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Everything posted by NARMAK

  1. I'll be honest and say that i do think there is an option in probably the Maitland Clinic with Dr Ball that seems really good. Does like 1 patient a day. However i think this forum and others tend to gravitate towards a much more focused and narrow field. Like for example, Dr Arshad was recommended for a while and then removed. Ultimately anybody looking for a hair transplant needs to do their research and find the best fit for their circumstances and budget.
  2. I'm currently i think gonna be there for like 5 nights but because of timing gonna have to see as i might have to pay for 6. I'll be there for about 4 days post-op before flying out. I think hopefully i will try to keep off as much as possible but i was sort of limited to 2 weeks but could potentially request more but i was on a work from home schedule for when i get back so i might see how i feel in that las week and if necessary request further time off work.
  3. Sounds like they've really been able to keep on top of checking things for you prior to leaving and helping you with the washing. I decided to get there a day prior to the procedure and stay a few days after too. Hopefully makes sure that i can also be confident things are healing well.
  4. I always keenly follow any Eugenix work that involves temples and seeing you got 400 grafts for them, i'm certainly going to be following close. Wishing you all the best and really glad to hear they accommodated the schedule you had. Hoping to go in May and i know exactly what you mean about the Visa lol. Still waiting on mine but i've been told minimum 45 working days so will be calling up after 7th April as i formally submitted everything on the 4th February 2022.
  5. It does appear as if there's spots that have been over harvested. Which clinic did you go to? That's a lot of grafts. Do you have any before and after pictures you can share from the back and front etc. so we can see how things looked before. There's also a possibility of shock loss having occurred too in the donor area.
  6. I think the hairline design is probably something a lot of people need to educate themselves on and really try to figure out what works for them, where they want the placement. I think, the issue you described will 100% be much more hyper sensitive to you and almost nobody else will realise or probably point it out. Your hairline actually seems aesthetically at a mature height in the images. I definitely think it also gives a good framing to your face with the temple points. I think i recall somebody saying the "U" shape of the hairline was a bit of an issue, but can't recall if that was you or not. Overall, i understand the potential movement of some grafts tied more onto the muscles but i think somebody would have to be really paying attention to pick it up. The angle of the grafts you described though not being quite right i think is the bigger concern. That is something that shouldn't be happening and we have no seen a few Eugenix cases where the angles do not appear to always be where they should. It's odd, because Eugenix actually do portray on their videos educating people that they seem to understand the fundamentals but there's few cases here and there where it seems to have fallen down. I do strongly wonder if this is symptomatic of their expansion and doing multiple patients a day making them take a hit on quality.
  7. Hey, thanks a lot. Didn't know you had a video on it lol. Your YouTube is pretty great too btw. You got some solid content on there and actually watched a lot of your own personal hair transplant journey and seeing you highlight all the different post op care, your low grade haircut showing the FUE scars etc. Good job man, keep it up 👍🏼
  8. Great write up and looking forwards to see how you get on. I went for the Exclusive Package myself. Prior to December 2021 i believe Dr Bansal was involved but i also have now got Dr Das booked for mine. Hopefully see how things progress with you till i get mine fingers crossed in May.
  9. Hope you're doing well OP and the procedure went well. Looking forwards to hearing from you with pictures too if possible. 👍🏼
  10. Think this should be pinned at the top. I do get maybe some aren't as comfortable asking certain questions on their main account though for fear of possibly being judged.
  11. Good luck! It's kinda funny, i was literally scheduled myself for a procedure tomorrow at Delhi too originally. I didn't get a Visa granted yet so had to push it back till May, hoping i will get one. Which package have you chose and be sure to share with us the design pictures and stuff too.
  12. Said it before Adrian but really looking forwards to you getting that 12+ month result to see you finally get that smile and result you always wanted! Going to be really interesting to see how it all comes together and seeing the honesty in how challenging your case became even moreso after an in person assessment.
  13. I think James Franco and Bradley Cooper give him a run for his money tbh. Most people don't even know they had one and there's probably a few others in that mix too. The problem for Elon is really that FUT scar that's stood out for him and made it obvious at the shorter hair lengths because of the skin/hair contrast.
  14. The personal thing for me, if i'm honest was those two things. Right now, it does seem like Oral Minoxodil avoids potentially the scalp degradation that occurs adding the topical mixes for decades on the top of your head, but i worry about the side affects to do with your heart, BP etc. i guess more than Trichosis. Which if it did happen, i'd look to laser away. I know some people get the Loniten 5mg version i think and half/quarter it. I don't think there's a pre-made size but happy to be wrong. Think it's 2.5mg Oral Minoxidil daily dosage?
  15. The topical can be easily purchased over the counter in the UK. However, the oral tablet version doesn't seem as readily available.
  16. I'm curious on where to get it from. I am generally on the more cautious side in terms of the sides from oral Minoxodil but should i need it down the line, i was wondering if it would be more easily available. Besides, i still think you side step Trichosis a bit more but there's always laser hair removal should you turn into Teen Wolf
  17. Hi guys n gals Does anybody from the UK currently use Oral Minoxodil and know how i could legally obtain a prescription and what the cost is if i wanted to start using this? In the UK i can get Dutasteride and Finasteride but it seems Oral Minoxidil at 2.5mg for hair loss, even off label use is really hard to find or get prescribed.
  18. Personally i think he's a hack. He steals the credit for other people's work. He's a bit like Steve Jobs in that regard. Others do the heavy lifting, smart work and he takes all the credit and becomes positioned as the "visionary" and i genuinely don't think hair loss can’t be called a world problem when it affects billions of men and sometimes women too. As an industry, a hair loss cure or unlimited graft cloning business id guaranteed to earn billions annually.
  19. I think Elon going for FUT was smart but probably more so the smart of the clinic/Dr he went to for recommending it. He looks like he's been for about two procedures in total FUT based. His hair loss pattern was quite advanced in his 20s too, so it was better long term going FUT. Still, maybe Elon should get a hair clone company off the ground lol. He's make a killing if he actually managed to get it working within a decade lol
  20. Do you have any additional pictures of your donor area and maybe some frontal 3/4 views? Right now it is difficult to see why 4k grafts would be needed unless they were making an extremely aggressive, dense and low hairline for you. I would definitely recommend staying on medication like Finasteride 1mg everyday as a precaution to prevent further hairloss and prove stability by the time you hit 25. I also think you could smartly style the hair to mask the issues a bit better.
  21. I do think whilst surgery has moved on, and there are competent clinics willing to do surgery for people 21-25, i think it's very much on a case by case basis. I completely understood in some ways what was mentioned about hair and how from an image PoV, its aesthetic appeals more useful during your teens to like 40s, but i would say getting to 25 nowadays whilst using medication for 2+ years and being able to show stable hair loss and actually being able to save up the money from 21 to 25 for a top clinic is better. Personally i wished to get my temple points restored at like 18-21 with a hair transplant but so glad i didn't and i found now when i educated myself all the complications of hair loss etc. and can make a much better informed decision. If i could go back knowing what i know now, i would have started medication much earlier and saved up and gone to a top clinic who specialised in temple points and frontal hairlines. Luckily even now i feel in a good position and am hoping to get mine at Age 32 in May. I still feel young enough and care just as much as i did in my 20s. I do get hair loss causing loss in confidence etc. if you genuinely don't feel able to cut it and style it in such a way to mask what is getting you down. However, there's one bit of advice i'd like to give. If these people are really your friends, explaining to them properly will get them to back off and understand. Cause in some ways we do "banter" as males and busting each others chops but if we know it is seriously affecting a mate, we will stop. If they don't, they're not really your friends and you need to ditch those toxic clowns from your life and make actual friends. Life is also top short having the wrong people around you. Focus on the things you can control for now. Hell, your 23 making over $100K!! That's amazing man! That along imo should make you focus on your career and medication for now. The babes will come back around when you're ready for them if you want. Just improve yourself all over. Become a much more all around individual. Hair is not a magic bullet once restored that it solves all your issues and you'll come to realise there's many, many things to self improve on too. Good luck.
  22. You should very much consider getting on medication right now. Your hair loss is very much aggressive in terms of the overall pattern you have looking at the top down view and the donor area near the bottom looks like it's really affected by retrograde alopecia. You should do the following imo: *Start 1mg Finasteride everyday if possible or taper use up till you get to everyday *Start Minoxidil and combine with Microneedling once a week at 1mm to 1.5mm depth. *Use Nizoral 2% ketoconazole shampoo. You might not have a pot of hair with your top scalp at present, but this could help with some small Anti-Androgen effect. Ultimately i would strongly urge you to stick to a routine of medication and hair restoration for probably the next 12-24 months consistently and see how things shake out. In that time, save up, educate yourself on the hair transplants and send out consultations to see what the clinics think could be required. Anything you can regrow or save with medication will stand you in a significantly better position but the treatments are only as effective as long as you take them. So it is either indefinite or as long as you decide you want that hair.
  23. You should wait till 25 at least to see how stable your hairloss actually stays and as recommended maybe you could try hopping on the FUE Expert (Dr Cuoto) waiting list for a top tier hair transplant if you want and save up in the next 2 years for that. You said you need 3-4k grafts. That's ridiculously high imo if you're like a Norwood 2/3. Unless you have closer to Norwood 3, then a sensible estimate would be much less. No more than 3K which is why its a good idea if you post pictures of your donor area, front and sides 3/4 views as well as from the top down showing the crown. I am considered a Norwood 2ish person and i got quoted 2200 including complete temple point restoration. That would get me very much to a "Norwood 1" type of appearance i think. Just remember that Norwood 1 means a mature male hairline. Not juvenile like some people think it does.
  24. I'm sorry to see that your temple point didn't work out as well as the other and i sincerely wish that it was something that could have been maybe better addressed. In terms of the planning stage, i think this is a true "Caveat Emptor" (Buyer Beware) moment for any person going for a hair transplant regardless of clinic. Even with the stellar reputation Eugenix has built, it is still somehow in a few cases where they do appear to have slipped a little from the high standard we have begun to hold them in. I think when specifically it comes to the temple points, a place where Eugenix has uniquely positioned themselves as a top clinic to address that area, there needs to be a little more focus there and perhaps even more care taken in hair selection and who implants it. The result between your left and right temples is stark and obvious to see at that low grade haircut. Fortunately masked at a longer length but i am sorry to hear it has resulted in you being unable to style your hair as you would wish to. I do hope the clinic and future patients including myself can successfully navigate these concerns to hopefully where they are back on track with every result they send out there. I am planning to fingers crossed document my own journey hopefully in May (Visa permitting) and share with you guys how my temple points are handled. Something that imo is really dear to my heart as something i have not even been able to remember having since my mid/late teens. It's literally the #1 reason i have personally chosen Eugenix.
  25. I believe he's referring to the specific difference on these two temple point pictures between the left and right. The angles, thickness of the hair etc. being different.
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