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Everything posted by NARMAK

  1. Thanks for providing the pictures. You are somewhere around a Norwood 4 to Norwood 5. Finsateride will still help you keep the majority of the hair hopefully on the top and if you add some Microneedling into the mix once a week with a derma pen at 1 to 1.5mm it might help thicken that crown area up a bit more too Ultimately you would benefit from a hair transplant but i think you would have to settle for the higher mature hairline design. The whole midscalp to frontal area looks like it would take a lot of grafts and without knowing what your beard is like, it's hard to say whether it could be used. Hope that helps a bit but use the forums recommend doctors list to send out some pictures you gave above to them and see what they advise. All the best.
  2. I love the fact you guys want to share results. But this is the wrong section lol Here you go: https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/forum/17-results-posted-by-leading-hair-restoration-clinics/ I'll ask @Melvin- Moderatorto hopefully move it over
  3. Your donor looks similar to a lot of people and sometimes there's shock loss in the donor area which can take some months to resolve. Can you share some before pictures of the donor area and what your donor looked like immediately post-op. Also, where did you go for your procedure?
  4. No person or scientific study can show or predict this. Hair loss is progressive and there's people that aggressive hair loss strikes early in their teens to 20s and then can slow down a lot. It can also although more unusual go the other way where its stable in teens to 20s and then aggressively accelerates in some people in their 30s. Finasteride helps to shore up your DHT blocking defence and hopefully you don't have the above happen and are more average in your hair loss and it is gradual. I have a friend who wants a hair transplant and doesn't want to take Finasteride but he doesn't i think appreciate that point as much as i tried to emphasise to him. You cannot say "So, if i get this hair transplant. It will last me like 10 years and look fine right? After that, i don't care and can shave it all off". That's basically the conversation with my friend and it shows how general people don't quite understand the nuance of hair transplant and hair loss in general. In fact, some people believe the donor area regenerates after extractions and hence think its unlimited!
  5. I hadn't seen these images before it does look like the angles on the left temple which you circled and looks flipped as if it were the right temple, are not properly sitting like the right temple. In fact, that looks like a huge discrepancy between the two. @Melvin- Moderatorany thoughts on why such a huge discrepancy on the angles? Also, you mentioned a bit of a pattern at the back. Do you feel this is just a natural side affects of your skin colour and the way the punch holes healed or has the clinic advised you otherwise? Have you raised the concern around the temple points?
  6. This is a very deliberate hair mill tactic and i agree on the more rounded closure of the temple points. The way they show the hair styled is usually to try mask the way the hairline typically looks pluggy and full of multi-grafts. If you know what to look for, then you easily can point out the flaws but to lay people without a clue, a bald person looking less bald is all they focus on
  7. Good job on the video and adding the bit on the end for young dudes. I haven't mentioned it prior but there's a lot of guys who believe Francis may have been taking some performance enhancing products that may have led to a spike in Testosterone and as a result accelerated the hair loss. He's got really good genetics if so though because he did really well with almost no visible loss till his early to mid 30s. Heck, i wonder if they were allowed medication like Finasteride whether he was on it or not. The hairline design also shows you just how unusual his pattern of loss was.
  8. Hi, I don't think you always need to consult a physician for the dosage because they can honestly never tell you what your dosage should be and the tolerance your body has. However there's some rule of thumb they go by. Start off by taking 1mg 3x a week. See how you get on for maybe a month. If you start to notice issues, i think you can scale back to 0.5mg, but if you feel fine. You can add another day. Do that for maybe a couple of weeks and then increase to 5x a week until you can maybe do 1mg every day. It's usually safer to taper usage and let your body level off but this all also depends on what hair loss you have and your age. Also your location and what the regulations are to obtain a prescription for Finasteride.
  9. Well, that would also do it. A person who thinks "I got my hair better looking even if it isn't what i wanted and money back". It's a shame but the reality of unfortunately how unchecked shady clinics are able to keep operating these dubious practices and be as big as they are.
  10. You look like you're really healing well for post-op and the redness should abate hopefully. Look forwards to seeing the results in 12 months and of course along the way. Always love hearing when you get better than expected news. Hell, those body hair grafts trying to pop out the robe and to the top of the head already! All the best Tony.
  11. Damn, that hairline looks super low for him and look how many grafts they used too all the way till the crown it looks like. I do get what you're saying. The user is right, it's a wonder "where are all the bad reviews are?!" because generally the uneducated people are going to these hair mills, don't have a clue about what to look out for and the subpar signs in their transplant. All they know is they have more hair than they used. It's sad but that's probably why unless people are so obviously butchered it won't get mentioned that often and go viral. That or they threaten people to legal action and the threat simply scares them even if they cannot do much. That's the perverse nature of our legal systems. Those with money can bring unwarranted legal action even if it won't go anywhere because most can't fight it without money etc. and so simply fold away into a corner. That's why i think sometimes these horror mills deserve online guerilla style treatment to expose them.
  12. OP, i think you're worrying too much and until something actually happens, just concentrate on following post-op care instructions and you should be fine. The human body was designed to stand a little walk around for a few hours.
  13. There's a chance Microneedling caused your hair to enter telogen earlier than they usually might and a hair cycle can take circa 3 months and especially when the hairs are weak, they'll take longer but best way to think of it is that if the hairs don't return, you haven't done anything wrong. You'll still be saving the hair that can be saved and whatever is lost couldn't be. Best not to stress about it. That causes more hair loss
  14. I have to say, i love the angle of the temple points. Not a lot are personally willing to angle them like that and make it almost juvenile but i would have opted for that over every time anybody else gets the more triangle "Dorito" shape like some out there sometimes have. Looking forwards to seeing your results as the months tick by. OP, i know you mentioned 2200 grafts but do you know what the graft breakdown was for the hairline and specifically the temple points? If you also know the rough density of your native hair and what was planted, that would be awesome to know.
  15. Congratulations on saving yourself in time. Glad to see the forums helped at least one person steer away from a hair mill to a much more reputable clinic that's been able to produce fantastic results for the members here. Hope to see your journey if you share it
  16. Yeah, the marketing from these places and with so called "Influencers" imo is really perverse and it's unfortunately not heading in the right direction because the guys who get these procedures usually aren't even educated enough to tell the difference between a good hair transplant and what they have had done to them. The very basics of patient education imo are left out which is a fundamental part of any hair transplant journey. If they are included, it's basically in a small section and largely glossed over. The problem is way too much demand and not enough supply of competent and quality clinics.
  17. Wow, that's just shocking. I looked at some of his images on Google and he looked like he had a mature hairline, he didn't actually look like he needed anything doing tbh. The fact he's ended up at a hair mill isn't probably going to solve the problem of young guys who should do their research not doing it and ending up at these places. It has a minor net positive benefit depending on whether you think it takes stigma away with him openly having declared it unlike McGregor and whether that outweighs guys ending up in even bigger numbers to Horror Mills.
  18. Thanks for sharing the update. They say the hair will begin to change over the 12-18 months period and texture etc. could also soften a little bit giving it a less pronounced look as they mature. It definitely helps with framing having the temple points rebuilt imo.
  19. Congratulations and really looking forwards to see how your results pan out. I'm actually a BIG follower of any hair transplants that entirely recreate the temple points and hearing Dr Pradeep managed to do 400! grafts per temple is gargantuan and he's 100% right, restoring them does grant a big boost to the aesthetic look of a hair transplant. I have a procedure scheduled for May with Eugenix and we had a plan to go for a higher density than the 250 grafts quoted, but i never dreamed 400 grafts in a single pass was possible but the fact Dr Sethi is able to do so is just wow.
  20. Doctors don't have to do anything they don't want to do. If you want X as a patient and Dr is only willing to do Y, then you can walk. At the end of that journey if the Dr simply had your best interests in mind, saw you had a distinct lack of patient education and even when they tried to teach you saw that you were not listening, then they're fully within their rights to reject having you as a hair transplant patient. That attitude of "Do whatever i want" is how people end up in a Horror Mill that "Does whatever you want(!)" and wrecks your donor, leaving you with a disgusting mess of a pluggy multi graft hairline and almost no ability to get it fixed. Oh, and who is it that usually you turn to after a horrible Horror Mill? That's right. Dr Sensible. The same person who tried to warn you against your own impulsive uneducated self. Funnily enough the same self who probably after getting butchered at a Horror Mill suddenly decided it might be time to get a little "Edumacataion" and figure out what went wrong.
  21. You can be stark raving rainbow haired and they can do a hair transplant. The surgical aspects of hair transplants do not particularly depend on hair colour. It's moreso that it's about the extraction of follicles and accounting for hair type like straight, wavy or curly hair which needs more care when extractions are done to avoid the higher possibilities of transection. Apparently hair colour can influence the planning of graft placement though. It also helps with the illusion of density depending on skin to hair colour ratio.
  22. It's extremely funny you call it the "Finasteride Forum" and nobody is downplaying side affects one bit. However the vast majority of people i know and probably many others can chime in, say they didn't use Finasteride not because they actually experienced side affects, but because of the possibility they could get them and usually the biggest one cited is the idea they'll get permanent ED. Now, anybody sensible would tell you as many here do to try Finasteride and slowly increase dosage over time to determine your personal tolerance level and if no side affects or they're within a tolerance you determine, then you can do the full 1mg/day dosage. The clinical studies and long term data suggest that Finasteride is safe without persistent and detrimental side affects for circa 98% or men and of the 2% that experience side affects, the vast majority recover after stopping use and usually have underlying health issues that contributed to the side affects. Funny isn't it how that works. People constantly like to paint Finasteride as the villain but never once like to take responsibility for not doing things like blood tests and checking for any issues with their overall health before starting medication. Even @Melvin- Moderatorhas had to stop Finasteride due to side affects and yet that does not stop him ever recommending it for people who could benefit from it just because he was not able to. So honestly i would love to know, why do you feel people downplay side affects here? Because they don't add to the FUD already out there probably stopping thousands of men from saving their hair because of a possibility that they don't even know would affect them?
  23. Thank you very much for the kind words. I'm simply but an eager learner with probably still a long way to go but i do have a passion of preserving my own hair and making it look as good as possible which probably helps I want to try pay it along where i can and help others
  24. Personally i get where you're coming from but SMP and a low grade is hopefully the best middle ground in terms of not worrying about FUE scars and wearing a shorter hairstyle. Personally i know not everybody is in the same boat as hair styling so it's probably nice to have flexibility in options.
  25. I personally never understand the urge to keep buzzed hair after a hair transplant. Hell, grow it out a bit, live a little! That said, we can also probably say that being able to keep your hair buzzed largely does depend on your scalp and how the individual extractions scar. Some are lucky and it blends well into their scalp, but there is a solution in the form of SMP you could try use to mask the scars of FUE extractions and this works well generally if done by a competent SMP place. It won't work going slick bald. Probably look weird having those SMP dots then but it will work well for grade 1 buzzed cuts imo.
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