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Everything posted by NARMAK

  1. The 120 RS package no longer involves Dr Arika so you'd already be getting a value added benefit there and the rest being handled by Dr Das is of course a solid option. Just recently today however a patient of Eugenix who used both those doctors had a sub optimal result for them it seems. So we also need to remember and be realistic as to what outcome a hair transplant can give us. You might not always be happy with the end result is what i'm trying to say. After seeing that patient, i feel like it's made me re-evaluate expectations but from your PoV selecting the price and package, i think the 120 RS package will give you the result you are probably looking for.
  2. Thank you very much for your honesty and sharing your experience. Regardless of how many people have had a successful surgery with Eugenix from the forum here or elsewhere, if a single person like yourself has had surgery there and done by Dr Bansal and Dr Sethi, whilst also assisted by Dr Priyadarshini, then this does show that even highly regarded clinics can have results that don't quite live up to the standard that was expected. I honestly think a combination of things may have blended together for this outcome including potentially lower graft survival from what was implanted. The frontal implanted area doesn't look to match up with your latest pictures in terms of the density you'd probably expect. I am not informed enough or knowledgeable enough to really recommend where to go from here but people like @Melvin- Moderator can maybe chime in with some advice having gone through similar experiences i think.
  3. That picture isn't the most flattering for showing things off. The spacing makes it look so much more sparse and bare atm. Guess we'll see what happens but for all their showboating and brash attitudes about being "warriors of the octagon" its funny when a mouthy McGregor won't openly show he had got a transplant lol
  4. Your age at 35 means you're in the typically more safer age zone, you taken Finasteride for 2 years and your hair loss seems stable on the whole. That said, i do think you could be right about slight retrograde alopecia around the sides of the ears and a little part of the lower neck. The more central donor area though towards the safer zones looks stronger though and viable. There's probably going to be concerns around you being able to probably get future coverage but the curlier/wavy hair should help with that imo. The fact you consulted with HLC who are reputable and recommended as well as the others seems to indicate that they think you'd be okay to go ahead. The limitations however of any possible results in visual appearance is probably something you need to personally take into account. The sides over the ear and lower part of the neck will probably look as they do but there's no reason that many grafts can't give you a solid framing to your face by sorting the frontal hairline. Your temple points look fine atm and probably don't need to be worked on so just lowering the hairline a touch and closing in those temporal points will possibly get you the result you want.
  5. The clinic will usually advise you to bring button shirts for the day of procedure but you should probably use them for the first week or so. Just trying to take as much precaution against touching the grafts as possible until they are firmly anchored in. Your neck pillow should be a high quality and large size so you don't accidentally end up sleeping on your donor area and recipient. Also make sure it's maybe of a memory foam construction. I'll let others chime in who have actually been through their hair transplants but @Melvin- Moderatorhas put together a series of videos for people on YouTube for the Hair Restoration channels.
  6. Firstly, great job sticking to the routine, i definitely think there's a noticeable improvement between Year 1 & Year 2 in the photos BUT your hair looks much more wet/greasy in Year 1 pics and dry in Year 2, so it could be similar. I would honestly say to give Microneedling a shot at 12 months on top of the routine. Add Nizoral or similar with a 2% ketoconazole shampoo to your routine to help block a bit more Anti-Androgen. Also, i would say that you never mentioned why you would be unwilling to take Dutasteride or Oral Minoxidil. I know Oral Minoxidil some people avoid due to some systemic side affects, but mainly i'm interested in your reason for not using Dutasteride. People who are just maintaining on Finasteride/Minoxidil tend to start introducing Dutasteride on a 1-2x weekly basis on some days like Wednesday/Friday instead of their regular Finasteride to boost their DHT being blocked.
  7. There's no official treatment or clinical study underway to even know what effect that this drug may have on scars caused ages ago. It's all theoretical if it could even work but hypothetically i don't see why it couldn't regenerate hair down the line if it worked at all.
  8. So it's basically 1200-1500 graft estimate for the frontal hairline and then they estimated me 250 grafts for each temple. 500 grafts total. That would take it to 2000 but the written consultation they originally sent said 1700-2200 total. So i went on the basis of 1700 grafts + 500 for both temples = 2200 grafts. I am going to hopefully see what they do but aiming for hopefully a solid density on the entire areas for 2200 grafts. I am just getting jitters about not getting granted a Visa and trying to think of potentially a backup plan on who else is as good and capable to do my temple points at a similar price range.
  9. The lines drawn and the graft count were given by Eugenix themselves at the time i originally consulted with them. I've allocated 2200 grafts. I'm bot planning to lower down probably as much as yours and you had 60 or so CM/2 of grafts with circa 3661 grafts. I think with reduced density even aiming for 45-50 max, 2200 should have me covered. I'm just tying to find who i can have as a backup option though for temple point restoration. Dr Bicer is often recommended but i barely seen her temple point work and similar for HLC i think when i looked on YouTube.
  10. Firstly we would need to see some pictures of your head from the top and sides as well as front where possible. The back of your head (donor area) and do you have a beard? As that would be a very useful area to use if possible especially in high Norwood cases as you appear to be on describing. Also, realistically most donor hair are more permanent but usually there's a less safe area FUE goes into so using medication like Finasteride can still be helpful. Look at Eugenix on YouTube and Karl Whelan for what's possible. He's @Zoomsteron the forum here and probably happy to add his own views.
  11. Smartest way to do it. Allows you to measure the changes and adjust the dosage accordingly. As much as we want to block maximum DHT, the side affects need to be properly mitigated and not affect our quality of life.
  12. It's good you're doing research. Just be wary of Reddit. It has a lot of people on there that don't always have a clue about what the signs are of a hair mill and they usually praise people's results when there's issues like thick multi hair grafts in the frontal hairline. The advice to be conservative with your donor and mindful of the future progression is wise advice. Particularly if you are younger and it hasn't halted or slowed down to a crawl. I think the line you drew and your expectations are realistic. 1500 grafts in the right hands placed correctly can be very effective in that illusion of density. I would probably ask you to send some consultations out to the recommended clinics and it will give you a good average.
  13. I am personally in the UK but use a generic Dutasteride i get from an online pharmacy. In India i do think there's a Finasteride brand sold and used very commonly but can't be sure how you get it. It's called Finax or something.
  14. This questions got too many variables and it's simple to ask but to answer completely depends on the individual hair loss situation of somebody. You cannot blindly say one or the other but i do think it's been scientifically established that FUT and then FUE are proven to probably yield the highest long term grafts. Hasson and Wong would probably be the best example of people off the top i can think of to demonstrate this and they now do both. Dr Zarev however and probably Dr Bansal and Dr Sethi at Eugenix are pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved with FUE and body hair in the mix. I do think Dr Zarev is just in another dimension with his ability for high Norwood cases and how he laser focuses things. It's impressive.
  15. What about Norwood 2s lol. Kidding. I think the primary limiting factor regardless of Norwood Scale is that density per square CM rarely exceeds 50cm/2 in one pass due to consideration for graft survival and probably reducing scalp trauma. I am curious on how many top doctors might be willing to try doing a clinical trial in the future if like Stemson managed to make unlimited grafts a reality for people within the next decade.
  16. I think i should clarify. I know they're supposed to not be as thick as some of the other hair, but if you get a lot of that hair calibre and cluster them well, you get a good density and appearance. That's what i meant by density in this context. For me, i think they frame the face really well and if they look sparse or thinning, then it's going to look like you are receding. Having them reconstructed with a slightly higher density should ensure they look normal and natural fingers crossed. I think dwelling on the fine details is a habit. I'm a little perfection oriented on these sort of things. "Good enough" isn't good enough imo when it comes to my hair transplant. I'm expecting a better result than just competent i guess if that makes sense. I'd love for a brilliant or excellent result just to know that my research and choosing the right place paid off.
  17. Just to answer this from my own understanding. Hair loss slows, maybe stabilises depending on genetics but it's generally progressive by nature. Taking Finasteride or similar DHT suppression basically allows the hair to be thicker for longer. The donor area for example thins too with time because although the hair is more resistant to DHT its not completely 100% immune. So even using DHT blocking medication like Finasteride will help thicken the hair up. This is completely anecdotal but the thickest feeling hair on my head is at the back around where the donor sits. Even with using Dutasteride for coming towards 10+ months, i know its going to keep working for many more years. There's a Japanese study done over like 10 years and if you Google it, you might be impressed at the results and why it might be a good idea to pop that pill 1x a day and just get on with your life. Unlike topical applications which people find harder to adhere to, i've almost consistently maintained a daily dose of Dutasteride. Maybe a missed day here or there but the half life is so strong that it ultimately won't hurt me.
  18. I'm already booked and right now i guess that makes them #1. Hopefully my Visa comes through. I submitted my application fully February 4th which was a Friday. Originally i had it booked to complete on the 3rd February but they requested additional documents etc. and i've been told a minimum 45 working days which is why i delayed from March to May for the procedure. I'm just searching for a backup option tbh, because if this falls through due to Visa issues, then i know i'm gonna feel really disappointed because of how close i finally felt to addressing something that's bothered me for so long in terms of the completely receded temple points from my late teens. I don't think there's very many capable places in that budget range Eugenix are offering for the Exclusive Package i have opted for but i do want to try get close. I notice Dr Bicer recommended here a lot in Turkey but just looking for her YouTube and results on this site. She's got a lot of sparse results shown off here i think and in particular not a lot of temple point recreations to judge by whilst Eugenix literally seems to churn em out by the dozen in a month. It's definitely #1 on my hair transplant results list having the temple points reconstructed. Lowering the hairline slightly and adding density there is #2 and overall just making it look really aesthetic for my face.
  19. I'm bumping this thread and looking for some advice. I'm hopeful i can go with Eugenix and have my procedure in May but i want to be prepared in case things go sideways. I feel like this is more than anything going to pre-empt any pure disappointment that might arise should something go wrong not allowing me to get to India. Who else on a budget to a similar price as the Exclusive Package for around 2200 grafts can adequately do a natural complete temple point restoration and natural hairline lowering?
  20. I'll have a look. Can you PM me any information you think would probably help open my eyes a bit more on this and make sure i get the right information you're talking about.
  21. I haven't personally had a chance to evaluate on their list but the philosophy they espoused seems to come from a genuine place to ensure patient safety and make a body with standards to adhere to. It's a shame if that's the truth. Very much a shame. I felt like this forum, IAHRS etc. all seemed to be in that circle of "good guys" where we stay away from hair mills, educate people and create a framework for ethical and high quality clinics/surgeons to abide by for patient safety & results. Personally i just hope i've done enough research, made the right choice and can get my hair transplant done and be happy with the results.
  22. Yeah, i get you. I'm disappointed for sure i had to move it from March tbh or risk not having my Visa in time and i feel like it doesn't sound like a lot where 2 months are concerned but those 3 months from April till June and change for post-op potentially would have kind of got me near the end of the ugly duckling phase and able to perhaps use fibres over the summer in the UK and not worry much. May as a date now means i'm peak ugly duckling during Summer and i am gonna look a lot more silly wearing around a cap than i probably would have over March, April and maybe bits of May. Oh well, it is what it is. Just gotta roll with the punches as they say and hopefully it works out.
  23. I know i'm probably opening a hornets nest here but what is the issue with the IAHRS? They seem to generally come across where is concerned and as guys that generally care about patients and integrity. I felt their entire reputation and premise is based on only accepting people with a track record of results and patient care. So what made you say some of the worst Doctors are on their list and who specifically? I had mine reserved for March. I just didn't think i was going to get my Visa in time and moved it to May. Originally i paid £450ish directly with Virgin for near the end of mid March then moved to mid May and paid like a £2 difference around February 11th. I checked again and those same £450 flights in March a week ago were like £900. The one's in May are now £600+. So i 100% get where you're coming from. The whole international travel requirements have changed and hopefully its going to get easier without a pre-departure COVID test needed but i think you have to arrange one on arrival. It's a shame you're a bit schedule bound but really hope you find somebody who can get you the quality you're looking for. I recently just re-arranged the holidays with work i need to book for May so fingers crossed no more changes.
  24. I do think they are able to travel around as and when required. My procedure is due to be done in New Delhi. Gurgaon i believe its called where they're located. I think they have 3 locations but Dr Das does seem to go between as do the others depending on the cases. Fingers crossed though for the Visa. I was actually originally due to go in March, but i didn't think the Visa would come through in time. For reference, i applied February 4th officially because it seemed i had to provide additional documents. If everything goes as planned and i can get the procedure in May, i will 100% detail everything i can in a dedicated thread.
  25. What about if you generally have a build up of Dandruff? Any indication when i could safely probably start using regular shampoos again? Nizoral and T-Gel as well as a conditioner are probably the go to stuff i use regularly.
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