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Everything posted by NARMAK

  1. The concept of FUE having no scars unfortunately is something of a myth peddled by hair mills against the science to try draw people in. FUT imo does still have a place but the linear scar and sometimes the uncertainty of scalp laxity and how it could "stretch" over time made the idea of FUE more attractive alongside a lower downtime for recovery. I still think a lot of people need to understand both forms of hair transplant methods cause scars but your bodies ability to heal and skin to hair contrast can help to mask or accentuate the issue of scars. Ultimately if you do not want to have scars, don't get the hair transplant. If you are willing to brave it, then you should be prepared to mitigate the scarring with keeping your hair longer, using SMP or even potentially beard/body grafts to fill back in the donor areas down the line.
  2. I think i saw that. The left side does look very unusual. At the time i thought that maybe it's part of the thing where grafts are maybe pushed out a bit and assume a slightly bad angle rather than just purely down to bad angulation and slits. Unfortunately i can imagine how bad it would feel, because i would also be freaking out a little if it was me and i'm probably getting 2nd hand anxiety too because i'm schedule for May with Eugenix and its the #1 goal to restore the temple points fully.
  3. Thank you for sharing your story. It's a reminder of how this also affects females and getting to the right place is so important to avoid all the emotional angst you felt with all the other places. Wishing you a happy and great result to finally get to where you wanted to be.
  4. Damn, that's a LOT of visual difference at 3 weeks. The interesting thing is that the mid scalp thickened up so much but the frontal hairline has shed a little but because of how much thicker the midscalp looks, you can barely realise.
  5. Not Rahal, but if you can tolerate it, switch to Dutasteride if you don't feel Finasteride is aiding you as much. Finasteride 1mg every day blocks circa 41% scalp DHT. Dutasteride 0.5mg will boost this by 10% to around 51% according to the studies. The 10% boost on scalp though also means the 70% or so body DHT blocked by Finasteride is around 90% on Dutasteride.
  6. Your situation does sound very rare and unique if it's as extensive as the title implies. Do you have any photos you can share pre-op, post-op and when you feel the shock loss occurred in full. It could help people offer an opinion. Which Dr and clinic in Houston did you go to?
  7. Well, like you said. You got what i meant in terms of the more flared nature near the temporal areas. Of course, there's probably a million miles of difference between the quality of Dr Bisanga and the hair mills in ensuring that the hair transplant looks natural and undetected by the human eyes. KSL are apparently i think the subject of legal action and some of them actually shut down. They did quite a few "celebrity" cases and that's why i remember the name. Think Kyle Christie and maybe Maria Fowler were with them but can't fully recall.
  8. As long as you have chosen a clinic properly with good patient reviews, ethics etc. then it should not matter. The difference between a hair mill and a top clinic is their professionalism regardless of when the procedures taking place. At the end of the day, the clinic shouldn't be booking you in for the weekend if they're not prepared to put in the required diligence. Dr Mwamba seems highly regarded on here. I think you should be fine.
  9. I think the shape is reminiscent of Dr Bisanga in the temporal closures flared out a bit to the temple points but the big difference here that makes it poor is the multi grafts and lack of a proper transition. Also the redness persisting for that long is pretty ridiculous. That said, looks like the patient has 7 months or so of growth left and then he'll see how it shakes out but honestly, i do think apart from us, maybe not that many might pick up on things
  10. I believe there's a forum posted clinic in Thailand, but this name does not ring a bell as being the one. The forum recommended list has a bunch of doctors and their locations.
  11. I got interested in what you just said. That Spencer Kobren never had a hair transplant. Sure enough, it apparently is true according to this article and it goes a little more in depth too. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/2003/06/16/a-loss-cause/7a5b64b9-9139-481d-add0-aa4b067c22a1/ Personally i've listened to the show on YouTube and overall the stuff him and said seems to be the sort of good advice in terms of medication like Finasteride to help, doing your research to find the right surgeons but i find it hard to understand that a man so obsessed with his hair looking good that even states how he has to carefully style it had never ever even gotten a single transplant. at least has some kind of baseline having been a patient of two botched FUT procedures and then actually working at the world renowned Hasson and Wong and with Rahal to show he has some experience in the field as a patient and consultant. Albeit, i think the other users posting above him not doing enough due diligence on the video for Nadimi vs Panin maybe isn't the best look for him. It's possibly human though and editing it for accuracy is better but it would also look like he got caught and hiding it depending on your PoV i guess. So keeping on the topic of this thread with that all above said, it genuinely feels like more than ever we always need to be doing our research to see what results are actually out there from the named doctors themselves. Somebody mentioned checking Instagram but i think we need to acknowledge that those are cherry picked results by the clinic. I genuinely hope a website like this though can be a true document and reflection of a clinic. In fact, there's many examples i feel where even recommended places are shown to have some results which fall short at times in some areas.
  12. The design of the hairline is always individual to you. A general rule of thumb is to place it above the Frontalis Muscles which is basically when you scrunch your forehead, those muscles/lines. Some people have a higher set muscle so sometimes the distance is greater, some are set a bit lower. Temple points are much more difficult to design imo because the angle and width of them can also alter your look greatly. If they are more narrow, they still have the appearance of looking receded and making the forehead look bigger. Too forward and they can make the forehead seem too narrow. Usually they try to place them at the outer edge of the brow and there's some "rules" or so but your facial aesthetics are probably the most important. If you meant the upper temporal areas of the hairline where the corners of the frontal hairline tend to start going back, that's a bit more easy but dependent on your hair loss too. Have a look on the popular surgeons clinic results on YouTube and you'll see how there can be a variation. Ultimately as a patient, do not be afraid to try beforehand design your own hairline, take pictures and see what you like. I tried to make a thread for people to Photoshop member photos into a hairline but i'm not sure other than the one kind person who else really mocks them up.
  13. I'm not 100% sure, but apparently there's a couple options where if Dr Bisanga does everything, he charges more per graft if you feel there's a greater reassurance there. However, Dr Bisanaga also has an extremely adept team it seems that are highly trained as technicians that have been with him maybe 10+ years that can also be imo trusted. I would probably say in terms of hairline design, Curious25 above nailed the way the two approach things. Personally i like how dense packed Dr Bisanga makes his hairlines and into the existing hair to get a great fullness in the results but i do not typically like the closure of the temple points from an aesthetic PoV myself but there's no denying they give a natural looking result. I'm sure if you look though, there's certainly more straight, shallow and flat designs Dr Bisanga would do for you if you're the right candidate. Ultimately any doctor and one of a particular reputation will look to take on patients that will be likely to have a good outcome but also come to them with realistic understanding of what can be achieved within their own expectations.
  14. The so called Ugly Duckling phase should pass after 2-3 months and growth kicks off around month 4. With some hair concealers, it should look okay i think if worn short enough but not really short.
  15. Honestly, this forum can be a really helpful place to get you to somewhere that gets you a good long term result you'll be happy with. Providing you're willing to learn a little bit and manage expectations on what's realistically achieved with hair transplants and hair restoration via medication etc.
  16. I personally haven't heard of them but that grafts number seems a bit high. What research did you do that led you to this place and how much are they charging? Are you on any medication?
  17. Your hair transplant clinic should be providing post-op instructions. Where are you going? I ask this because once you go ahead, depending on the clinic and how they approach things, you may be going to a place that might not get you the result you like.
  18. Don't rush to get a hair transplant because you got 2 weeks holiday. It literally is a life changing decision to make on a whim, budget or time constraint that you'll regret. There are a few places recommended in Turkey but unless you already are due to go for one of them, i would strongly urge you to go on holiday and just give yourself a further 6 months on medication to see how Finasteride works, do your research and save up. I know it must feel like just getting it done will be a solution to the emotional problems that come with hair loss, but a bad hair transplant will leave you worse off.
  19. I would probably recommend Microneedling once a week rather than once every 3 months. With it once every 3 months, it simply will have little to no effect. I would suggest if you are working Mondays to Fridays to do the treatment on the evening of the Friday and that way you can usually give yourself the evening and weekends for the redness to go that usually happens when you use 1mm to 1.5mm Microneedling. Ultimately its up to you, but think of it like Minoxodil. If you applied that once every 3 months, you won't get any results either and because you are going to use both. With Minoxodil + Microneedling it sometimes looks like a 1+1 = 3 result as a combo. They just work so well together. However you need to be diligent and regular at the right depth to promote those growth factors.
  20. Melvin, you internet sleuth you, lol. Well, i never knew they were friends. That's interesting.
  21. He seems to be well regarded but anybody that insists a patient sign NDAs and not share their honest reviews and opinions is a non-starter imo. That said, on a side note. I find it weird Dr Couto seems so well regarded but i've yet to see him ever show himself in any videos or pictures.
  22. Minoxodil is usually sold under the brand name Rogaine or Regaine in the UK. It all depends where you are but usually almost every country has a product available with Minoxodil in a topical solution. You then apply this twice a day. However you need to keep using it indefinitely like Finasteride for as long as you want to keep those hair. Anything Minoxodil regrows becomes dependent on it.
  23. I used to think of the unwanted hair growth (hypertrichosis) that you can get from oral Minoxodil but one solution is to simply laser the hair away. Much kore permanent solution.
  24. Firstly that doesn't look god awful, but it does look like a slight lack of density. Also, losing 20 hairs a day is actually within a normal range. It's part of the natural hair cycles to do so. However, your dosage of Finasteride, you could try increase to 1mg everyday if you want to be more secure in blocking maximum DHT on it. You could probably benefit from a skilled surgeon going in to add more density. Your donor area looks very good and healthy to do so. Maybe 800-1200 grafts to do so and you're gold.
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