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Everything posted by Xanadu

  1. I was sure of the disadvantages of two session is for a long time still being bald with a moon - not a great look. So I was asking what disadvantages doing only one has - and you here answered that. That makes sense - cheers.
  2. As far as I understand yes you are correct.
  3. I understand and yes, you are correct.
  4. There are many other studies that include sides except the ones Merck submitted and the scie tific papers I know of (several) all mention sides 1-3% with one study mentioning 6% above controls. Since we can find studies for almost anything I won't ask you to show me a study that found sides to be common (since you say they are not rare), but i wonder how you can say they are not rare (I assume thst means most get them ei above 50%). There are millions around the world and in here taking fin with no mention able issues and yet you still cola m that sides is the norm or not rare? I have already linked a video from the heat restoration channel where e he summarizes the research and his own experiences with working with clinics and hairless sufferers all over the world for years and he says that sides are rare. The majority of the research, both Merck and later independent research finds that it's rare. I am certainly n ot denying that sides exist. It would be bad to so so because it flies in the face of science. However, it is equally bad and dimisinformstion to claim that it is Not rare when by far the majority of research finds that it is indeed rare (even if we discount the Merck studies).
  5. It's rare? That's where the problem is. People say 'Fin gives sides' and then in a separate sentence " but they are rare". No, fin does Not give sides, only to very few who are disposed towards gyno etc. Let's not try to word these things like they are more common than they are. Also, do we need another thread about fin and sides in a couple of days? Can pe ple really not see all the threads about it, and the hundreds if not thousa ds of YouTube videos about it, and every single hair clinic has a section about sides and on and on. Anyone seeing the amount of text about the sides can easily get the idea that they have to be lucky to avoid sides because apparently they are super common. Which they are not.
  6. Yeah, the photos of him look decent but when he combs his hair I got goosebumps...and I thought about you. I really hope you won't have such a result on midscalp/crown. And yes, some clinics have trouble with the black hole of the crown, but Eugenixs pride themselves of being one of the clinics who can handle the crown well, so it was sad to see this result.
  7. The recipient area looks a bit like the guy in this vid, but I hope you have much better result in the crown because it looks less than great. We have seen many good results from Eugenix so I'm not sure what went wrong here? The crown looks diffuse with few coarse beard hairs sticking up. I hope your result will be better mate.
  8. Research generally has found side effects in 1-3% of individuals (above the control group). Meanwhile many mention that there could be a nocepo effect happening in 10-15% in individuals who get scared on the drug. What does this mean? It means that people who go out of their way to create fear (under the guise of spreading information) are the part of a bigger problem than the actual medical side effect percentage. The conclusion from the Hair Transplant Channel (linked above) to these people is: "Shame on you". He might not be wrong....
  9. Fin gives higher Test because the whole mechanism of fin is that it stops some of the testosteron from being transformed into DHT. If less t is transformed, then there will be more left.
  10. In a way yes, but it's a dangerous argument to make. If a clinic hears critique they might first think "not good, we need to shape up and tighten the quality". Then someone says "all clinics have failures". The clinic reads that answer and thinks "phew, so now we can relax. No need to tighten up quality because all clinics have failures". I'm not sure that is what we should aim for.
  11. Would be good if someone can gather those examples in one post as links,
  12. I'm guessing that higher NWs might be able to stomach a little thin donor better t a lower NWS will accept
  13. That's fair and I understand your choice. Not sure if two sessions would have any advantages, but it definitely would have disadvantages - and still most do it that way.
  14. One thing I have been thinking about. And it doesn't only go for Eugenics. Sometimes for high norwoods they go with first the front and in a second session the crown. And sometimes (like for you) they do all at once. Do you have an idea what decides whether they do one or the other? And did they discuss those options with you?
  15. Looks like a great job. Looking forward to see how it turns out.
  16. Yes, earlier I just saw that they do it like that. Should be good. Good luck, and looking forward to your updates.
  17. If the hairline and density is good, and the donor looks good, then next we hope it will actually grow out after the ugly duckling stage. And how long time the grafts were outside the body from extraction to reinserting them again may be very important in determining if the hair will actually grow out again after the initially transplanted grafts fall out. That's why I asked you if you remember how long it took, or if they have a fixed max time it should be outside?
  18. I agree. Also, I was not too keen on getting a HT until it was almost so much gone that there was little to lose even if the results were not stellar. And even if all went wrong I could shave it all off and the only downside would hopefully be some small white spots on the back - which I would be fine with. If you think like that then imagine having SMP and shaving. you will have SMP in weird patterns and would have to either get it lasered off or get SMP all over. At least it's something to consider I guess.
  19. As many have said this was a great writeup, but one thing I didn't see in there is how long the grafts were outside before being reinserted? Do you have a sense of how long it took from starting the FUE to inserting them into the recipient area?
  20. There will be a thin rim and I guess if the scalp DHT resistant hairs are grown out they might be able to cover that (maybe with powder). I'm not sure it won't look good even if he gets off fin. What would you suggestion be? to 'just shave it bro'?
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