helps but it isn't an ideal source based on survival rates so it probably might require a lot more grafts and as a result cost. I hope you can hopefully get a good outcome regardless and be happy All the best.
  12. No, i completely understand he was probably referencing his own experience and i firstly applaud him for sharing his story and what he had to do to manage the sexual sides he seemed to experience. I just meant that from a laymen perspective of the viewers, they're going to probably just assume that sexual side affects are a given for Finasteride say rather than a possibility for some. That's the perspective i guess i was approaching from what he said. I 100% agree that it's a fallacy and downright lie if anybody says there's no side affects to Finasteride. I do feel however that the side affects have in the past and probably still are maybe overblown somewhat by some voices to the point where people generally have this pre-conceived notice that your penis will stop working etc. and then never ever be usable again. I was personally a person highly put off by using Finasteride because of the above idea of a younger guy i'd get permanent ED even after stopping but then when i finally did my research and looked at the clinical data and my brother having tried it with no issues highlighted, i really gave it a 2nd look after i realised my hair loss was getting to a point where if i didn't act, it was going to be much worse. I think that's why i have praised you in the past for being so open about it not working for yourself, but you never once ever tried to scare people away or anything. You reasonably advised people to give it a go because you have seen how great it can work for others in keeping hair who don't have the same sides.
  13. For me, the biggest concern is not losing any grafts to things like scratching my head and that first 14 days will probably be hell in terms of sleeping and not doing anything personally wrong, but i know it's going to pay off in the long term. I am going to hopefully purchase a chunky memory foam pillow for sleeping in and try to sleep in a single seater where possible because i have a feeling in my sleep i would turn over to my side otherwise. I'm also planning to try and limit the range of my hands to avoid touching my scalp at all. Ultimately i think you made the right choice in doing your research and going to a reputable clinic with a generally well regarded and proven track record and hopefully your results are every bit as great as the rest.
  14. Don't worry, those eyeballs will be admiring the great results in 12 months lol. Hopefully you can get home and the post-op advice will get you through to the period where you can sleep normal and not worry about the grafts. You'll also hopefully sleep well again lol. The swelling will hopefully dissipate soon and with you having gone to a clinic generally well regarded for their donor management, hairline placement etc. you shouldn't need to have a lot of things to worry about post-op after the first few weeks.
  15. To me, i feel like there's almost a difficulty in showing yourself as being unbiased and on the side of patients if your entire site and income is being derived from the recommend doctors paying you a fee. That's why there has been some previous examples cited and i do think even perhaps recent examples in how volatile that balance can become. I do think the patient results part are probably a key point of research for me and what made me want to choose a particular clinic over others, alongside the fact that the specific area of temple point restoration is being shown off regularly and the right things were being said. However thanks to this site, it was also raised when the same places maybe don't have the best results for somebody else and it honestly made me realise, i was perhaps still a bit too naive and maybe that i do need to be significantly more vocal and communicate things further on exactly what i'm looking for when it comes closer to the day before and day of surgery. Also, i think i have as much as it would hurt, decided i'd rather walk away from the entire thing and save my hair and money if the concerns are bot addressed than go through things with a regret. I do feel that so far that the clinic i have chosen more often than not seem to get it right based on the patient results posted here, but i am more wary now in making sure that i organise everything and get it in writing so both parties have a clear documented understanding of what's being paid for and the plan is clearly defined. I think the difficulty of right now is that if a loss of income from that fee of a recommend doctor will hurt the website, then removal of that individual from the recommended list could be a little longer and protracted and thereby hurt other genuine patients.
  16. It's interesting that the growth has kind of been slow for him in some ways and how it now is showing a bit more form and shape. It's definitely not an overly aggressive hairline. About 1cm lower and probably just more flat.
  17. I like that he's open with using fibres and Finasteride but i kind of cringed hard knowing the implications he just made with Finasteride and ED though almost as a given if you take Finasteride. That's a big reason why people imo have such a stupid perception of Finasteride causing side affects that are permanent like ED and thus resulting in people not even trying the medication.
  18. The biggest issue with hair on the chest, legs etc. is usually the thickness or length never really reaches good length like scalp hair or in some cases beard hair. Beard hair is also usually thicker and coarse, which can curl and sometimes is a different colour than the scalp for some. So it's also not perfect but it can grow fairly longer than chest or leg hair etc. That's why medication like Finasteride is such a key part of hair loss prevention imo because if you respond positively it will put you in a greater position to keep the hair you have had and not have to resort to the other sources which are much more difficult and sometimes do not yield a positive impact. Mentally having spent that much money and receiving a sub standard outcome is probably still going to hit as hard.
  19. https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/our-hair-restoration-physicians I actually didn't realise that the list was run off a monthly fee collection and that does i guess in some ways show why its even more important to do your research. Like you said, a great Dr that doesn't feel the need to advertise themselves will not bother applying and the forum doesn't sound like they're going to be approaching the doctor either. Whilst there's many positive aspects to this site, the very idea that an income (undisclosed sum?) is derived from the recommended clinics/doctors makes it all the more likely that if a patient does show poor results from that list, these are potentially why they've been glossed over a touch in their seriousness for the outcomes shared. Well, as always. Caveat Emptor i guess.
  20. Sorry for the late reply, i didn't recall having this pop up sooner in my notifications. I do not really know which places in Europe are familiar with Caucasian hair but i believe BHR (Dr Bisanga) probably has some cases and he's based in Belgium. I think any of the top names is Spain are usually a bit more geared towards thicker hair than finer hair. I think depending on your graft requirements, your budgets reasonable enough.
  21. I guess i just generally meant laser eye surgery in the sense of it being a surgical procedure where technically its not necessary when you can manage it with glasses and contacts. The nose again, to probably 95% of people probably wouldn't get noticed so in that sense, it would seem a trivial procedure to undertake in some viewpoints when there's plenty that could go wrong. I think ultimately if i wanted to, it needs to be done in a way that does not alter my look negatively and the trap is the "refinement" sometimes people make with some corrective surgeries to also improve some aesthetic elements of the nose in a subtle way. Ultimately imo any elective cosmetic surgery undertaken by an individual for aesthetic enhancements should be carefully thought about and weighed up according to the risk being undertaken and the actual realistic outcome that will be achieved. Ultimately you will make the decisions you decide to. People can only offer their opinion but attractiveness is not entirely "mathematical" per se. Visually you may improve your looks and initially in your example of dating etc. it may open the opportunities a bit more and that's enough for you to consider it a success, but maintaining a relationship eventually goes beyond just the visual. Charisma, Confidence etc. that all are mentioned by @Curious25for example can be built up internally and cannot be imbued surgically. The idea perhaps you and maybe others subscribe to is that the better and physically more attractive you are, that certain barriers are removed or reduced and that you can "get away" with not having those other traits as much. The more you concentrate on a superficial element, eventually you will come to a rude awakening at some point that it's not in the long term a fulfilling life for most. Perhaps you may be in the minority but only time and being in those situations could tell. I think you seem like a sensible enough individual to go to the trouble of clearly researching things you feel will improve your life and clearly are doing well enough to be able to afford to consider the procedures you are with that budget. Just don't get sucked into chasing the Rainbow/Unicorn which forever moves once you seemingly got where you thought you needed to. We all get dealt a hand in life, some better than others but if we try to at least improve our lot in life and blinker ourselves from unrealistic expectations, i think you might ultimately find things a lot more enjoyable. Good luck whatever you do decide, but please take care and consideration before moving forwards with any of these potentially life changing choices including a hair transplant.
  22. I understand that, but again the very example you used is much more uncommon in occurrence too. I do believe height is less attributed to those environmental factors as much as your genetics creating the baseline. 80% or so is the figure cited commonly. Again, regarding ideal heights i think that's an individual preference but in todays age the most common sort of heights are probably near what you mentioned. Hell, even 6'2" is apparently considered short and some girls saying they want a 6'5" guy lmao. Honestly, i think we should probably try to control what is in our own hands within a reasonable range to improve our appearances. Being healthy with nutrition and working out, perhaps even a spot of bodybuilding here and there to sculpt your physique. Getting enough sleep, using safe products to moisturise with, protect the skin from sun damage etc. and cosmetic surgery etc. should be a last resort. Also, i am not against surgery but like you were trying to point out, it needs to be a proper consideration and underlying psychological issues that might be there to be addressed in order to get a realistic expectation and outcome. Heck, we tell people that they need to realise a hair transplant also isn't going to be a magic pill for life improvement. I personally have a laundry list of self improvement i want to make and some of those include surgery like for the eyes to be corrected for sight and also to fix a broken nose i picked up as a teen. However i don't think anybody really noticed the nose at all and the eyesight is easily managed with contact lense but i would love to be free of them and swim without fear of losing them in a water park, swimming pool etc.
  23. It's not really a "weird take" per se, and that's why i did put the part in brackets to try and imply it is a very rudimentary type of example. Genetics are generally a wild bunch but i stand by the general sentiment that polishing yourself up cosmetically to add features etc. that might not be as much in your genetic pool can create a disparity. We generally inherit bits and bats from both our parents after all and sometimes things that may have skipped a generation. For example, my Father and his brothers never got the height of their father who was over 6 foot, but a handful of their kids did, whilst most of the other males didn't. I think the rest of what you mentioned about potential BDD is something to be explored.
  24. @Nobodyit seems like others haven't or weren't willing to touch on what you said, and the gravity of what you're actually saying. Have you had any psychological examinations or explored any sort of therapy beforehand? Your own words are: Your "Youth" is technically gone and as with all things where time is concerned, permanently gone. However, what isn't gone is you as a person. You sound like you are quite young and if i'm honest, you have tell tale signs that you prescribe to potentially so called "Black Pill" viewpoints and thus this surgery and everything is a way to "Looks Max" and i picked up on that simply by your wording of 99% for clavicle lengthening and all the other laundry list of surgeries. Unless you were in a life threatening position, i think you do need to consider the long term implications of potentially what you are doing. Nobody (no pun intended) can outrun their genetics and no matter what you do, your DNA won't be changing to match the physical surgical changes you may end up doing. You're much like a hair transplant going to be creating an "Illusion" of yourself potentially. Now, i'm gonna just try to balance things here a bit. I do NOT want to give anyone the impression i'm trying to personally attack you or your ambitions to "Looks Max" as personally i am a big fan in maximising your own personal appearance and becoming the "best version" of yourself in a mentally as well as physically healthy manner. The sad reality of the world is that looks are overly scrutinised, focused on and manipulated in a social media age to make people feel psychologically a bit inferior to the point where surgical and in some cases, dangerous methods with high risk are considered. Heck, even the so called supermodels cannot match their own image that's photoshopped to within a mm of nip/tucking everything. I just wonder, if you were ever to think of yourself, having gone through all this money, spent this time and stuff to end up with the dream result you envision. What happens if say you met somebody who unbeknownst to you also went through something similar. (An arbitrary example for illustration purposes only!! ) Where you were say a 5/10 in looks and those genetics were in you but you become via surgery a so called "10/10 Chad" and similarly your partner was the same. You had children and then your children became that 5/10 looking combination of both of you. How psychologically damaging do you think it might be for a child growing up feeling "My parents look so good, how am i so 'ugly'?!" or similarly being teased by people around them if they see you guys looking so amazing and then the natural genetics of your child make them look as they are. You are going to end up potentially in a cycle of trauma being passed on. Everybody imo deserves to be happy. I just think there's a balance to be struck and hair transplants are risky enough with like how bad some people end up and psychologically scarred alongside the physical result not matching where they wanted to be. Similarly any other surgeries like you are considering have a chance to go wrong and just because you think you did your research, and are paying for "the best of the best" doesn't mean you aren't exponentially risking yourself ending up in a similar position. Psychologically some people end up on the other side of the mountain going the opposite way downhill having started with plastic surgery and not knowing when to stop. Only you truly can know what your situation is, where you're starting and where you want to get to. If you ever feel like you maybe want to just share something out loud and just have a chat, you can always private message me or put something out there if comfortable for others to give an input. I genuinely just want guys to feel happy and comfortable. Look their best, feel their best but not at the expense of possibly damaging their mental health with attaining unhealthy beauty standards perpetuated online with fake photoshopped crap as a reference point.
  25. Yes, i came across that before with Dr Reddy being removed. Personally i do think that you are right that those other places are thought of more readily. Particularly Spain but even then, its a handful of names and probably why they have such long waiting lists.
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