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  1. I reached out via the form on the website, as well as the history form. I only just completed it yesterday, but I did get an automatic response saying it was being processed and looked into by a James Villahermosa.
  2. Thanks for the info! Rahal was one of the places I've already reached out to so I appreciate the honest feedback - I'll send you a PM shortly about a full consultation. A full head of hair is definitely not what I am going for, I know that is probably unrealistic. And I do like the notion that the crown benefits from minimal work the most, which makes sense to me. As I stated, the crown is definitely lower on my priority list and addressing the hairline and top thickness (within reason) is what I am hoping to achieve first.
  3. Thanks for the response! I will definitely be taking the meds, just started Fin today and have Min coming in Wednesday. Also adding biotin and thickening shampoo to my routine. I am curious as to why you think I am a 6 - I may be trending there, but I don't think I am one currently at least. When I look at pictures of the scale, 6's seem to be missing hair on the top of their head and I definitely have a decent amount there (right now). In looking at the results on H&W's website, I thought this one (Which is NW4) seemed pretty close to my situation (albeit with the crown not being as bad), and they were able to achieve the results (Which are similar to what I am looking for) with less than 5K: https://hassonandwong.com/hair-transplant-results/fue-hair-transplant-surgery-4855-graft-count/ Then again, there's also this one, which is almost twice as much for a NW6 and also somewhat similar, but my top is a lot better than this one as well: https://hassonandwong.com/hair-transplant-results/fut-hair-transplant-surgery-7382-grafts/ I guess I'll wait to see what they say from the consultation. Do you think my donor area looks ok?
  4. Hey guys, First post here. I'm 30 years old (almost 31) and have suffered from hair loss since my early 20s. I haven't been to diligent with keeping it bay, though I have used Rogaine in the past. I'm currently working on getting on Fin and Rogaine again, but I believe I am a Norwood 4 or 5? Anyways, I was looking into doing a HT - I was wary at first, but reading the reviews and seeing the results, this definitely seems like a real option. For me, money is not a concern, so I want the best of the best. Particularly looking at Hasson and Wong, I reached out to them (and a couple others) for a consult. My primary areas I would like to address are the following: 1) Restore a more natural hairline (it doesn't have to be teenager levels, I'm fine with a bit of recession for a more natural look, but maybe a 50-75% reduction). 2) Improve the density along top + hairline 3) Crown area The crown is lower on my priority list, I may look to break up the HTs if the first one goes well and do the crown later down the road. I just have a few questions for you guys, since you're the experts: 1) Does my donor area look ok? I feel like it's pretty good, though maybe the crown recession is a bit low, but the hair in the back always comes in way thicker than everywhere else when I let it grow out. Don't really have much facial / body hair that could be used unfortunately. 2) How many grafts do you guys estimate to address all my above concerns? And how much excluding the crowns? Looking at results pics, I'm guessing around 5-6K, but maybe I'm overestimating. 3) How long are the wait times at places like Hasson and Wong? I went in hoping to get this done in the next couple months, but it sounds like the waitlists at all the reputable places are a year out at least. Which is fine, that will give me time to establish a better baseline with Fin + Minoxidil, but was just curious if that was normal or are these affected by post-pandemic numbers. Here are some pics:
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