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Everything posted by NARMAK

  1. Not using any medication since you had an FUT from 2008 and the fact you have SMP makes it hard with your really buzzed down look to see how much grafts you might need and your current hair loss situation describes potentially a Norwood 6/7. Where did you get your 1600 grafts implanted? Also, how is your beard? I do think you are going to be a very tough case to do right depending on the above factors, but the reason we sometimes ask to see pictures is because even though some have a higher Norwood looking pattern, if it's diffuse thinning, medication could help
  2. I think you would need to reconcile your expectations of a "full head of hair" tbh if you're a Norwood 6. You'll have the illusion of density at most. You also never mentioned whether you are taking any medication or where the first procedure took place and whether FUT or FUE but the back donor picture looks like an FUT scar filled in with SMP. I think it's also unclear what your potential beard donor would look like which is what Eugenix typically need to run with higher Norwood cases to get the full results you usually see
  3. Personally i'm of the opinion they don't need to know. It's none of their business. If you were feeling pressure to appear on webcam, a private chat with your manager that you had a procedure on your head and its not something you feel comfortable being on camera with or similar should suffice. I work in an office environment and right now they're having a week in the office and some remotely, but i've already requested to have the entire time i'm recovering be more remote. You're not exactly allowed to wear hats around the office it seems. So i'd have to request that. As i said, i don't think it's anybody's business unless i specifically decided to share with them. Not cause i was feeling forced to tbh.
  4. Thanks a lot for the response. I hope to see your progress results and i was just interested because like me, you needed your temple points recreating and it's probably the most difficult part yet gives the most aesthetic balance to the face imo so was curious how many grafts they used for yourself. Not to worry if you seem to have deleted the photo. I have kinda of got an idea of maybe 2200 grafts for my frontal hairline and temple points. Hopefully that gets me good density and i can be a bit aggressive on the design too.
  5. I was just talking to the rep and had questions regarding shock loss potential, the hair being maybe wave and how that might impact transection and stuff. The rep arranged a consultation with the senior Dr for me and it happened to be with Dr Das and she put my mind at ease and i specifically then requested her to be assigned to me. I think you might want some temple point work done to help with the aesthetic look of your hairline and procedure and tbh, the big plus about Eugenix seems to be that they're familiar with South Asian hair types which i may be wrong here but you seem to be. Although they do have a history of having worked on a range of racial types from Caucasian and Asian it seems. I'm from the UK myself. I think it's definitely a peace of mind thing and initially when i was looking at Eugenix, Dr Arika Bansal was involved in the 120 RS package but this changed towards the end of last year and unfortunately i didn't contact and get my booking deposit in before that change was done but i am happy with the package and involvement of Dr Das being agreed. I'm booked for May but just waiting on a Visa to get granted. Hopefully gonna share more of my journey on here when the time comes.
  6. I think you must have got something more customised because their website when it was working (seems its down atm) says 350RS package has Dr Bansal do 100% of the extractions whereas the Dr Sethi package is a case by case if he chooses you. So i genuinely don't know how your price is so high tbh.
  7. I think you'd have to ask Eugenix directly about the Farmhouse as officially that's not mentioned just 2 nights complimentary stay. Dr Sethi also chooses which cases he wants to be involved with so you again have to request to Eugenix. Why did you say you paid more per graft than the advertised price + tax?
  8. In many ways, i'm probably happy i thought hair transplants were tens of thousands of pounds and basically didn't have the means to really save up enough at the time as a student etc. Also, i feel like i'm fortunate and lucky in how things unfolded because for me, my hair transplant would be something that needed to focus on the temple points specifically to recreate them from scratch and almost no clinic until recently imo at a reasonable price could ever do that. I did catch myself looking in the mirror yesterday at a department store and thinking wow, my hairline does look high but when i've measured, it's around 7cm at present where the bulk if the hairline resides at the front, so not that much higher than the typical 6-6.5cm expected for people without hair loss with a circa mid hairline. I genuinely think the lack of temple points is visually what made it look so much worse and that's something i wish i could have addressed years ago but glad i didn't walk into a place and get botched. Luckily age has bought a broader outlook and means to do proper research as well as find places like this to further learn from.
  9. I think it's the attitude of most Capitalist societies of making as much money as people can. In terms of growing a YouTube channel though, it's probably not as easy as it seems and honestly seems to be pure luck based on how moronic some of those people are. Like the Paul brothers. Complete morons imo but somehow got into a position to make lots of money and it just compounded. Recently, Alpha M the YouTube guy Adam who has millions of followers basically has got together with Bosley and it was just so cringe seeing him promoting them. He seems like a decent enough guy but i feel like he's definitely doing it for the money and trying to spin it in a more positive way because Bosley is based in the US and advertise etc. That still doesn't imo justify the lack og integrity in not properly educating guys around hair transplants as he seems to try do for other more mundane stuff he doesn't spin for a quick buck. Although almost everything he seems to do is sponsored in some way, shape or form these days.
  10. The pictures look fine at first glance but you wet the hair and there's a bit of thinning visible when i look closer around the temples and also around the frontal hair that looks a little hidden because you slicked the hair back. Can you post dry hair pictures? Also your donor due to lighting or something else looks a bit patchy. Your part about oral Finasteride also seems to indicate you had unrealistic expectations because you said: This isn't how it's supposed to work in terms of what Finasteride does. The job of Finasteride is to block DHT so if you didn't notice a change in your hair that means Finasteride did its job to block DHT. Regrowth is a bonus and you're lucky imo to get it and sometimes it could happen years later because Finasteride has been shown to work abd improve things even up to 10 years later according to a Japanese study that was done.
  11. It's 350 RS + 18% tax which is 413 RS per graft for their top package. That's around $22k USD. If you meant H&W for Canadian Dollar, then it's nearer $28K CAD. That's obviously excluding flights and hotels etc. you'd need but procedure to procedure cost. Hope that helps.
  12. I think some probably will ask for it, but i'm also curious why it's needed too. I've been in hospital and had procedures and i'm not 100% sure but i certainly don't recall them taking as many blood tests as i had to do for the list Eugenix asked for via my GP. I think it's a bit weird and some of those tests requested are not standard either it seems.
  13. Man, your entire story is just unbelievable for so many different reasons but the biggest thing for me is that you managed to survive that brush with disaster. I'm really, really happy you managed to get a good end to everything but it's unbelievable that in the modern age we could have things like that go wrong. Absolutely criminal imo.
  14. Okay, bumping this topic for a bit of information that people might be able to help with. Where do you think Jake's hairline sits from the glabella? 5.5cm, 6cm or higher? Also, rough guess but to go from a Norwood 2 with no temples, how many grafts do you think would be needed to re-create the Jake Gyllenhaal hairline? Attaching my picture for reference. The hairline Jake has looks potentially even a bit lower than where i have line set it seems. I know the clinic already estimated some grafts, but i wanna hear some opinions on whether it's realistic even maybe.
  15. Don't imagine yourself as getting a miracle result and don't set any specific goals. Give it a total 12 month time frame to use medication etc. in the routine i mentioned and just get some advice from recommended surgeons who specialise in high Norwood cases and see what they say at the time. You should still actively save up though and if as i said you don't end up getting the transplant, you have a bunch of money to do whatever you want instead.
  16. Give a go with the following: Finasteride, Minoxidil and Microneedling 1x a week at 1-1.5mm with Nizoral shampoo 1-3x a week. You leave the Nizoral on the area for like 5-10 mins and it should be fine. Vitamin D being addressed will definitely help but you definitely need to give the above a full 12 months. Take a repeatable picture from multiple angles of the frontal hairline, temple points, crown etc. 1x a month and hopefully at the end of the 12 months there's an appreciable difference. If not, at least you tried and gave it your all. You never know how you might respond until you try. I have seen some ridiculously hopeless looking cases that regained in areas i thought hair didn't even exist anymore.
  17. How long is it before you are able to go out and about again into the sun as normal? Personally i plan to be a hermit for as long as possible if i'm honest. Work from home and hopefully the first 3 months at home to get past that Ugly Duckling phase if possible and wear a trendy hat when going out/gym to keep it covered.
  18. Search the forum, there's a case on here at 120 RS. I believe it's with Dr Das. It looks solid. I think whenever you ask them, they do tend to defer to Eugenix as a brand and focus on all packages offering a quality result but its obviously down to you if you feel that you would get a better result by paying for the involvement of the named founders involvement. Personally it was too much of a stretch for me. I am hoping to go to them but waiting on my Visa stuff to get sorted but i'm opting for the Exclusive Package which is the 120 RS. I had a consultation with Dr Das and felt like i'd be in good hands and she's got the pedigree after many years under the founders learning and having her own results.
  19. I think Tik Tok will eventually have these Hair Mills showing on there if they don't already tbh. So it's a good idea but just have to format the content for their specific sort of platform i guess compared to YouTube etc.
  20. It's probably the most annoying part of any hair transplant tbh at present but it's necessary to maximise success of graft survival and i'd rather do that for the first 3-5 nights than try risk a poor outcome. Heck, i'm so conscious i'd touch my head i'm planning to try the tip to tie your wrists to your ankle when you sleep upright to restrict the hands touching the head.
  21. As long as you are taking medication and committing to the routine then the rest is just hopefully a bit of luck being on your side. I think 2500 sounds about right to reconstruct the hairline for you and if you choose the 210 RS package, with taxes that would be a bit over £6k plus your flights and hotel stay if you do decide to be there a bit longer which is recommended it seems. If you do decide to opt for the lower 120 RS package + tax, it does bring the cost down considerably to like just over £3500 at current exchange rates. So, if you got the money and feel confident that the quality is more assured with the 210 package, power to you. I personally am not as fortunate but i'd trust their 75 RS package over even any hair mill in Turkey lol. Personally i think the 120 RS with senior doctors and senior technicians is within a more affordable budget for most travelling there from UK, Europe, US etc. That said, patients should always fo their research on a case by case basis and what they require when choosing a clinic.
  22. The unfortunate reality is that a bald head that suddenly has a full look in an impressive "transformation" and i came across one on Reddit's R/Tressless where he had gone to Turkey and people were praising his results but anybody with a laymen understanding instantly can see the multi grafts and pluggy look as well as how the density didn't transition naturally at all. Yet, this Instagram/Tik Tok/Snapchat generation want immediate results, don't do their research and end up botched. In many ways, i pity them but the adage "A fool and their money are soon parted" seems more apt than ever. I think until there's a genuinely popular influencer that has some integrity countersign the BS out there, it won't change. Fanboys of bodybuilders following Greg Doucette, Chris Bumstead etc. will fall into the Horror Mills of Turkey etc. offering cheap deals and a flashy airport transfer and hotel stay on Instagram with some stupid thumbs up posing only to never show up again if their results aren't good enough to display and their story of being botched gets drowned out in the noise. Yet they then end up here etc. trying to repair it and may never even have an option.
  23. I will not lie to you, i think there are cases that have happened but they're probably very rare and it's also worth noting sometimes the side affects are usually an indication something else is awry. Before i started Dutasteride, i had a blood test done close to that time which picked up a Vitamin D deficiency which also plays a part in hair loss. I had an inflamed itchy scalp and Nizoral may have helped a bit but T-gel seems to have been the real catalyst in treating it more effectively. The horror stories are firstly to put it into perspective from 2% of patients of which the vast majority once they discontinue Finasteride return to normal within 12 months or much sooner. Usually the guys who also get side affects tend to have other issues too it seems although to get PFS levels of sides you'd have to be extremely unlucky. That said, another HUGE factor imo of people getting sides is probably how if you focus enough to expect them mentally, you will probably manifest some things. That's why i would say having confidence and positivity in it as a treatment is firstly important. The US lawsuits as well claimed from an emotional PoV which is why they succeeded it seema rather than fully scientific backed merits where PFS is concerned too imo. The BS around Finasteride etc. usually is followed by an attempt by a lot to try sell you alternative "natural" products which is basically snakeoil sales man BS and they dress it up using weak scientific studies.
  24. I was exactly where you are, probably even younger than where you are when that thought hit me. From 21ish i knew a bit about Finasteride but then people talking about sexual side affects and how as a young guy in my mind i was like, "I'd rather be bald than my penis stop working" and so those scaremongering stories kept me away. It's only from when i was finally 31ish, that i saw my brother had been using Dutasteride for a year, had no sexual sides and basically started doing my research again. Finasteride specifically has a safety profile tracked over 20+ years now, prescribed to millions of men yearly and the sides are probably manageable for 98% of users. By that i mean you may experience mild symptoms and then over time these can abate or be within a tolerance. Personally i went nuclear and straight to Dutasteride which is 90% serum DHT reduction in the body and circa 51% for scalp DHT. I felt like i was already gonna be playing catch up so probably went to the strongest option off the bat. Now, i will admit i did have some side affects. Slight brain fog, lower libido and probably a little bit more irritated with things resulting from slight mood changes. However, bear in mind i went straight to 0.5mg/day rather than taper in the use. After about 2-3 months and especially now at 9 months later, i can confidently say my body has levelled out and libido has probably rebounded a bit, mood does not really change the same way but tbh, it's not 100% to separate things because i was dealing with stress in my life initially around that time too. Brain fog i would say was mild but i'm fairly confident to say its mostly cleared. I've kept progress pictures for a bit monthly and then switched to videos and last one had maybe a 2-3 month difference because i started taking em less. I definitely had improvement but just be aware, the primary goal of Finasteride is to stop you losing what you have, save what it can and if you're lucky to regrow bits. Minoxidil in combination with Microneedling however is the real growth protocol alongside Nizoral shampoo which contains 2% ketoconazole. As i said, being committed is the first step to a proper regimen for as long as you actually want to maintain. Also, i do think you have a few things going against you atm which are your age of 26 and the aggressive hair loss mixed with retrograde alopecia from what i can see. So it's best to maybe try medication for a solid straight 12 months, save up and do consultations. If at the end of the 12 months you decide to rock a buzz cut/shaved look, at least you got a nice pot of cash to do something with too.
  25. I would honestly say to try Finasteride firstly and if no sides, then you can evaluate in 12 months. With Minoxidil, the key is consistency and its usually harder to adhere to with for most people i think but if you are going to commit, it has to be fully. To start Finasteride, maybe 1mg every other day and see how you get on. You can increase the dosage later. Ultimately it is something you use for as long as you want to maintain your hair. Same with Minoxodil. Adding Microneedling with a derma pen into the mix with Minoxidil and Nizoral should give you a better chance. Also, as a final note, hair shedding and regrowing is common which is why you should be consistent, stay the course and evaluate monthly with progress pics/video and hopefully it will show you improvements even little by little. I just looked at my own progress pictures/video from Month 1 to Month 9 and there was definite signs of improvement. Even if they seem marginal in some cases.
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