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Everything posted by Xanadu

  1. Me too mate (both getting to know you and the liposuction) 😄 Great times
  2. Great write-up mate. The work looks really good, and I'm looking forward to seeing it grow. I hope you can still fit into some of your clothes after all the food we ate Great pics too, of everyone including your favorite Winnie
  3. Most clinics argue that scabs should be removed after 7, 11, or 14 days. But why? Scabs are the body's natural way to heal. Just like scabs on a wound anywhere on the body, the chance to get a scar afterwards is usually lower if the scab is left to fall off by itself rather than trying prematurely to get it off. The only argument seems to be "because the hair and follicle needs to breathe". Just like a plant growing up from the ground this might at a glance make sense. However, hair follicles are not plants. Plants get their nutrition externally such as sun through osmosis and photosynthesis. Meanwhile, hair and follicles, just like almost all other cells in the human body do not get nor need any external 'air' or other things like a plant does. It gets oxygen and other necessary elements through the blood, and the blood gets it from the lungs. It also seems that it's very important that they scalp heals well and correctly around the hair, since it will make it easier for the new hair to pop through if the passage is nice and well-healed. So, is it actually best to take the scabs off, or maybe better to just let them be until they fall out on their own?
  4. Here it seems you say that you know the lack of hairs behind the hairline was not a mistake. Rather, it was a deliberate decision because there were not enough available grafts. But maybe that is not what you meant?
  5. Yes, I have seen that. I just onder why it happens. If zooming in it really appears that the grafts are moving (are being puched?) away from these 'rivers'. But yes, it seems to be the way it is for most.
  6. I wonder what happened here. In the pics immediately after op the grafts looks very evenly distributed, but then here 3-4 days later, there are gaps likes broads rivers forming with no grafts. How come?
  7. Some have them on virtually all grafts and some on about half and some have few. Does anyone know what the norm is? Or whether its better to have them or not, or it makes little difference. For example, this patient has none on the front part and almost all on the back part. Why do they appear and why do they not appear in some patients?
  8. Good to know. I have a public appearance that I cannot get out of 12 days after my upcoming procedure...so im wondering what my options are.
  9. I know that everyone were told different things from their doctors. When were YOU told that you could start wearing a hat. Not a beanie, but just a hat?
  10. Yeah, so you did that after 30 days? I'm curious because it seems to have worked for you
  11. I felt like that for the first month. I'm quite sure it was mostly from reading all the horror stories that my mind played tricks on me. I was really considering stopping because hair would not at all be worth losing any libido or related aspects of life over. After I found out that 'things' works fine, then libido came back (mostly because I stopped worrying about it - and who can have libodo while thinking about finasteride and sides?) I started relaxing and since then there has been not a shadow of a side effect. I would even say that 'certain things' are working better than before starting finasteride. I think that if you can get past all the fear and doubt that your mind probably will try to convince you of if you have read the horror stories, then you will be fine. It is a tall order because I cannot think of another approved drug which keeps getting so much online negativity (perhaps the closest is covid19 vaccines which also were said to cause all kinds of things if the forums were to be believed). While I have not had any and I know lots of people who haven't I am also not saying that sides do not exist at all. I believe that a very small number of people indeed do experience sides - probably if their homone balance is already out of whack. Good luck.
  12. Why would under the chin have affected your appearance more than where you had it taken from?
  13. I guess usually beard is used in crown and sometimes midscalp. I cannot see that particularly where they are on the pics though.
  14. Which and how much do you take? If your meds are biotin, rogaine or something like that then that could be the issue. Or if your dose is too small.
  15. Great writeup and good luck. The before and after difference is already stunning. If you didn't do this you should have just shaved because it already looks much better, but of course this will work out and be even better yet. I will arrive myself in about a month and am also planning on staying some extra days until the final wash.
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